八年级上册英语unit 2单词讲解

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1、Unit 1复习 请默写下列单词和短语, 完成相应的练习。1. 相当多:_+可数名词复数 2. 的大多数:_ of 3. Tom did nothing last night.(改为同义句)= Tom _ _ _ last night.4. Please come in, children! Help _ to some apples. A. you B. your C. yourself D. yourselves5. It seemed that my father drove his car to work.(改为同义句) My father _ _ _ his car to work.

2、6. 我在任何地方都找不到我的英语书。 I couldnt find my English book _.7. 刚才我们决定去上海。 We _ _ _ to Shanghai just now.8. My brother tried his best _(learn) English well last year.9. Linda felt like _(swim) in the pool last summer.10. 我想知道你刚才去哪了。I _ where you went just now.11. There are two _(different) between the two p

3、ictures.12. 因为坏天气:_ _ the bad weather13. 在山顶上: At _ _ _ the mountain14. 这个男孩不够大还不能去上学。The boy isnt _ _ to go to school.=The boy is _ young _ go to school.=The boy is _ young _ he cant go to school.15. Tom didnt like watching TV last year. (改为同义句) Tom _ _TV last year.16. I can learn something importa

4、nt in the museum. (改为否定句) I _ learn _ important in the museum.17. Did you read _ in this mornings newspaper? A. something useful B. useful something C. useful anything D. anything useful18. How did you feel about the trip?(改为同义句) _ did you _ _ the trip?19. My classmates told me to keep _(go). 20. 好久

5、不见。 _ _ _ _.Unit 2 _ _ do you exercise? (你多久锻炼一回?)I exercise _ _. (我每天都锻炼。)重点特殊疑问词: How often 对做事情的频率提问,意思是:多久一次 又如:. _ _ do you watch TV? (你多久看一次电视?) _ _ does your mother _ _? (你的妈妈多久购物一次?)单词讲解:1. 家务劳动,家务活:_ (不可数名词,区别: homework 家庭作业 ) 短语:做些家务:do some housework = do chores2. 几乎不,几乎没有(表示否定的频率副词):_ (注

6、意:意思上和hard 没有任何联系) 例句:我的哥哥几乎不看电视。 My brother _ watches TV. 例题:Tom hardly plays computer games on weekends. (对划线部分提问) _ _ does Tom play computer games on weekends?3. 在任何时候,从来,曾经: _ 例句:我曾经去过上海。 I have _ been to Shanghai. 你曾经看过这部电影吗?Have you _ seen the movie?4. 几乎从不(短语):_= hardly 例句: I hardly ever eat

7、junk food. (我几乎不吃垃圾食品。)= I hardly eat junk food.5. 一次:_ 一周一次: once a week 一个月一次:_ 一年一次:_ 例题: My father goes to Beijing once a week. (对划线部分提问) _ _ does your father go to Beijing?6. 两次,两倍:_ 一周两次:twice a week 一个月两次:_ 一年两次:_ 例题: My brother goes to the movies twice a month. (对划线部分提问) _ _ does your brothe

8、r go to the movies? 补充:三次或三次以上用英语怎么说? 记住用 time 来表达,在这里 time 不再是“时间”的意思,是“次数”的意思,当时间用是不可数,当次数用是可数的-times。 三次: three times 四次: four times 五次: five times . 例句:我的弟弟一周要看三四次电视。 My brother watches TV three _ four _ a week.7. 互联网,因特网:_ 使用因特网(上网):_ the _8. 节目: _ 电视节目: _= TV shows9. 满的,充满的:_ 我吃饱了。 Im _. 短语: b

9、e full of.用.填满 例句: 这个篮子里盛满了鸡蛋。 The basket _ _ _ eggs.10. 摇动,秋千:_-_(过去时) 11. 摇摆舞:_12. 大概,或许,可能:_ (一般放在句首)-区别:may be 可能是 (要放在句中间) 例句:或许你是对的。 _ you are right. = You _ _ right. (你可能是对的。)13. 最小,最少:_ ( little 的最高级,其比较级是:less 更少,更小)14. 至少,不少于(短语):_ 例句:我们学校至少有2000名学生。 There are _ _ 2000 students in our scho

10、ol.15. 垃圾食物:_ (不可数)16. 咖啡:_(不可数) 17. 健康(名词):_-健康的(形容词):_ 保持健康:_ _ = be in good _18. 结果:_ 19. 百分之:_ 100 percent= 100%20. 在线上:_ 上网: go online 21. 电视机:_= TV22. 虽然,尽管:_=(though) (注意:不能和 but 连用) 例题:_Mr. Smith was ill(病了), _ he still went to work. A. Although, but B. But, although C. Although, / D. /, alt

11、hough23. 以,凭借,穿过:_ (强调从内部中间穿过:across 强调从表面穿过) 例句:你可以穿过公园到学校。 You can go _ the park to school.你可以穿过马路到邮局。You can go _ the road to the post office.24. 头脑,心智,介意:_ 当介意用构成: mind +doing 介意做某事 例题:Would you mind _ the windows, its too hot in the room. A. open B. opens C. opening D. opened25. 身体:_26. 这样的,如此的:_ such + a/an + adj.(形容词)+名词(单数) 如此一个. 例句:Tom 是如此聪明的一个男孩。 Tom is _ a _ boy. 可以和 so 改写: so + adj. + a/an + 名词=Tom is so _ a boy.27. 例如(短语):_ 例句:我们有很多科目,例如:语文、数学、英语等等。 We have many subjects, _ _ Chinese, math, English and so on.28. 在一起:_ 让我们一起唱歌吧! Le



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