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1、,C,1.Etymology 2.History 3.Factory 4.Origin 5.Varieties 6.Brand 7.Story 8.Effect,Etymology,The Nahuatl word “xocolatl” “xococ“ means sour or bitter “atl“ means water or drink It originates in Mexicos Aztec cuisine.,History,The earliest record: about 1100 to 1400 BC a beverage a source of fermentable

2、 sugars The earliest chocolate: a bitter, spicy drink with vanilla, chili pepper, and achiote,History,Popular: in the 16th century, throughout the European continent Revolution: in the 1700s mechanical mills hard, durable chocolate The first modern chocolate bar: in 1847 chocolate in its solid form,

3、世界十大巧克力工厂,瑞士Broc-Gruyre的Maison Cailler,瑞士日内瓦的Stettler Chocolate Factory,瑞士苏黎世的Confiserie Sprngli,纽约布鲁克林的Mast Brothers Chocolate,佛蒙特州伯灵顿的Lake Champlain Chocolates,旧金山的TCHO,西雅图的Theo Chocolates,澳大利亚阿德莱德的Haighs Chocolates,意大利佩鲁贾的PeruginaTour and Chocolate School,比利时Cte Dor的Museum Temple of Chocolate,All

4、 about CHOCOLATE,意大利巴拉荻和米兰诺(BarattiMilano)商店:原料为美国和非洲的可可豆 。产品种类包括:吉安杜佳巧克力,奶油(Cremeni)巧克力,外国富豪(Milord) 巧克力盒,玫德格里阿特(Medagliato)巧克力和复活节巧克力蛋。 西班牙帕斯卡布丁巧克力(Pascualchocolatepudding)。奥地利莫扎特(m ozart)巧克力:纯手工制造,放在室温下极易溶化,滋味甜美,浓香馥郁。 日本的明治雪吻巧克力:日本巧克力中品质很不错的一款,口感很不错,松软 香滑,跟“德菲丝”的感觉差不多。 澳大利亚PATONS巧克力:口味跟FERRERO(费列

5、罗)的MONCHERI(蒙雪丽) 差不多。外层的巧克力可可脂含量21,内含一整颗榛子仁。,德国rittersport巧克力:共有15种口味,包括:蛋白杏仁、巧克力、葡萄榛子、朗 姆酒味、阿尔卑斯等。 德国storckriesen太妃巧克力:可可脂含量:30,外层是黑巧克力外衣,里 层是巧克力涂层,最里面是巧克力太妃入口滑腻,不甜不腻。 瑞士Lindt瑞士莲巧克力:生产出了世界首块入口即能溶化的巧克力,种类繁多 ,主要可分为:排装、薄片装、宝钻浓情系列、夏威夷果仁、薄荷等等。 比利时Leonidas巧克力:唯一的鲜巧克力,每一粒LEONIDASPRALINES从出品 到您亲自入口品尝均绝对不超过

6、4周。口味有:鲜奶油、居家奶油、奶油利口酒、可 可、威士忌、香槟、椰子。,比利时“吉利莲”巧克力:唯一被比利时王室授予金质奖章的巧克力品牌,有 “巧克力王国中的至尊”之称。现主要的有贝壳(金贝壳)、雪球、精典、宝石、 情人及世界之粹7大系列。 比利时的DucDo(迪克多)巧克力:产品种类有:雅致综合巧克力、12星座心 形巧克力,黑松露巧克力,吮指回味。 法国德菲丝巧克力:又称“黑蘑菇”,23.80元100g迷你装,大盒价格大约是 42元。这款巧克力虽然样子不很好看,但是它的口感非常松软,味道香浓。 英国梅费尔的本狄克斯(BendicksofMayfair)公司:特色产品:薄荷型巧克 力、苦薄荷

