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1、 新概念一测试题1 写出下列各词的过去式和过去分词1. buy _ _ 2.lose _ _3. eat _ _4. speak _ _5. play _ _6.fly _ _7. stay _ _8.leave _ _9. get _ _10.put _ _2 写出下列各词的比较级和最高级1. good _ _2.little _ _3. many _ _ 4.old _ _5. difficult _ _ 6.easy _ _7. far _ _ 8.fat _ _9.cold _ _ 10.light _ _3 看汉义写单词。1. 城市 c_t_ 2.百 h_ndr_d 3.担心的w_r

2、r_ed 4.微笑 sm_l_5. 尴尬的 _mb_rrasse_ 6.介绍 _ntrod_ce 7.爆炸性的 sen_at_onal8. 梦 dr_a_ 9.男演员a_t_r 10.干燥的 d_y4 单选1. - Tom, please tell me _ you will finish your homework? -At about 6 oclock.A. when B. where C. how D. If2. -Your are John Smith , _ you ?-Yes, I am. Nice to meet you.A. Will B. Are C.arent D. Did

3、3. Listen _ this ! Karen Marsh: the lastest news ! By our reporter , Alan Jones.A. for B.of C. to D. away4. -Where are you going to spend your holidays this year, Gary ? -We may go _.A. here B.abroad C.there D.down5. I wont charge you this time.But you _not do it again.A. could B. might C.had D.had

4、better6. -Isnt he her third husband?-No. He must be her _or fifth.A. four B.fourth C.forty D.fourteenth7. -Who are these people?-They are people _I met during the trip.A. which B. what C. where D.who8. The thieves dropped the torch and _as quickly as they could.A. looked for B.ran away C.took off D.

5、put on9.There were coins _.A.where B.how C.everywhere D.what time10.Its was too late.Tommy had already _them.A.swallowed B.swallow C.swallowing D.to swallow11.-Im afraid I cant do all the things. -_can I.A. So B.Not C.No D.Neither12.Its_car in the shop. He cant afford it at all.A.expensive B.more ex

6、pensive C.most expensive D.the most expensive13.-Would you like some coffee? -_.A.Thanks B.Yes,please. C.Yes, I am. D.Sorry.14.- _? -I want a dress for my daughter.A.How do you do? B.Where are you?C.Can I help you? D.Do you like it?15.-Did you want _me, teacher? -Yes, Tom, please come in.A.see B.see

7、ing C.saw D.to see16.The exam is _for her to pass.She may be unhappy.A.too difficult B.too easy C.much difficult D.much easy17.-Is that your case? -No, thats not _.A.hers B.his C.mine D.ours18.-_ will the next train leave? -At about ten oclock.A.What B.Who C.How D.What time19.-_you _this film yet? -

8、No, I havent.A.Will ,see B.Did, see C.Are, see D.Have ,seen20.He _move tomorrow.We will not see him for a long time.A.will B.would C.has D.could五.完型填空Last week Mrs. Mills _1_ to London. She does not _2_ London very well, and she lost _3_ way.Suddenly, she saw a man _4_a bus stop. I can ask him the w

9、ay. she said _5_herself. Excuse me, she said. Can you tell me_6_,please? The man smiled_7_. He did not understand English! He spoke German. He was a _8_. Then he put his hand into his pocket, and _9_ a phrasebook. He opened the book and found a phrase. He read the phrase slowly. I am sorry, he said.

10、 I do not _10_ English. 1.A.gone B.went C.goes D.go2.A.see B.watch C.know D.find3.A.she B.her C.hers D.herself4.A.near B.over C.under D.in5.A.of B.for C.out D.to6.A.how is the King Street B.where to the King Street C.what is the King Street D.the way to King Street7.A.pleasantly B.embarrassedly C.fr

11、iendly D.hurriedly8.A.dentist B.driver C.tourist D.actress9.A.put out B.went out C.looked out D.took out10.A.speak B.tell C.say D.talk六.阅读理解 A.Peter was a small boy. He lived with his parents in a small house near some hills. The people there were all poor.One night it was very dry and windy. When everybody was asleep, Peter suddenly heard some noise. It came out from t


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