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1、Chapter 3: The Policymaking Process: Decision-Making Activities,第3章 政策制定过程: 决策活动,Contents,Although it may be helpful to think about policymaking as a series of processes, in the real world these activities seldom occur simultaneously, each one collapsing into the others.,虽然把政策制定视作 一系列的过程或许 有作用,但在现实世

2、界中, 这些活动很少是整齐划一、 井然有序、一步接一步的。 相反,这些行为过程 经常是同时发生的, 甚至是相互交织的。,3.1 The Policy Process: How Policies Are Made,Table 3-1 Policymaking as a Process Policymaking can be seen as a processhow policies are madein a step-by-step sequences; but in reality these processes overlap and intertwine.,Table 3-1 Policy

3、making as a Process Policymaking can be seen as a processhow policies are madein a step-by-step sequences; but in reality these processes overlap and intertwine.,表 3-1 政策制定的一般过程 政策制定可以看做一个过程政策是如何按一定步骤制定的;但是,在现实中这些过程是相互交织在一起的。,Who decides what will be decided? In a democracy it is sometimes argued th

4、at problem identification occurs whenever individuals or groups make demands Upon government. Political scientist James E. Anderson write: “For our purposes, a policy problem can be defined as a condition or situation that produces needs or dissatisfaction on the part of people for which relief or r

5、edress from government is sought.” James E. Anderson, Public Policymaking: An Introduction, 6th ed. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2006), p.80.,3.2 Problem Identification and Agenda Setting 问题确认与议程设定,由谁来决定对什么问题进行决策?有观点认为,在民主体制中,不论何时 只要个人或群体向政府提出要求,政策问题的确认就开始了。 政治学家詹姆斯E 安德森曾说过:“对于我们的目的而言,政策问题可以 被界定为,使某些人

6、产生需要或不满的状态或情形,并要求政府给予或补偿。” 詹姆斯E 安德森. 公共政策制定导论(第6版),2006,p.80,3.2 Problem Identification and Agenda Setting 问题确认与议程设定,But problem identification is not that simple. There are a multitude of needs and dissatisfactions in society that are never identified as policy problems, that never get on the “agen

7、da” of policymakers. Government does nothing and conditions remain the same. Demands that the government “do something” are virtually insatiable, yet space on the agenda of government policymaking is scarce. This raises the crucial question of how and why some conditions in society are identified as

8、 policy issues and placed on the governmental agenda, while others are not. For a more sophisticated treatment of problem identification and agenda setting, see John Kingdon, Agendas, Alternatives, and Public Policies (Boston: Little, Brown, 1984),3.2 Problem Identification and Agenda Setting 问题确认与议

9、程设定,但是,对政策问题的确认并非如此简单。在社会生活中有大量的需求和不满意 的地方,从来没有被确认为政策问题,也从未被列入决策者的“议程”。结果 就是政府没有做什么事情,那种情形也依旧没有改变。对政府提出“做什么” 的要求可以说是贪得无厌的,而政府制定政策的日程表上的空间却是稀缺资源。 这就提出了一个关键问题:为什么社会中的一些情形被界定为政策问题并提上 政府的议事日程,又是怎样确认的,而为什么另一些情形却不能被认定为政策 问题并提上政策议程。 问题界定和议程设定是一个更加复杂的处理过程 见,约翰 金登的议程设定、备选方案与公共政策,1984,3.2 Problem Identificati

10、on and Agenda Setting 问题确认与议程设定,But, in reality, policy issues do not just “happen.” Creating an issue, dramatizing It, calling attention to it, and pressuring government to do something about it are important political tactics. These tactics are employed by influential individuals, organized intere

11、st groups, policy-planning organizations, political candidates and office-holders, and perhaps most important, the mass media. These are the tactics of “agenda setting.”,3.2 Problem Identification and Agenda Setting 问题确认与议程设定,但实际上,政策问题并不只是“发生”的。提出议题,将其夸大以引起关注, 从而向政府施压,要求其采取行动,这些都是重要的政治策略。这些政治策略 被以下的

12、政治参与者运用:有影响力的个人、有组织的利益集团、设计政策的组织、 政治候选人、官居一定职位的人,还有最重要的是大众媒体。这些都是 “议程设定”中所涉及的政治策略。,3.2 Problem Identification and Agenda Setting 问题确认与议程设定,3.3 Agenda Setting from the Bottom Up 自下而上的议程设定,3.3 Agenda Setting from the Bottom Up 自下而上的议程设定,Whether public opinion should should determine public policy may

13、never be resolved.,democratic representatives should serve the interest of the people, but not necessarily conform to their will when deciding questions of public policy.,3.3.1 Public Opinion and Agenda Setting,Edmund Burke,3.3 Agenda Setting from the Bottom Up 自下而上的议程设定,公共舆论是否应该决定公共政策的问题也许永远得不到解决。

14、哲学层面&经验层面,民主选举的代表在决定公共政策问题的时候, 应该服务于人民的利益, 但不必完全屈从于大众的意志。,3.3.1 公共舆论与议程设定,埃德蒙伯克,3.3 Agenda Setting from the Bottom Up 自下而上的议程设定,We can never be sure whether mass opinion shaped public policy or public policy shaped mass opinion,Government, as we have seen, attempts to mold public opinion toward supp

15、ort of the programs and policies it espouses. Given that endeavor, perfect congruence between public policy and public opinion could be government of public opinion rather than government by public opinion,3.3.2 Opinion-Policy Linkage,V. O. Key, Jr. public opinion and American Democracy,3.3 Agenda S

16、etting from the Bottom Up 自下而上的议程设定,我们根本不能确定是大众舆论促成了公共政策还是公共政策 塑造了大众舆论,政府,正如我们所看到的那样,试图塑造大众舆论, 来争取民众对其倡导的政策和项目的支持。 在这种努力的影响下,公共政策与公共舆论完全相等的结果, 只能说明,公共舆论为政府所控制, 而不可能是公共舆论影响政府。,3.3.2 舆论政策的关系,V.O.凯伊:公共舆论与美国民主,3.3 Agenda Setting from the Bottom Up 自下而上的议程设定,Public policy shapes public opinion more often than opinion shapes policy.,First, few people have opinions on the great bulk of policy Questions confronting the nations decision makers. Second, pub


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