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1、管理理論與實務討論 IBM,綱要,公司簡介 事業體系 浴火重生 Business Consulting IBM vs ORACLE: e-Era,IBM 國際商業機器公司企業,如果人們願意思考,世界上所有的問題, 都將迎刃而解! All the problems of the world could be solved easily if men were only willing to Think! 1911年12月,IBM董事長Thomas J. Watson Senior,Think = Change the World,1944, 開創0101的電腦運算時代 1957, 建立人腦與電腦

2、的溝通橋樑 1966, 推動全球電子產品的蓬勃發展 1969, 縮短人類與月球的距離 1981, 促成個人電腦普及化 1995, 改變商業世界的遊戲規則 1997, 展現化繁為簡的運算實力 1999, 挑戰生化科技新領域,History for IBM,全球164個國家設有分公司,全球員工約有311,566人 全世界最大的資訊科技、資訊硬體、資訊服務和資訊系統租賃與融資公司。 全球最大資訊科技研究機構 於6個國家設有8個實驗室 20所研發中心、投資總金額達60億美元。 在全球已擁有超過32,000項專利技術。 建置雪梨奧運網站並創下每分鐘120萬次點閱率。,Current Status,Bus

3、iness Unit,硬體(含技術、個人系統及伺服器) 全球服務 軟體 全球融資及企業投資(IGF),Main Products,大型電腦、桌上/筆記電腦 工作站、伺服器 區域網路設備及配件 半導體 電腦周邊設備 軟體、儲存媒體,Consultant & Service,提供整合的電腦資訊技術 網路系統 科技、企業諮詢 資訊技術顧問 運用先進科技,提供企業解決方案,The Business Week Global 1000,The Best Global Brands -BusinessWeek/ August 6,2001,IBM Stock Trend Chart,IBM Turning

4、Point in 90,IBMs Proud PC Business? Customer asked for IBM to Sale Product. How to turning down trend? 1. Layoff. 2. Re-engineering. 3. HR is the best company competition. Internal Education. New Comer at least 6 month. Customer(Industry Know-How)+IBM(IT Know-How) 4. Customer Service Oriented. No Pr

5、oduct Constrain. ERP Case. 5. Process Running.,IBM Growth with Customer,以客戶為導向、服務至上 客戶服務是一種整合 客戶服務是一種專業 客戶服務是一種體貼 協助客戶建立競爭優勢,IBMs Mission,Lead in creation, development, & manufacturing of the most advanced information tech. (Design) Translate advanced tech. Into value for our customers as the world

6、largest information services company. (Customer Value-Added) Professional worldwide provide expertise within specific industries, consulting, services, system integration, and solution development and technical support.,Consulting (1),IBM Solutions and Consulting,70,000 dedicated to solving business

7、 problems and providing associated IT strategies,Management Consulting and Business solutions for specific client needs Portfolios of building blocks customized to a client Industry Infrastructures Embedded Solutions,IBM Services,Consulting (2),90,000 dedicated to build, install, Integrate, manage a

8、nd finance system,Application Training Integrated solutions,IBM Products and Technologies IBM Research,Consulting (3),80,000 creating, developing and Manufacturing advanced Hardware and software technologies,Computers Software-Operating, Collaborative, DBs, System Mgmt Networking Microelectronics Printing and Storage,IBM VS ORACLE: IT COULD GET BLOODY,-Business Week / May 28, 2001,


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