三年级英语下册 unit 4 where is my car part c同步练习1(答案不全) 人教pep版

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1、Unit 4-Part C-习题一、英汉互译1.椅子_ 2.帽子_ 3.房间_ 4.床_ 5.沙发_6.在哪里_ 7.在上_ 8.在下_ 9.在里面_ 10.书桌_ 11. 数学_ 12. 思考_ 13.飞机模型_14.录音带_ 15.地板_ 16. video tape_ 17. 在沙发上 _18. 在桌子下 _19. 在书柜里 _20. 我不知道 _21. a set of keys _ 22. on the desk _23 in the backpack _24. 我们的_25. 她的数学书_26. 电子游戏_二、词汇考查。 1. Wheres the _table_(桌子)? Its

2、 in the backpack.2. Are her _keys_ (key) on the table?3. They are in _my_ (I) backpack. 4. The book is _in_ my _schoolbag_(在我的书包里). 5. Our English teacher _is_ _in_ that room. (在那个房间里)6. Your notebooks _are_ _under _the desk. (在书桌下面)7. Are they _in_ the _room_? (在房间里吗)三、单选。( A )1. The kite is _ the

3、tree.A. in B. on C. between D. to( B )2. His backpack _ the chair.A. cant in B. isnt on C. is for D. arent on( C )4. _ is my pencil? Its here.A. What B. How C. Where D. When( B )5. _ your hats behind the door? A. Is B. Are C. Am D. Can(C )6.Where are my pens?_ .A Its on the table. B. Yes, they are.

4、C. They are on the table. C. No, they arent.( A )7.My home is Shanghai.A. in B. to C. of D. for(A )8.Are those CDs on the sofa? A. No, they arent B. No, it isnt. C. Yes, those are D. Yes, it is ( D )9 Your backpack is nice. .A. OK B. Yes, it is C. No, it isnt D. Thank you( A )10.Jim, Wheres my baseb

5、all? _ . A. Sorry, I dont know B. Yes, I do C. No, I dont D.I know it四、 词的适当形式填空。1. These are (be) my Chinese books.2. Lily and Lucy are (be) her cousins.3. Are these photos (photo) of Lindas family?4. What are these in English? Theyre watches (watch).5. Here is (be) a card for you.6. Theyre good bo

6、ys (boy).7.I have many(许多) friends (friend) here.9. Thats his (he) son.10. I dont know (not know) your father.五、完形填空。 This is 1 photo 2 my room. Can you see my bed? It is here. It is nice. These 3 my books .They are 4 . My dictionary 5 on a chair. Look! Whats that? Its 6 . What color are 7 ? Do you

7、know? 8 green. Its 9 the floor. My backpack 10 under the bed. I like my room!( ) 1. A. a B. an C. / D. my a ( ) 2. A. to B. in C. of D. at( ) 3. A. is B. am C. be D. are( ) 4. A. on desk B. on a desk C. on the desk D. under the desk ( ) 5. A. am B. is C. are D. arent( ) 6. A. a plant B. plant C. the plant D. a plants( ) 7. A. these B. those C. they D. it ( ) 8. A. Its B. Shes C. Hes D. Theyre( ) 9. A. to B. under C. in D. on( ) 10. A. dont B. are C. is D. am六、书面表达。按如下题意写一篇不少于50字的文章 这是Jim的房间,里面有一个床、一个书桌、一把椅子,书桌上有一个书包和一本书,一个足球在椅子下面,床上面有一件夹克衫,墙壁上面还挂有一个时钟。 _4



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