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1、Unit 6 Do you like bananas?知识要点1 sth.喜欢某物 I like bananas. like to do sth. 喜欢做某事 I like to play soccer. doing sth 喜欢做某事 I like eating hamburgers. 考题1.1.What do you like? -_. A. I like apples. B. I am tall(高). C. Im shy(害羞). 2. -Does your mother like red? -_. A. Yes, she likes. B. No, she not like. C.

2、 Yes, she does.3. I like vegetables, but I _ fruits. A. like B. dont like C. dont look like 4. He likes watch TV.(改错)5._ you _(like) oranges? 6. Her son _(not like) chicken.7.I like oranges.(变一般疑问句) _ you _ oranges?8. Do you like _(strawberry)?9. Many girls like _(salad).10. aunt Wang likes _ banana

3、s. A. having B. has C.have D. had知识要点2 可数名词和不可数名词1. 可数名词有单数和复数之分。 (1)a, an, the ,my , this , that 等+可数名词单数 that pen , a ruler (2)大于1的基数词, some, many 等+可数名词复数。Some keys, many boys 2. 不可数名词无复数形式,且不与a, an和基数词连用,但可以和some, much连用。作主语时,谓语用单数。常见不可数名词为肉类和液体类。Some milk ,一些牛奶 ,much milk 许多牛奶3. 基数词,或a, an+量词+o

4、f 既可接不可数名词也可接可数名词。如: a bag of rice 一袋大米 a piece of bread 一块面包 a box of .一箱 a pair of .一条(副,双). I翻译短语1.一个橘子-_ 2. 两个苹果 _3. 一些鸡肉_ 4. 许多鸡肉 _5.一袋牛奶 _6. 两箱鸡蛋 _7.一袋大米_II.用词的正确形式填空1. -Lets have _(tomato). -Oh , no, I dont like_(they).2. Many girls like _(ice-cream) . Its tasty. 3. My aunt often has _(salad)

5、 with carrots, tomatoes and onions. 4. My parents and I like _(pear). 5. Do you like _(vegetable) salad? 6. They like _(hamburger) ,but they dont like_(strawberry).7. There are many _. A. ice cream B. bread C. salad D. oranges.知识要点3 sure 副词, 当然, 肯定, 一定Eg : -Are you going? -Sure. be sure to do sth 一定

6、做某事 He is sure to go to the park. make sure 弄清楚,查明 I make sure that he is a student. 考题: 1. Tom is sure _(come) tomorrow(明天)。2. Are you sure _(go) to the party?知识要点4 chicken ”鸡,可数名词, 复数chickens Dont count your chickens before they are hatched.(谚语) 别过早打如意算盘。”鸡肉”,不可数名词,无复数。 Please have some chicken.知识

7、要点5 So 连词, (引出评论或问题)那么So we will go to the classroom. So连词, “因此, 所以”No one tells me. So I dont know it. 知识要点61. have /eat breakfast /lunch/dinner 吃早餐 /午餐/晚餐 2. before /after breakfast 早饭前/后3. 一日三餐前通常不加冠词,但当有形容词修饰时,用a/an eg:a big breakfast 一顿丰盛的早餐知识要点7well 副词,修饰动词, He plays soccer well(good).well 形容词

8、, “身体好的”=fine My father is well( fine).good 形容词, 好的,修饰名词 Mary is a good girl. 知识要点8 health 名词, 健康 Health is very important. healthy 形容词, 健康的 Her grandfather is healthy. 知识要点9 want want to do sth 想要做某事 She wants to play tennis. want to be 想成为. Tom wants to be a singer. want sb to do sth 想要某人做某事My mot

9、her wants me to drink milk every day. 知识要点10 What do you like for breakfast? Havefor breakfast / lunch / dinner 早餐/午餐/晚餐吃.I have rice and chicken for lunch. 练习I 用词的正确形式填空1. My brother often _ (have) lunch at school. 2. If you want to be _(health) , please eat more vegetables. 3. Does he want _ (play

10、) basketball with us? 4. My grandparents eat _(good) every day. 5. There are many _(star) in the sky(在天空中). 6. Cindy Smith is a great _(sport) star in the world. 7. Can the people in Zhouqu eat _(good)?II.选择题8. -Do you like milk? -yes, I like _ very much. A. it B. them C. drink D.eat9. My sister _ s

11、ome bread and milk for breakfast. A. have B. has C. eats D. eat10. _vegetables do you like? A. How B. What C. Where D. Who11. We have _ at 12 oclock. A. breakfast B.lunch C. dinner 12. I like _and _. A. chicken, rice B. chickens , rice C. chicken, rices13. John likes apples best of all the _. A. veg

12、etables B. fruits C. drinks14. Sonia has two _ and a glass of milk every morning. A. bread B. chicken C. eggs15. Tom plays volleyball _. A. good B. very good C. well16. Bob _ at seven in the morning.A. has breakfast B. has a breakfast. C. have breakfast17. Peng Liyuan is a _singer(歌唱家)。She sings _.

13、A., good, good B. good , well C. well , well D. well , goodIII.句型转换18. my parents like fruit. (改一般疑问句_ your parents _ fruit? 19. She likes salad very much. (改否定句) She _ _ salad very much. 20. Does your brother eat hamburgers ? 改肯定句) My brother _ hamburgers. 21. They have eggs and bananas for breakfast. _ do they _ for breakfast?22. Tins likes carrots . _ _ Tina like?23. She has an egg for breakfast. (改复数句) They _ some _ for breakfast. 24. Jack has chicken for


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