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1、议论文 与其他文体相比,英语议论文的结构较为固定,一般分为三个部分:总:主题句亮出自己观点,全文中心句分:论述可用归纳法、比较法阐述自己观点总:结论再次强调总结自己观点2 写好议论文,必须注意以下几点1. 确定主题。议论文的主题通常在第一段中提出,如用一个简单的句子作为论点。2. 足够的论据。围绕中心句论述,不要走题,一般以事实为论据,也可利用名言警句作为论据。3. 结构清楚,层次清晰,有严密的逻辑性。要注意连接词和过渡词的使用,以增强文章的条理性和逻辑性。1.常用词汇表示顺序:首先:First、firstly、first of all、to begin with然后、其次、还有:then、n

2、ext、whats more、also、besides、in addition ,more importantly(更重要的是)最后:last、lastly、finally、in the end、last but not least(最后但并不是最不重要的)表示引出全文论点:as we all know = as is known to all 众所周知nowadays 现如今表示对比:On the one hand.On the other hand.一方面.另一方面.表示转折:but(后面不用逗号)however(后面必须加逗号)表示引出自己观点:in my opinion=in my p

3、oint of view在我看来as far as Im concernedas for me 至于我in fact 实际上表示总结:in a word = in short =in conclusion总之,简而言之all in all 总的来说2.常用句型Sth has become a hot topic in the world today.某事.今天已经成为一个很热的话题。There are two different opinions about the problem.关于这个问题有两种不同的观点。Sth has both advantages and disadvantages

4、.某事有利有弊。/某物有好处也有坏处。With the development of sth 随着某事的发展Some are for. However, others are against. 一些人赞同。而一些人却反对.In a word, all of us should pay attention to the problem of . 总之,我们所有人都应该注意.的问题。As for me, I believe. 至于我,我觉得.例文1:中国的环境污染问题如今显得尤为严重,我们每一个普通的中学生能够为环境保护做些什么?提示:用布袋代替塑料袋;重复使用旧课本;离开教室要关灯;骑车或走路去

5、上学.布袋:cloth bags 塑料袋:plastic bags 重复使用:reuse As we all know, our environment is becoming worse and worse, what can we do for the environment? In my opinion, each of us can do something helpful to deal with the big problem. First of all, we can use cloth bags instead of plastic bags when we go shoppi

6、ng. It helps to protect the environment. Next, remember to reuse the old textbooks as much as possible. Whats more, we should also never forget to turn off the lights when we leave the classrooms to save energy. Finally, it will be better if we walk or ride a bike to school. In a word, we should try

7、 our best to reduce pollution and waste. In fact, as long as most of us do something every day to protect the environment, I believe we can make the world better. 众所周知,我们的环境正变得越来越差。那么我们能为它做些什么呢?在我看来,我们每个人都可以做些有帮助的事情来解决这个大问题。 首先,我们可以使用布袋而不是塑料袋去购物。这对保护环境有帮助。其次,记住尽可能的重复使用我们的课本。还有,为了节省能源,我们在离开教室时永远不要忘记关

8、灯。最后,如果我们走路或者骑车去上学会更好。总之,我们应该尽最大努力去减少污染和浪费。实际上,只要我们大部分人每天为保护环境做点事,我相信我们会让世界变得更好。书信注意书信格式:称呼、正文、致意语、结束语、签名一称呼:Dear XXX,(注意用逗号,不用冒号)二正文:比称呼缩进一个单词处开始写。正文常用开头:1.Thank you for your last letter. 谢谢你的上一封来信。2.Im .,a middle school student from.我是.一个来自.的中学生3.Im glad to receive your last letter. 我很高兴收到你的上一封来信。

9、4.Im writing to tell you something about .我写信是想告诉你关于.三致意语Best wishes to you!向您致以最良好的祝愿!I wish you a happy New Year/Teachers Day.4 结束语Yours,Yours sincerely,五签名:一般位于结束语正下方例文:假设你是李明,请你根据中文提示用英文给中学生21世纪报报社编辑写一封信(开头结尾已经给出)。不必逐句翻译,可适当发挥。内容要点:1. 个人简介:学生,2002年出生,中国江苏人;2. 目前情况:喜欢学英语,认识不少单词,英语口语差,对习语(idiom)没把

10、握;3. 写信目的:请求帮助(提供建议),望获得回信。Dear editor: Im Li Ming,a middle school student from Jiangsu province and I was born in 1997.Im learning English now.Though I am interested in it and know quite a few English words,I am really poor in/weak at spoken English.Whats more,Im not sure about some of the English

11、idioms.I am trying to make progress in my spoken English and idiom learning.Could you help me with it and give me some advice?Please write to me soon.Thank you!Best wishes to you! Yours sincerely, Li Ming练习:根据下面提示,以怎样保护我们学校的环境为主题写一篇作文:1. 不要乱扔垃圾,看见垃圾要捡起来,放入垃圾箱;2. 每天打扫校园,使校园干净整洁;3. 种植花草树木,使校园更加美丽;提示词:

12、waste things废品 dustbins 垃圾箱 protect 保护开头已经给出: Our school is a very beautiful school,but the school environment is getting worse and worse now. As is known to all, good school environment will make us study and play better. So all of us must take actions to protect the school environment. First of al

13、l, dont throw waste things around and we should pick them up and put them into the dustbins. Whats more, we should clean our school every day to keep it clean and tidy. In the end, planting more trees and flowers can also make the school more beautiful. In a word, every student can do something help

14、ful. So lets do it at once for ourselves.每个人的一生中都有许多值得感谢的人,你最想感谢的人是谁呢?是父母、老师、朋友,还是?请以Tom为名给他/她/他们写一封信,说说你的心里话。【要求】1. 80词左右;2. 表达正确,行文流畅;3. 至少写出一个具体事例;4. 信件开头、结尾已给出,不计入总词数;5. 文中不能出现考生的真实姓名、地址、学校等相关信息。Dear _Best wishes! Yours, Tom二、优秀范文(原文)Dear father,I have never expressed my thanks and respect to you. Today I want to say, “I love you, Dad!”


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