2019年高中英语 module 6 the tang poems section ⅱ introduction & reading — language points教案(含解析)外研版选修8

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2019年高中英语 module 6 the tang poems section ⅱ introduction & reading — language points教案(含解析)外研版选修8_第1页
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1、Section Introduction & Reading Language Points一、这样记单词记得准写得对记得快记得多.基础词汇 1.part v分手;分离2.dynasty n. 朝;代3.shadow n. 影子,阴影4.altitude n. 高度;海拔5.share v. 分享,共享6.realist n. 现实主义作家7.mental adj. 内心的;精神上的.拓展词汇1.acquaintance n相识的人;泛泛之交acquaint v相识,了解2.expansion n扩张expand v扩大,扩张;膨胀3.tolerant adj.宽容的;容忍的tolerance

2、 n宽容,忍耐tolerate v容忍;宽容;忍受4.specialist n专家special adj.特别的;特殊的5.advance n进步;进展advanced adj.先进的;高级的6.failure n失败者fail v失败7.corruption n腐败;堕落corrupt v使堕落;贿赂8.irregular adj.不规则的;无规律的regular adj.有规律的;规则的;定时的,经常的9.reflection n倒影;反映reflect v反映10.suffering n(肉体或精神上的)痛苦;苦难suffer v遭受(痛苦);蒙受1.part v分手;分离词块part

3、from 与分开2.dynasty n朝;代词块the Han Dynasty 汉朝3.shadow n影子,阴影联想shade n阴凉处比较shade表示“阴凉处”“树阴”,强调避热作用shadow强调人或物在光照下形成的影像4.altitude n高度;海拔联想height n. 高度形近attitude n. 态度5.share v分享,共享词块share with 同分享share among 在中分享share in 共同拥有(使用)6.realist n现实主义作家联想ist结尾的表示“主义者;家”environmentalist n. 环保主义者artist n. 艺术家scie

4、ntist n. 科学家7.mental adj.内心的;精神上的反义physical adj. 身体的词块mental labour 脑力劳动mental health 心理健康 mental and physical health 身心健康8.failure n失败者串记He studied harder because he had failed.So he was not a failure.9.acquaintance n相识的人;泛泛之交串记Are you acquainted with the famous actor? I have been looking forward t

5、o making the acquaintance of him, but I dont have the chance.二、这样记短语记牢固定短语多积常用词块1.as far as远至;就而言2.part from 与分离3.hand in hand 齐头并进;联合;联手4.think of . as . 把看作5.take hold of 抓住1.golden age 黄金时代2.at the same time 同时3.cultural development 文化发展4.technological progress 技术进步5.scientific knowledge 科学知识三、这样

6、记句式先背熟再悟通后仿用1.It was only in the 11th century that his poetic genius was recognised.直到11世纪他在诗歌创作上的天赋才被认可。本句用了强调句型,强调了时间状语。It_was_when_he_came_home_that the electricity went off. 正是他回到家的时候停电了。2.The two men met in 744, and although very different, they became friends.这两人(杜甫和李白)于744年相识,尽管风格迥异,两人仍然成了好朋友

7、。although very different是省略句。Although_poor,_the man was very happy. 这个人虽然穷,但很快乐。3.It is said that he drowned when he fell into a river while trying to take hold of the reflection of the Moon.据说他在试图捉月亮的影子时掉进江里溺水身亡。It is said that . “据说”,it是形式主语,that从句是真正的主语。It_is_said_that eating fish helps develop t

8、he memory. 据说吃鱼有助于增强记忆力。1(教材P71)Who do you think the poets “friend” is? A close friend or an acquaintance?你认为诗人的“朋友”是谁?亲密的朋友还是泛泛之交? acquaintance nC相识的人;泛泛之交;熟人U熟悉,了解(1)make ones acquaintance/make the acquaintance of sb. 结识某人have (no) acquaintance with .对(不)了解have a passing/nodding acquaintance with

9、与某人有点头之交;对某事所知甚少(2)acquaint vt. 使相识;使了解acquaint oneself/sb. with 使熟悉,了解be acquainted with sb./sth. 认识某人/某物While travelling I made the acquaintance of many interesting people. 旅行时我认识了很多有趣的人。I have a nodding acquaintance with him.我跟他只是点头之交。She has been helping me since she was_acquainted (acquaint) wi

10、th me. 自从她认识我起,一直在帮助我。2(教材P72)Trade with foreign countries created a tolerant and cosmopolitan culture.与外国人之间的贸易促成了宽容和包罗万象的文化。tolerant adj.宽容的;容忍的;忍受的(1)be tolerant of/towards/to对能容忍,宽容be tolerant of sth. 对(药物)有耐受性,(生物对不利环境)有耐性(2)tolerate v. 忍受,容忍,宽恕tolerance n. 容忍,忍耐力You are tolerant of others so t

11、hat they will be tolerant in turn. 你容让别人,别人也会容让你。It is a tree tolerant of atmospheric pollution, making it ideal for urban areas. 这是一种能忍耐大气污染的树,很适合在城市地区种植。Human beings have limited tolerance (tolerate) of noise. 人类对噪声的忍耐力有限。联想发散除了tolerate外,其他表示“容忍,忍受”的动词及短语还有:stand, bear, put up with 等。3(教材P72)The i

12、nvention of printing about this time meant that knowledge could be recorded and shared as never before. 约发明于此时的印刷术意味着知识记载和分享得以实现,这是史无前例的。share v分享,共享;共用,合用;分担;分配 n一份;股份share (sth.) with sb.和某人分享/共用()share sth.(out) between/among . 将分给share joys/happiness and sorrows (with sb.) (和某人)同甘共苦share (in) st

13、h. with sb. 与某人共同承担Everyone must accept their share of the blame.每个人都必须承担自己的那份责任。He shares joys and sorrows with his employees.他和员工同甘共苦。They share the housework equally between/among them. 他们平等分担家务。4(教材P73)But during his lifetime he never became famous; in fact, he thought of himself as a failure.但在

14、有生之年他一直没有成名;事实上他认为自己是一个失败者。failure nC失败者,失败的事情 U失败fail v 失败fail to do sth. 未能做某事,做某事失败/未成功fail in 失败,未能做到fail sb. 使某人失望Failure is the mother of success.谚失败是成功之母。He failed in attempt at climbing up the mountain. 他企图爬上这座山,却失败了。He failed to_pass (pass) the examination through carelessness.由于粗心,他考试不及格。名师点津failure既可作不可数名词,表示抽象概念,也可作可数名词,表示“失败的人或事”。类似用法的名词还有:success 成功a success 一个成功的人或一件成功的事danger 危险a danger 一个危险的人或一件危险的事help 帮助a help 一个帮手/助手surprise 吃惊a surprise 一件使人


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