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1、suggestopedia,08L1301304 王海迪,I am You are He/she/it is They are,Me us You You Him they Her it,Peripheral Learning,Classroom set-up,Materials (including props),Hat,Bag,Lengthy handout,Mask,Rhyme instrument,Classical painting,Origin,Originator: in the 1970s by Georgi Lozanov, a Bulgarian psychiatrist-

2、educator (保加利亚的精神科医师和教育家 ) An affective-humanistic approach (respect for learners feelings): derived from Suggestology Suggestology: science concerned with the systematic study of the non-rational and non-conscious influences that human beings are constantly responding to; involving loading the memo

3、ry banks with desired and facilitating memories,Fine arts,Principles,(1) Most learning takes place in a relaxed but focused state so attentiveness can be manipulated to optimize learning and recall. (2) The emphasis on memorization of vocabulary pairsa target language item and its native language tr

4、anslationsuggests a view of language in which lexis is central and in which lexical translation rather than contextualization is stressed,(3) Six principal components through which desuggestion and suggestion operate Authority: people remember best and are most influenced by information coming from

5、an authoritative source Infantilization(幼儿化): a teacher-students relation is like that of parent to child; learners take part in role playing, games, songs and gymnastic exercises that help the older students regain the self-confidence, spontaneity and receptivity of the child.,Double-plannedness(双重

6、影响) (involving both hemispheres of the brain (analysis + synthesis) & using both the conscious and unconscious mind): the learner learns not only from the effect of direct instruction but from the environment in which the instruction takes place,Intonation, rhythm and concert pseudo-passiveness(上课时应

7、该变换语调,说话节奏,以避免枯燥,并使课程内容更富戏剧效果): Varying the tone and rhythm of presented material helps both to avoid boredom through monotony of repetition and to dramatize, emotionalize, and give meaning to linguistic material. Both intonation and rhythm are coordinated with a musical background. The musical back

8、ground helps to induce a relaxed attitude, concert pseudo-passiveness in which anxieties and tension are relieved and power of concentration for new material is raised.,(4)Teaching goal 在短期內培養學生進階級的字彙和會話能力,Characteristics,(1) The students with a new identity and personal information (2) The decorati

9、on, furniture, and arrangement of the classroom, the use of music, and the authoritative behavior of the teacher to create an optimal learning environment (3) Teachers trained to read dialogues in a special way of using voice quality, intonation, and timing to deliver advanced conversational profici

10、ency quickly and have students understand and create solutions of problems,(4) The centrality of music and musical rhythm to learning - Three functions of music in therapy by Gaston in 1968 (i) to facilitate the establishment and maintenance of personal relations (ii) to bring out increased self-est

11、eem through increased self-satisfaction in musical performance (iii) to use the unique potential of rhythm to energize and bring order (Lozanov calls upon in his use of music to relax learners as well as to structure, pace and punctuate the presentation of linguistic material),(B) The type of music:

12、 First concert (active concert): Music is played; then the teacher begins a slow, dramatic reading, synchronized in intonation with the music after a few minutes when students are reading the dialogue. (the early Romantic period) Second concert (passive concert): Students put their scripts aside; th

13、e teacher reads the dialogue at a normal rate of speed e.g. pre-Classical or Baroque,Syllabus,(1) a course lasts 30 days and consists of ten units of study; classes are held four hours a day, six days a week (2) each unit is a dialogue about 1200 words with a vocabulary lest and grammatical commenta

14、ry (3) activities: imitation, question and answer and role play, listening activities in pre-session phase (on the first day of a new unit with three readings where the students first look at and discuss a new text with the teacher, then they lean back in their chairs listening to the teacher read t

15、he text in a certain way and finally the material is acted out by the instructor in a dramatic manner over a background of the special musical),依照字彙、文法程度來設計,每個單元約為一篇有1000字的對話,用三天的時間上完(第一天上半天、第二天上整天、第三天再上半天)。第一天由教師來說明 對話內容,學生則專心聆聽,並參考對話的翻譯對照表。第二天請學生唸課文、提出問題,第三天教師必須鼓勵學生將內容統整後自創新的對話內容。,Influence,(1) fi

16、ne arts to relax learners (2) emphasis of keeping students privacy and dealing with their feelings (3) contexualized dialogues that are culturally based for developing functional proficiency through role- plays and other interactive activities (4) an interest in the development of accuracy, as explanations are provided for grammatical structures learned,Drawbacks,questionable results from Suggestopedia of Lozanovs experiment data (2) lack of practicality (3) t


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