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1、Module 1 Book 5British and American Englishreading教案一、课程分析本部分是Module 1阅读部分的主要材料,介绍了英语和美语的区别, 既包含大量的信息又集中了许多有用的词汇和语言结构。通过引导学生进行两个国家英语语言异同的比较,有助于学生了解英美英语在词汇、语法、拼写和发音等方面的具体区别,从而学会辨认不同类别的英语,学会应用的道的英语。高中英语阅读课新授课。1.学习内容Module 1 British and American English Reading and speaking 2.学习重点英美英语在词汇、语法、拼写和发音等方面的具体

2、区别;部分知识点的理解及运用。3.学习难点长难句的改写和理解。二、学情分析所教班级班型为重点班,共76人,其中大部分同学的词汇量在两千以上,基本能够读懂、听懂与课本上的文章难易程度类似的文章。能用简单的英语表达自己的意思并进行交流。三、设计理念 1.通过课前给学生布置任务,锻炼学生的自主学习能力。2.“读前活动”可以激发学生对课文的兴趣,并活跃其思维,使其为阅读环节做好准备。3.在新课呈现过程中,通过自上而下的教学方法(top-down approach),帮助学生由整体到细节把握全文;通过由简到繁的设题理念,锻炼学生的查读(scanning)、略读(skimming)和细节理解的能力;通过任

3、务型的教学途径(task-based approach),调动学生的学习积极性,让他们主动参与到每一个环节中;通过小组讨论交流的方式,培育学生的合作学习能力并提高其语言交际能力;通过对部分知识点的讲解,让学生更充分地理解全文。4.借助练习巩固阶段,帮助学生更好地运用所学的知识点并对全文有更深层的理解。5.利用写作训练达到能力迁移的目的。四、学习目标1、认知目标语言知识:1)单词:accent, obvious, underground, subway, flashlight, queue, confusing, preposition, compare, omit, variety, diff

4、er, settler, remark, steadily, flick, switch, structure 2)词组:havein common; make a difference; get around; be similar to; have difficulty in (doing) sth.; lead to; on the other side of; at the flick of; turn on; make it easy forto do sth. 3)语音:能读出课文中不同话语的语音、语调,了解英美英语在语音方面的不同特点。语言技能:理解含有本模块所学词语和结构的句子

5、、段落并获取信息;理解本模块提供的和来自同学及其他有关英美英语比较的材料并获取信息。2、情感目标学会对英国英语、美国英语、澳大利亚英语甚至是世界各地的英语抱有一种开放和接受的态度。学习用英美英语的不同表达方式进行交谈,并通过对英美英语的对比,了解两种不同英语形成的原因。3、策略目标调控策略:利用本模块提供的语言材料锻炼略读和查读技能,加强对思维方向的自觉控制。资源策略:通过其他资源(特别是Internet)获取更多英语变化的信息。五、教学流程Step 1 Pre-class preparation (课前准备)1. Talk with your classmates over the diff

6、erences between American English and British English. If possible, they may get online to find more information.2. Try to understand the implied meaning of the following statements. You may turn to your classmates or the Internet for help when necessary.A. America and England are two countries divid

7、ed by a common language.- by George Bernard Shaw, 20thcentury writerB. It doesnt make much of a difference whether a teacher speaks British or American English.- by Dave Sperling, founder of Daves ESL CafeC. Within a century British and American English speakers will not be able to understand each o

8、ther.- by Henry Sweet, 19th century linguistD. We have really everything in common with America nowadays, except of course, language.- by Oscar Wilde, 19th century writerStep 2 Pre-reading (新课导入)1. Do you all speak Mandarin at school? If no, have you ever had difficulty in understanding each other w

9、hen you are from two different areas of Yantai? What do you think causes the difficulty?2. What do you know about the differences between American English and British English?点评:以学生的发展为本,符合学生认知水平,激发学生学习兴趣。Step 3 While-reading (新课呈现)Task One: Scan the text and choose the best answer.1. This passage i

10、s mainly about _.A. how the British brought English into the New World in the remote pastB. the difficulties that the tourists face when traveling in the two countriesC. the use of the worlds official language - EnglishD. the obvious differences between British and American English2. The two varieti

11、es are moving closer together because _.A. the two nations are becoming more friendlyB. American words and structures pass into British EnglishC. there are non-stop communications between the two nationsD. scientists have made communications much easier3. What is the writers attitude toward the diff

12、erences between languages?A. People from the same nation can understand each other however great the differences areB. Differences within a language are quite normal even in the same countryC. It is surprising that the same language has such great differencesD. The language differences will disappea

13、r点评:把课堂的时间还给学生,学生在课堂上自主学习。尤其是阅读,只有给学生时间,让学生充分阅读后,才有输出。Task Two: Skim the text and in pairs, discuss the answers.TitleTopicWords, words, wordsThe first and most _ difference between British English and American English is in the _. Chips or French fries?Sometimes the same words may have a slightly di

14、fferent _, which can be _.Have or have got?There are a few differences in _ as well.Colour or color?The other two areas in which the two varieties differ are _ and _.Turn on the TVThere may be _ varieties of English in the future.Task Three: In groups, discuss the answers. Read the text carefully an

15、d find examples of:1. an American word that British people dont use2. a British word that Americans dont use3. an American expression which British people dont use4. a word which has a different meaning on the other side of the Atlantic5. a difference on grammar6. a difference in spelling点评:任务二的两人活动和任务三的小组活动,充分发挥学生的主动性,培养学生发现问题、提出问题、分析问题、解决问题的能力。 Task Four: In groups, discuss and find the best answer.Read the text again and paraphrase the following sentences based on the context.1. The other two areas in which the two varieties differ are s


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