四年级英语上册 unit 4 animals at the zoo lessson32练习 冀教版(三起)

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1、Lesson 32:Again, Please!一、看一看,给下列单词排排队(12分)。elephant tiger mountain behind kangaroowolf rock tree monkey insideoutside in front of forest river1.虎狼袋鼠猴子大象_2.石头树山森林河流_3.外面前面里面后面_二、找单词(16分)。daknoolzemutigeriewomizgraobinelephantgkirbgiraffegsresnakeynpandasspampnmeymuatsptbifkawoxeteqaplys_三、选出正确的答案(12

2、分)。()1.Where does a fish live?A.In a forest.B.In a tree.C.In a river.D.In a hole.()2.Can a camel swim?A.No,fish swim.B.Yes,it can.C.No,a tiger has stripes.D.No,the lion big.()3.Is the lion small?A.Yes,the lion small.B.No,fish swim.C.No,a rabbit has long ears.D.No,the lionis big.()4.What has a pouch?

3、A.Kangaroo.B.Donkey.C.Lion.D.Tiger.()5.This animal has feather and four long legs.What is it?A.Panda.B.Ostrich.C.Monkey.D.Wolf.()6.This animal has a long tail and shot ears.What is it?A.Ostrich.B.Camel.C.Panda.D.Monkey.四、根据要求写单词(10分)。1.What animals names tarts with“o”?_2.What animals name starts wit

4、h“p”?_3.What animals name starts with“w”?_4.What animals name starts with“m”?_答案:一、1.tigerwolfkangaroomonkeyelephant2.rocktreemountainforestriver3.outsideinfrontofinsidebehind二、elephant giraffe lion monkey panda snake tiger zebra三、1.C2.A3.D4.A5.B6.D四、1.Ostrichs name starts with“o”.2.Pig and pandas name start with“o”.3.Wolfs name starts with“w”.4.Mouse and monkeys name start with“o”.评分标准:第一大题每小题4分,第二大题每找出一个单词得2分,第三大题每小题2分,第四大题每小题2.5分。打分方式如下:110分:理解很困难或完全不能学懂的学生。1120分:能掌握一些单词并能通过一些非语言动作表达意思的学生。2130分:能够理解并掌握三分之二内容的学生。3140分:能够理解并掌握百分之八十内容的学生。4150分:能够理解并掌握百分之九十或更多内容的学生。3



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