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1、1,企業經營典範或思維的挑戰與改革,李榮貴 交通大學工業工程與管理系,2,In todays dot com frenzied environment, we must constantly ask if we need new technology, what technology, and when, if our organization is to succeed and grow. Caution is required, however. Our experience has proven time and again that new technology alone is fa

2、r from sufficient to yield bottom line results from our IT investments. Dr. E. M. Goldratt,3,Business Process Reengineering: The initial Definition The fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in critical measures of performance (cost, qualit

3、y, capital, service, and speed),4,企業的五大管理流程,產品開發 生產規劃與執行 採購 客戶訂單管理 財務/管理會計,報表彙整,5,A Methodology for Process Reengineering Identify customers and stakeholders and determine their critical requirements Map the existing processes Measurement process performance Redesign the existing process,6,A Simple

4、Case IT Implementation Continuous Improvement Process Reengineering Problem?,7,Process Reengineering: What it is Challenging old assumptions and rules Rebuilding processes/systems Starting from scratch Thinking out of the box Integrating diverse processes A shift in paradigms Do we really do what it

5、 is when we initiate a BPR project?,8,People,Business Process,Technology,Integration Framework,Strategy Direction And Alignment,A business model is an integrated entity of people, business process, and technologies,9,Major Issue: We need to deal with people (organization and culture change), to devi

6、se strategy direction and do alignment. We need to break all the rules. We need a Total Solution and do differently.,10,Two Fundamental Questions for ERP Implementation What value does you expect the ERP bring? When does the ERP bring value?,11,We expect that the ERP will bring benefits, when and on

7、ly when, the ERP diminishes an existing limitation. If the ERP does not diminish any limitation whatsoever, there is no possible way in which it can bring benefit. If something is a limitation it means, by definition, that diminishing it brings a benefit. Otherwise it is not a limitation. This is wh

8、y that the ERP will bring benefits, when and only when, it diminishes an existing limitation.,12,It is also obvious that the mere fact that we are dealing with the ERP tells us that we have been living with an existing limitation for quite some time. Now ask yourself how could we live with this limi

9、tation? It must be that our customs, our habits, our measurements, our rules, recognize and consider the existence of that limitation. Lets assume successful ERP installation occurs; the limitation has been diminished. But what happens if as part of the implementation of the ERP we neglected to addr

10、ess the rules? What happens if we still operate with the old rules, the rules that assume the existence of the limitation.,13,ERP is a necessary condition, but its not sufficient. To get the benefits we must, at the same time that we install the new ERP, also change the rules that recognize the exis

11、tence of the limitation. Common Sense. What is the limitation that the ERP system diminishes? The limitation that we diminish is the need to act without having all the information. Using the ERP we have at our fingertips all the needed information, no matter how big or diverse our operation is. The

12、ERP provides an Enterprise-Wide Information System. The ERP substantially diminishes that limitation. But, what about the rules, the habits, the measurements?,14,系統限制: 買東西的客戶。,15,做好管理,保護產出,備較大庫存,備較小庫存,降低成本,配送衝突圖,因為 補貨時間長 供應商不可靠 預測不準,16,解決對策: 再對的時間,對的地點,有對的庫存。,17,People within organization dont speak

13、 the same language of throughput. The top executive is not intimately involved in the change process. There is no full time, nonpartisan change agent. The need of some important groups are violated in the change process. There is no exciting vision of what the change process will accomplish.,Rules,

14、the Habits, the Measurements Change problems,18,Every key influencer and manager in the organization, including the CEO, is taught to speak and practice the language and philosophy of the throughput world. 經營典範或管理新思維的教育 The top executive of the location is intimately involved in the change process.

15、Strategic Leadership Development The organization has dedicated, effective, nonpartisan change agent. Internal Consultant(reporting to CEO) with system thinking discipline Win-win strategies and tools are used to meet needs. Day-to-day problem management skills enhancement The change vision is belie

16、vable and is translated into exciting language for everyone involved. Enterprise wide management solution development,We need a new concept and approach to manage change,19,我們知道管理者每天面對許多問題,影響或做許多決策。我們同樣也知道管理者解每一個問題很少是依解問題的步驟來分析問題,尋找解答,執行解答。他們應用他們豐富的經驗來快速回應每一問題。他們用典範(Paradigms)- 從經驗中所得到的準則與法則。這是不好的嗎? 依賴典範不可避免的會阻止(或最少延緩)人們發展與應用新的Knowledge。 管理者應以解問題的步驟來分析問題,尋找解答,執行解答或應以他過去所用且也成功的典範來解問題? 此部分是我們興趣所在,因為他定義管理著是否要(或能夠)改善。我們是否應投入更多時間發展更好(更有競爭)的Solutions或應用他們的典範來得到快速Solution,然後繼續


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