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1、2017-2015阅读理解7选5真题2017全国卷,10分 话题:野营 词数:288If anyone had told me three years ago that I would be spending most of my weekends camping, I would have laughed heartily. Campers, in my eyes, were people who enjoyed insect bites, ill-cooked meals, and uncomfortable sleeping bags. They had nothing in commo

2、n with me. 1 The friends who introduced me to camping thought that it meant to be a pioneer. 2 We slept in a tent, cooked over an open fire, and walked a long distance to take the shower and use the bathroom. This brief visit with Mother Nature cost me two days off from work, recovering from a bad c

3、ase of sunburn and the doctors bill for my sons food poisoning.I was, nevertheless, talked into going on another fun-filled holiday in the wilderness. 3 Instead, we had a pop-up camper with comfortable beds and an air conditioner. My nature-loving friends had remembered to bring all the necessities

4、of life. 4 We have done a lot of it since. Recently, we bought a twenty-eight-foot travel trailer complete with a bathroom and a built-in TV set. There is a separate bedroom, a modern kitchen with a refrigerator. The trailer even has matching carpet and curtains. 5 It must be true that sooner or lat

5、er, everyone finds his or her way back to nature. I recommend that you find your way in style.A. This time there was no tent.B. Things are going to be improved.C. The trip they took me on was a rough one.D. I was to learn a lot about camping since then, however.E. I must say that I have certainly co

6、me to enjoy camping.F. After the trip, my family became quite interested in camping.G. There was no shade as the trees were no more than 3 feet tall.2017全国卷,10分 话题:避免工作被打断的方法 词数:261Interruptions are one of the worst things to deal with while youre trying to get work done. 1 , there are several ways

7、to handle things. Lets take a look at them now. 2 . Tell the person youre sorry and explain that you have a million things to do and then ask if the two of you can talk at a different time.When people try to interrupt you, have set hours planned and let them know to come back during that time or tha

8、t youll find them then. 3 . It can help to eliminate(消除)future interruptions.When you need to talk to someone, dont do it in your own office. 4 , its much easier to excuse yourself to get back to your work than if you try to get someone out of your space even after explaining how busy you are.If you

9、 have a door to your office, make good use of it. 5 . If someone knocks and its not an important matter, excuse yourself and let the person know youre busy so they can get the hint(暗示)that when the door is closed, youre not to be disturbed.A. If youre busy, dont feel bad about saying noB. When you w

10、ant to avoid interruptions at workC. Set boundaries for yourself as far as your time goesD. If youre in the other persons office or in a public areaE. Its important that you let them know when youll be availableF. It might seem unkind to cut people short when they interrupt youG. Leave it open when

11、youre available to talk and close it when youre not2017全国卷,10分 话题:早起 词数:293 Lots of people find it hard to get up in the morning, and put the blame on the alarm clock. In fact, the key to easy morning wake-up lies in resetting your body clock. 1 Heres how to make one. 2 In order to make a change, yo

12、u need to decide why its important. Do you want to get up in time to have breakfast with your family, get in some exercise, or just be better prepared for your day? Once you are clear about your reasons, tell your family or roommates about the change you want to make.Rethink mornings. Now that you k

13、now why you want to wake up, consider re-arranging your morning activities. If you want time to have breakfast with your family, save some time the night before by setting out clothes, shoes, and bags. 3 Thats a quarter-hour more you could be sleeping if you bought a coffee maker with a timer.Keep y

14、our sleep/wake schedule on weekends. If youre tired out by Friday night, sleeping in on Saturday could sound wonderful. But compensating on the weekends actually feeds into your sleepiness the following week, a recent study found. 4 Keep a record and evaluate it weekly. Keep track of your efforts an

15、d write down how you feel. After youve tried a new method for a week, take a look at your record. 5 If not, take another look at other methods you could try.A. Get a sleep specialist. B. Find the right motivation.C. A better plan for sleep can help. D. And consider setting a second alarm.E. If the steps you take are working, keep it up.F. Stick to your set bedtime and wake-up time, no matter the day.G. Reconsider the 15 minutes you spend in line at the cafe to get coffee. 2016全国卷,



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