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1、积累 1(替换词) : 普通词汇词性释义同义词汇 advantagen.优势merit; strength; strong point; benefit agen.年代era; times; period aimn.目标goal; purpose; end; target; objective difficultyn.困难obstacle; setback; hardship disadvantagen.劣势drawback;weakness;weakpoint; shortcoming; limitation effectn.作用influence; impact; function; ro

2、le fearn.害怕alarm; fright; panic; terror; horror; dread methodn.方法approach; means; technique thingn.事情issue; ease; affair; event; incident; business; matter worryn.担忧concern; anxiety decreasen./v.下降fall; drop; decline; shrink; increasen./v增加; 上升 rise; causev.导致result in; give rise to; bring about; le

3、ad to deal withv.处理cope with; handle; tackle; address developv.培养cultivate; train; educate; foster getv.得到acquire; give upv.放弃quit; abandon; give in happenv.发生occur; take place; come about; come into existence/being 普通词汇词性释义同义词汇 hatev.恨dislike; be fed up with; be bored with improvev.进步 enhance; adva

4、nce; make progress; change for the better lovev.喜欢 prefer; be crazy about; be fond of;be fascinated by; be keen on needv.需要require; demand; call for opposev.反对be against; object; disapprove of payattention to v.重视 focus on; attach importance to; lay/place stress on; emphasize; recognize the value of

5、 protectv.保护guard; defend; preserve; conserve realizev. 意 识 到 be aware of; be conscious of removev.消除get rid of; wipe out; eliminate; do away with showv.表明 indicate;reveal;suggest;display; demonstrate; supportv.支持 be for; back up; on the side of; in favor of; approve of thinkv.想 assume; maintain; su

6、ppose; insist; consider; regard badadj.坏的 awful;terrible;unsatisfactory;harmful; inferior beautifuladj. 美 丽 的 charming;gorgeous;sweet;adorable; eye-catching; breathtaking dangerousadj. 危 险 的 insecure;risky;unsafe;vulnerable; threatening; pose a threat to difficultadj. 困 难 的 hard;tricky;complicated;c

7、omplex; confusing; puzzling 普通词汇词性释义同义词汇 goodadj.好的 outstanding;fantastic;amazing;fabulous; unbelievable;incredible;spectacular; marvelous; remarkable; superb; superior; positive helpfuladj.有帮助的 beneficial;profitable;rewarding; advantageous importantadj.重要的 significant; essential; major; carry much

8、weight;key;leading;vital;crucial; primary; profound lastingadj.永久的eternal; perpetual manyadj.许多 (可数) numerous; countless; a vast number of; many a; a great many; masses of muchadj. 许多(不可 数) a wealth of; plenty of properadj.合适的 logical; reasonable; sound; appropriate; practical alwaysadv.常常 frequentl

9、y; regularly; constantly; at all times graduallyadv.平稳地 steadily; smoothly; slightly; moderately; mildly quicklyadv.很快地rapidly; swiftly; at all times rarelyadv.偶然 accidentally; by chance; by accident; by coincidence sharplyadv.急剧地 dramatically;enormously;steeply; considerably; significantly; markedl

10、y; noticeably thusadv.因此 therefore; consequently; accordingly; as a result veryadv.很 extremely;deeply;greatly;highly;uncomm only; unusually aboutprep.关于 concerning; regarding; as to; as for; with regard to; when it comes to aroundprep大约about; approximately; roughly 替换词列举: vital 替换掉 important(重要的) se

11、vere 替换掉 serious(严重的) beneficial 替换掉 good(有益的) undesirable 替换掉 bad(不好的,不受欢迎的) needy 替换掉 poor(贫穷的) confront 替换掉 face(面对) extraordinary 替换掉 surprising(惊人的,非凡的) promote /strengthen 替换掉 improve(提高,加强) approach / method 替换掉 way(方法,方案) affair 替换掉 thing(事情,东西) adopt 替换掉 use(采用,采取) tend 替换掉 want(趋向于,想要) ext

12、remely 替换掉 very(极其,非常) nevertheless 替换掉 however(然而,但是) primarily 替换掉 firstly(首先) anticipate 替换掉 expect(期待,期望) dedicate to 替换掉 devote to(致力于,奉献) consider 替换掉 think(思考,认为) crucial 替换掉 key(关键的) distinct 替换掉 clear/obvious(清晰的,明显的) manipulate 替换掉 operate(操作,实施) vulnerable 替换掉 hurt(易受伤的,脆弱的) accurate 替换掉

13、true(准确的) contribute to 替换掉 lead to(导致,引起) barely/scarcely 替换掉 hardly(几乎不) provided 替换掉 if(假设,如果) concerning 替换掉 about(关于) trigger 替换掉 cause (造成,引起) restrain 替换掉 limit (限制,阻碍) obstacle 替换掉 block (阻碍物) considerable 替换掉 great/serious(大量的,重大的) contamination 替换掉 pollution (污染) alter 替换掉 change (改变) tack

14、le 替换掉 solve (解决) abundant 替换掉 rich/wealthy(富于) profound 替换掉 deep(深刻的) prospect 替换掉 future(前途,前程) applicable/appropriate 替换掉 proper(合适的,适用的) 验证和练习:We must be(faced)confronted with the difficult. 作业: 用高考作文真题的语境分别练习以上用法。 积累 2(超酷短语) 高分词组释义例句 above all最重要的是He is hard-working, humorous and above all, hon

15、est. account for解释,占据Constantpressuremayaccountforhis weight loss. According to the chart, Afro-Americans account for 12 of the US population. at any rate无论如何This issue, at any rate, will have to be faced. attach importance to 重视Schoolsaresupposedtoattachequal importance to moral education and subje

16、ct education. be applied to应用于What we knew from the past could be applied to the present. be associated with 联系Cigarette smoking has long been associated with cancer. be available to(可)得到Citizens are assured that more affordable housing will be available to the low-income families. be aware of意识到In a sports event, a professional player should be fully aware of the potential danger involved. be bound to必定When you are handing so many tasks at one time, mistakes are bound to happen. be capable of



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