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1、必修3Module 2:语言知识运用与写作.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。My sister-in-law Julie was visiting,and we wanted to get together with our nephew Kirk who lives and teaches in Brooklyn.We arranged at a 1 in the downtown to meet for dinner,2 for everyone by subway.It was a3

2、 enough place,and we had to wait 15 minutes for everybody to 4.The food was excellent and the waitress,a young woman,was 5 and knew just what to 6 on the menu.We talked and ate and talked more.Nobody made an 7 to hurry us out,although it was a Sunday night and 8 somebody would be waiting.The bill ca

3、me.I gave the waitress my credit card.The bill came back.I 9 it and left it at the table.Then we got up and headed out the 10.Outside we said goodbye to Kirk and 11 to the subway.We had gone almost two blocks when I 12 someone running after us,calling,“Excuse me,Sir.” I turned around.It was the 13 f

4、rom the restaurant.“You left your credit card,” she said and 14 it to me.I didnt even have 15 to say anything before she was already hurrying back to the busy restaurant.I was 16 to consider her amazing kindness and enthusiasm.She could have so easily given the 17 to the hostess and let me 18 where

5、I left it.But she didnt.She saw it,19 it up and ran out of the door to find me.Whenever you see something that has gone 20 you can certainly do all you can to make it right.【语篇导读】本文是记叙文。作者有一次去一家餐馆就餐,受到了女服务员的热情接待。后来由于不小心把信用卡落在了该餐馆,那位服务员追了两条街后把卡送回到了作者手中。作者想告诉人们,发现错误,就要马上帮助别人纠正错误,不要等待。1.A.restaurantB.c

6、afeC.stationD.school答案A解析根据第四段可知,那是一家吃饭的餐馆。故选A项。2.A.naturalB.satisfactoryC.convenientD.successful答案C解析之所以选择那家餐馆,是因为大家乘地铁去那儿聚会都很“方便(convenient)”。故选C项。3.A.contentB.busyC.popularD.familar答案B解析根据第五段第一句中的busy可知,那家餐馆生意很好,是一家很“繁忙的(busy)”餐馆。故选B项。4.A.give up B.show upC.take offD.set off答案B解析根据第一段可知,大家所乘地铁线路不

7、同。由于是约会,三个人不一定会同时到,通过联系,作者知道三个人都“现身到齐(show up)”还需要15分钟。故选B项。5.A.friendlyB.beautifulC.generousD.active答案A解析这家餐馆生意好,服务肯定好;再结合下文的描述可知,那里的服务员一定是非常“友好的(friendly)”。故选A项。6.A.recommendB.orderC.consumeD.demand答案A解析作为服务员,她只能根据菜单和客人的喜好来“推荐(recommend)”。故选A项。7.A.offerB.effortC.excuseD.option答案B解析既然生意火爆,来吃饭的人就很多。

8、但是作者三人吃着、谈着,应该是拖了很长时间,可是没有人来催他们走。此处主要是描写餐馆和服务员的友好。短语make an effort to do sth“努力做某事”。故选B项。8.A.probablyB.deliberatelyC.particularlyD.surely答案D解析餐馆本身生意好,又恰逢星期天,外面有人等着桌子吃饭,这一点是可以“肯定地(surely)”。故选D项。9.A.paidB.wroteC.signedD.signaled答案C解析注意文化差异。中国人大多会是付现金或者电子付款,对于外国人来说,他们喜欢用信用卡。首先来了账单,作者看完账单后把自己的信用卡交给服务员去柜




12、竟卡落到哪里了。故选C项。19.A.pickedB.opened C.lookedD.filled答案A解析此处是saw,picked,ran连续的三个动作。服务员见到了卡,拿起卡,马上就跑出去追赶。故选A项。20.A.specialB.wrongC.normallyD.well答案B解析根据下文的make it right“纠正”可知,此处表示发现某事“出错(wrong)”了。故选B项。.语篇填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。My dad is an enthusiastic(狂热的) runner who 21.

13、(great) influenced me when I was young.So I was very sporty before the age of 14.However,when my family moved,my new school didnt pay much attention 22. sports and had no after-school activities like football or running.Over the next few years,I stopped exercising apart from during Physical Educatio

14、n lessons at school.It looked like I was 23. (health); however,I was not.One day,I was late for a bus.I tried to run after it and in less than a minute I was out of breath!This made me realize how unfit I was.24. (help) myself get in shape again,I made a 25. (decide) that I would take up a kind of s

15、port.A friend of 26. (I) suggested a swimming pool close to my house 27. she goes to a few times a week.Now,Im a swimming lover!I find swimming in the pool very 28. (relax).I swim for an hour three times a week.I hope 29. I will soon start to feel the benefits of regular exercise,and will become 30. (fit) than before.答案与解析21.greatly考查副词。设空处做状语修饰influenced,故填greatly。22.to考查介词。pay attention to.意为“重视”。23.healthy考查形容词做表语的用法。设空处做表语,表示“健康的”,故填hea


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