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1、大数据及智能物流物联网,什么是大数据?,具有4V特性的数据: Volume(巨大的数据量): Variety(数据类型多): 文本/图片/视频 等非结构化/半结构化数据 Velocity(处理速度快): 要求系统在短时间内做出反应 Value(价值密度低): 单条数据无价值,无用数据多,综合价值大,3亿用户,每天上亿条微博.,巡天望远镜,已收集140兆兆字节数据,2015年全球移动终端产生的数据量6300PB,案例 两年半前海地地震,海地人散落在全国各地,援助人员为弄清该去哪里援助手忙脚乱。传统上,他们只能通过飞往灾区上空来查找需要援助的人群。 一些研究人员采取了一种不同的做法:他们开始跟踪海


3、就能给商家带来巨大的利益。 举一个简单的例子:,商家,针对性地给客户提供,广告与优惠信息,消费服务,大数据的意义-为每位用户量身打造,用户在线的每一次点击,每一次评论,每一个视频点播,就是大数据的典型来源。互联网企业之所以取得令人瞩目的成绩,其核心的本质就是包括用户网络操作的大数据,进行记录和分析,比用户自己更了解用户,从而洞悉用户的潜在的、真实的需求,形成预判。这是传统企业花费重金都难以企及的梦想。,大数据-现状,2012年各行业大数据市场规模,2012年政府、互联网、电信、金融的大数据市场规模较大,四个行业将占据一半市场份额。 由于各个行业都存在大数据应用需求,潜在市场空间非常可观。,20

4、11年是中国大数据市场元年,一些大数据产品已经推出,部分行业也有大数据应用案例的产生。2012年-2016年,将迎来大数据市场的飞速发展。 2012年中国大数据市场规模将达到4.7亿元,2013年大数据市场将迎来增速为138.3%的飞跃,到2016年,整个市场规模逼近百亿。,大数据-国外已经投资应用,美国国务院采用大数据技术开发新的美国护照系统。,IBM宣布投资1亿美元用于大数据研究;,美国IT公司开始意识到大数据技术能够为公司创造价值;,大数据公司引入汽车行业高管人员扩展营销业务;,大数据-问题,大数据技术将被设计用于在成本可承受(economically)的条件下,通过非常快速(veloc

5、ity)的采集、发现和分析,从大量化(volumes)、多类别(variety)的数据中提取价值(value),将是IT 领域新一代的技术与架构,什么技术是Big大数据技术Data技术,大数据前景-互联网,互联网行业拥抱大数据的关键因素,互联网行业对数据实时分析要求较高,例如广告监测、B2C业务,往往要求在数秒内返回上亿行数据的分析,从而达到不影响用户体验和快速准确营销的目的。 目前互联网企业面对大数据,会普遍感觉到实时分析能力差、海量数据处理效率低、缺少分析方法、分析软件能力差等问题。,互联网行业大数据分析面临的主要问题,互联网大数据技术的应用,会首先带动社会化媒体、电子商务的快速发展,其他

6、的互联网分支也会紧追其后,整个行业在大数据的推动下将会蓬勃发展。,大我的近期研究: 智能文本分析支持的金融风险预警系统行信用卡中心),13,14,2,1,互联网行业大数据主要应用在社交和网购方面,结合位置数据、消费数据进行实时营销信息推送是电信行业大数据应用主要场景,3,金融行业大数据应用场景主要集中在投资方面,4,制造行业具有多环节、多地域特色,各个环节的优化是制造行业最关注的大数据应用场景,大数据应用领域,智能物流物联网,Industry-level transformation to new logistics (新型物流产业转型):e-commerce based logistics

7、information integration across industries to reduce national logistics cost (GDPs 18% in China v.s. 9% in US) Firm-level information sharing: inter-firm ERP interface to reduce the rate of empty returns Problems still unsolved: High cost of logistics information sharing and integration: especially i

8、nter-firm ERP transactions (due to incompatibility) High cost of infrastructure-dependent logistics technologies and operations (due to inflexibility),2019/8/26,15,Our approach Internet of Logistics Things (IoLT),Logistics things (e.g., containers, transport vehicles, warehouses, etc.) are “inter-ne

9、tted” with a mission-based intelligent moving device (called “transportable warehouse”; TW) which we build as a basic unit of the IoLT technology Each TW is intellectualized with an intelligent I.D. and a mission-based ERP system,2019/8/26,16,Internet of Logistics Things (IoLT),Mission-based TW ERP

10、and dynamic integration For each logistics mission, a specific TW ERP is virtually created The TW ERP obtains and integrates information relevant to the mission from all possible related parties. Based on the consolidated information, the TW ERP finds the best supply chain and logistics routes to ac

11、hieve the mission Once the mission is completed, the TW can be reset for further missions. Information sharing can be decentralized and individualized: Higher efficiency and saving cost New business models, organizations and applications,2019/8/26,17,Core Challenges and Problems,4PL operations:Inter

12、-stage coordination and management of 5-stage supply chain, with general applicability to a wide range of applications and situations Inter-firm ERP information system: Inter-stage supply chain information technology yet to be developed,2019/8/26,18,Proposal,An information system for border-crossing

13、 trade logistics, with following highlights: Mission-oriented IoLT logistics information system: Mission-oriented information integration for Raton MESCF Optimization Model Raton implementation Services integration for Raton Prototype system development and implementation for Raton Local devices and

14、 sub-systems for trade logistics service Information services that interconnects with Internet of Things (IoT), without interfering current business operations,2019/8/26,19,The Business Process of IoLT,2019/8/26,20,Information Layer,Physical Transportation Layer,Supplier ERP,Logistics Company ERP,Re

15、tailer ERP/ Customer ERP, ,Customs System,Warehouse Management System,Supplier,Logistics Company,Retailer/ Customer, ,Customs,Warehouse,IoLT-Cloud,Communication management: control and manage the communication with IoLT-Pad, including identification of communication protocols, data encryption and de

16、cryption functions Data and information management Cloud storage for logistics data and information and transport factors (including the object of traffic, transport, infrastructure, transportation goals, etc.) The integration and sharing of transport information and resources The cloud platform to integrate logistics information and services Open platform for developing and publishing logistics apps and services,2019/8/26,21,H. Wang - 22,谢谢,希望今后有机会



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