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1、英语国际音标教材快 乐 学 英 语从 这 里 北京平谷经纬专职家教中心2006 年 6 月 Unit 1/ i:/ 穿针引线长衣音 feel How are you feeling today?Agree Do you agree with me ?/ i/ 经典收小腹减肥 give She gives me a big headache.短衣音 little I feel a little sick today./ e / 小开口 45 度 help May I help you ?friend She is my best friend./ / 大张口夸张 90 度 happy I hav

2、e a very happy family.bad Thats too bad. be 是 30. sweet 甜的1. evening 傍晚 31. street 街道2. sea 海 32. green 绿色的3. tea 茶 33. piece 张. 片.4. eat 吃 34. believe 相信5. mean 意味 35. people 人们6. team 队 36. police 警察7. meat 肉 37. machine 机器8. east 东9. easy 容易的 A song10. cheap 便宜的11. speak 说话 Hello. Mary . Hello. P

3、eter.12. season 原因 How are you ? How are you ?clean 干净的 Im fine .Thank you. Im fine. Thank you.13. leave 离开 How are you? How are you ?14. see 看见15. free 自由16. tree 树17. feel 感觉18. beef 牛肉19. jeep 吉普车20. deep 深的21. keep 保持need 需要22. speed 速度23. indeed 真正的24. week 周25. asleep 睡着的26. agree 同意27. meet 遇

4、见Unit 2/ / 经典收小腹减肥 love I love money.急促短啊音 luckey Im just luckey./ a:/ 感叹祖国大好河山 after How about the day after tomorrow?超级美国大嘴音 hard What makes you work so hard?/ / 重读卷舌音 work Did it work?perfect Nobody is perfect./ / 轻读卷舌音经典 about Forget about it.收小腹放松鹅音 matter Whats the matter?/ i / 1. in 在.里 36. t

5、icket 票2. ink 墨水 37. trip 旅途3. if 如果 38. ship 船4. ill 生病的 39. life 生活5. kill 杀死 40. twin 双胞胎6. hill 小山 41. thin 瘦的7. still 仍然 42. think 想8. will 将要 43. drink 喝9. big 大的 44. city 城市10. dig 挖 45. swim 游泳11.bit 一点 46. which 哪个12. sit 坐 47. ring 铃声13. hit 击打 48. build 建造14. live 居住 49. milk 牛奶15. give 给

6、 50. sister 姐妹16. this 这个 51. river 河17. dish 盘子 52. visit 拜访18. fish 鱼 53. kilo 公斤19. rich 富有 54. begin 开始20. bridge 桥21. fridge 桥 A song22. village 村庄23. finish 完成 Are you Peter? Are you Peter?24. with 和.25. wish 希望 Yes, I am. Yes, I am.26. wind 风27. window 窗子 Are you in the gardon? Are you in the

7、 gardon?28. skin 皮肤29. skip 跳绳 No, I m not. No, Im not.30. kick 踢31. tick 挑剔32. pick 拣起33. thick 厚34. quick 快Unit 5/ / 疯狂舀水合口 hope I hope I can see you again.双元音 know I dont know what to do./ / 短乌集中 poor He is from a poor family.双元音 sure Are you sure you can do it?/ w / 圆唇突出 woman She is a wonderful

8、 woman.短我音 why Why did you do that?/ j / 双唇扁平 year He is twelve years old.短爷音 yesterday Where were you yesterday?/ ai/ 1. bike 自行车 A song2. like 喜欢3. life 生命 The more we get together.4. line 线 The more we get together . together. together. The more we get 5. kite 风筝 6. mine 我的 together. The happier

9、we ll be. For your friends are my 7. fine 好的 friends. And my friends are your friends. The more we get 8. nice 好的 together. The happier well be.9. ride 骑10.time 时间11.size 尺码12.knife 小刀13.wife 妻子14. side 边15.beside 在旁边16.desides 除了17.ice 冰18.quite 很19.tidy 整理20.by 由21.dry 干的22.fry 炸23.cry 哭24.eye 眼睛2

10、5.shy 害羞的26.buy 买27.fly 飞27.shy 害羞的28.tie 系29.die 死Unit 6 爆破音/ p / 气破双 problem No problem.唇音 popular He is a popular teacher./ b / busy Im very busy now.trouble He is in a lot of trouble./ t / 舌尖 today Today is a great day.齿龈 get Lets get together.弹气音/ d / kind What kind of job do you have?different Im different from my sister./ k / 气破 weak I feel a little weak today. 舌根 ask May I ask you a question?软颚音/ g / go Ive got to go now.big He is a big man in the company./ /1. bird 鸟 28. disturb 打断2. first 第一 29. return 归还3. shirt 男衬衫 30. thirsty 渴的4. skirt 女裙 31. Thursday 周四5. dirty 脏的


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