北京版英语六年级u6what is he wearing lesson19

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《北京版英语六年级u6what is he wearing lesson19》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《北京版英语六年级u6what is he wearing lesson19(47页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 6 What is he wearing ?,Lesson 19,丰台区纪家庙小学 王琛,spring,winter,autumn,summer,2019/8/18,sweater,socks,hat,trousers,gloves,What is it ?,What are they?,2019/8/18,shirt,jacket,tie,What is it ?,What are they?,2019/8/18,dress,T-shirt,skirt,shorts,sunglasses,What is it ?,What are they?,2019/8/18,cap,shoes

2、,blouse,What is it ?,What are they?,2019/8/18,1. Why is Mike standing in the street ?,2. Who is Mikes Dads friend ?,3. What is the mans name ?,2019/8/18,Why are you standing there?,2019/8/18,Im waiting for my dads friend.,2019/8/18,2019/8/18,2019/8/18,two men,which ?,tall,short,er,2019/8/18,What is

3、he wearing ?,2. Who is Mikes Dads friend ?,2019/8/18,What is he wearing ?,black shoes,2019/8/18,a pair of ,2019/8/18,2019/8/18,2019/8/18,2019/8/18,3. What is the mans name ?,lawyer,2019/8/18,2019/8/18,No wonder he looks so serious.,serious,2019/8/18,2019/8/18,2019/8/18,2019/8/18,2019/8/18,2019/8/18,

4、2019/8/18,2019/8/18,2019/8/18,2019/8/18,2019/8/18,2019/8/18,2019/8/18,why,taller,which ?,Brown,wait for,Let s retell the story,why,which,who,what,where,when,how,whose,点击添加文本,点击添加文本,点击添加文本,点击添加文本,添加文本,点击添加文本,点击添加文本,点击添加文本,点击添加文本,Talk about what you wear at school and at ,点击添加文本,点击添加文本,点击添加文本,点击添加文本,I

5、 wear at school / at ,What do you wear at school / at ?,We are the champions !,Listen to the tape and read the dialogue at least 3 times . Talk about what you are wearing today with your parents and friends . Write a short story about clothes and share it with your classmates .,3. Write a short story about clothes and share it with your classmates .,2. Talk about what you are wearing today with your parents and friends .,1. Listen to the tape and read the dialogue at least 3 times .,点击添加文本,点击添加文本,点击添加文本,点击添加文本,


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