7、巧克力、薄荷脆(MintCrisps)巧克力、奶油胡椒薄荷巧克力、梅费尔 薄荷(theMayfairMint)巧克力、维多利亚薄荷(theVictoriaMint)巧克力。瑞典 Marabou巧克力:巧克力样子不是很精致,但口感不错,而且可可味浓郁。,Origin,Chocolate is a kind of sweets which made by cocoa powder, cocoa butter and granulated sugar. It can be made at home easily. 600 years ago, Maya discovered the secret o

8、f making chocolate. 1585, entered into the Europe. 1609,France. 1912,finally, China!,Varieties,Dark Chocolate White Chocolate Milk Chocolate Nut Chocolate Spearmint Chocolate Liqueur Chocolate Cartoon Chocolate Mix Mix Chocolate Home-made Chocolate,Dark Chocolate,White Chocolate,Milk Chocolate,Nut C

9、hocolate,Spearmint荷兰薄荷Chocolate,Liqueur Chocolate,Cartoon Chocolate,Mix Mix Chocolate,Home-made Chocolate,Brands,Ferrero Rocher 费列罗 Lindt 瑞士莲 Cadbury 吉百利 M&Ms Hersheys 好时 Dove 德芙 Godiva 戈代娃,Ferrero Rocher,.,Ferrero Rocher chocolate is established in 1964,it is also the famous chocolate brand in the

10、world . Every piece contains 27 calories.,.,.,In 1964, after the end of the second world war,cocoas supply is in shortage. The creator of the Ferrero Rocher ,with the local rich hazelnut (榛果) instead of cocoa ,and then invented a new kind of dessert.,.,.,1946年,二战刚刚结束,可可供应短缺,费列罗的创 始人彼得罗费列罗 用当地盛产的 榛果代

11、替可可, 发明出一种 新的甜品。,.,.,.,The most famous is hazelnut chocolate fruit granville,create a multi-layer (多层)materials, outside covered with chocolate chopped nuts, there is a wafer , soft chocolate and a single complete hazelnuts.,.,Each chocolate choose gold foil independent packing, displayed within the

12、 transparent (透明的)gift box. The lid with a sign, must be clearly printed on FERRERO ROCHER.,.,每颗ROCHER选用金箔纸 独立包装,陈列在透明礼盒内。 盒盖上烫金标贴须清楚 印有的FERREROROCHER字样。,.,最著名的是费列罗榛果威化巧克力,开创多层式用 料,外面铺满巧克力碎果仁,里面有威化、软巧克 力和一粒完整的榛子。,MMs的品牌故事,.,MMs是在西班牙内战背景下诞生的。有一天Forrest Mars先生在当地遇到吃着巧克力球的军人,这些巧克力球外包裹着一层硬糖衣,以避免融化。它们启发了

13、Mars先生的灵感。当他回到家乡后,发明了MMs巧克力。,MMs巧克力的创意,.,不溶在手,只溶再口 Only dissolve it on the mouth, does not dissolve on hands.,Do you love me?,This is the real meaning of DOVE. And it is known to us all that chocolate really have a lot of meanings. Such as we all know LOVE However, why do you love it?,Sure, you love

14、 it. But why?,Romance Youth Health Energy Care Love Joy,DOVE - Do yOu loVe mE,Flipped(初遇,怦然心动): In the spring of 1919, Princess Charlotte ,the royal heir of Luxembourg (卢森堡王室继承人) , married Prince Felix of Bourbon(波旁皇族). As a member of the royal kitchen(王室后厨), Leon was busy cleaning up dishes and pla

15、tes, preparing for the luxury wedding ceremony. One day, When Leon was cleaning his wounded hand caused by the daily hard-work, a young girl with clean eyes and easy smiles went into the kitchen and said:”it must hurt”.Then she helped him bandage the wound and leave Leona tube of ointment(一管药膏) befo

16、re she left. Later , Leon learned that the girl he met was Princess Bazaar, the one that had been in his heart for the rest of his life .,Fall In Love(坠入爱河): Then, love began to grow in the two young peoples hearts .Since then , Leon and Bazaar slipped(偷偷溜入) into the kitchen almost every night,Leon made ice creams for the Princess and Bazaar taught Leon English .Together, they shared the delicious ice creams a


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