外贸函电实务 工业和信息化高职高专十二五 规划教材立项项目 教学课件 ppt 作者 郑晓泉 廖晓燕 Unit 8

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外贸函电实务 工业和信息化高职高专十二五 规划教材立项项目 教学课件 ppt 作者 郑晓泉 廖晓燕 Unit 8 _第1页
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外贸函电实务 工业和信息化高职高专十二五 规划教材立项项目 教学课件 ppt 作者 郑晓泉 廖晓燕 Unit 8 _第2页
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外贸函电实务 工业和信息化高职高专十二五 规划教材立项项目 教学课件 ppt 作者 郑晓泉 廖晓燕 Unit 8 _第3页
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外贸函电实务 工业和信息化高职高专十二五 规划教材立项项目 教学课件 ppt 作者 郑晓泉 廖晓燕 Unit 8 _第4页
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外贸函电实务 工业和信息化高职高专十二五 规划教材立项项目 教学课件 ppt 作者 郑晓泉 廖晓燕 Unit 8 _第5页
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《外贸函电实务 工业和信息化高职高专十二五 规划教材立项项目 教学课件 ppt 作者 郑晓泉 廖晓燕 Unit 8 》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外贸函电实务 工业和信息化高职高专十二五 规划教材立项项目 教学课件 ppt 作者 郑晓泉 廖晓燕 Unit 8 (29页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、The Practice of Business Correspondences,Unit 8 Packing and Marking,The Practice of Business Correspondences,Learning Aims,知识目标:了解包装与唛头的相关知识,掌握提出包装要求和唛头要求信函的写作方法和技巧。 技能目标:能够运用常用术语和典型句式撰写提出包装要求和唛头要求的信函。,The Practice of Business Correspondences,Writing Guide,Describing in detail the packing requiremen

2、ts; (2) Explaining clearly the reasons for such packing; (3) Expressing wishes for an early reply.,Contents in a packing letter,The Practice of Business Correspondences,Useful Sentence,1. We want the sweaters to be packed each in a poly-bag, 6 dozen to a carton lined with waterproof paper. 2. So we

3、would require that the carton be bound with double iron straps outside. 3. The shirts under the captioned contract should be packed in plastic bags, five dozen to one carton, 20 cartons on a pallet, and 10 pallets in FCL container.,The Practice of Business Correspondences,4. The packing for Dubai is

4、 to be in wooden cases of 112 lbs net, each containing 7 lbs16 packets. 5. Besides, rope and metal handle should be fixed to the cases to facilitate consignment. 6.Please mark the cases (boxes,bags,casks,etc) as per the drawing given. 7.Each case is lined with foam plastics in order to protect the g

5、oods against press.,The Practice of Business Correspondences,8.The piece goods are to be wrapped in Kraft paper, then packed in wooden cases. 9.We have especially reinforced our packing in order to minimize the extent of any possible damage to the goods. 10. The unique design of the packing will hel

6、p you promote the sale of drugs.,The Practice of Business Correspondences,Task 1 Packing Requirement,业务背景:浙江康泰药品有限公司现急需一批药品,该公司向美国亨利医药公司进口了这批药品,因该药品在运输途中容易发生破损,因此浙江康泰药品有限公司的采购部经理李远鹏致函美国亨利医药公司要求包装采用盒装,每两打装一盒,40盒装成一板条箱,并要求10月份前将所有药品装船运出。请以李远鹏的名义给美国亨利医药公司写一封包装要求的信函。 信函要点:(1)直接详细的说明包装要求; (2)说明装船时间要求; (3

7、)希望对方能满足要求,并回复。,The Practice of Business Correspondences,Useful Expressions,40盒装成一板条箱 40 boxes to a carton 采取有效措施 take effective measures 在运输途中 in the process of transportation 急需 badly in need of,The Practice of Business Correspondences,Notes to Letter 1,1. make the shipment 发货 If you fail to make

8、the shipment soon, we will cancel the order. 如果你们不近期发货,我们将取消订单。 We will make the shipment by the end of this month. 我方将在本月底之前发货。,The Practice of Business Correspondences,2. by cable 通过电报 We shall be glad to receive your price by cable in due course. 如能及时收到贵方电报报价,将很荣幸。 The sellers shall inform immedi

9、ately the buyers by cable. 卖方必须立即以电报通知买方。,The Practice of Business Correspondences, Task 2: Instructions for Packing,业务背景:广州光明机械制造有限公司向德国奥赛公司订购了一批钢螺钉,但是近五分之一的货物在运输途中因纸箱破损而散落,因此该公司希望德国奥赛公司以后能改进包装,将原来的纸板箱改为木箱。请以广州光明公司采购主任张亮的名义给德国奥赛公司写一封要求更改包装的信函 。 信函要点:(1)先说明收到货物; (2)提出货物因包装破损而遭受的损失; (3)提出对今后包装的要求; (4

10、)期待回复。,The Practice of Business Correspondences,Useful Expressions,货物 consignment 包装要求 packing requirements 木箱 wooden box,The Practice of Business Correspondences,Notes to Letter 2,1. consignment 货物 We have to ask you to dispatch the consignment immediately. 我们得要求你立即发送该批货物。 The salesman sorted his n

11、ew consignment of stockings. 推销员把新到的一批长袜清理分类。,The Practice of Business Correspondences,2. modify 调整,改变 Established practices are difficult to modify. 既定的惯例是很难更改的。 The club members did agree to modify their recruitment policy. 俱乐部成员的确同意修改吸纳新成员的政策。,The Practice of Business Correspondences,Task 3 Askin

12、g for Details of Packing,业务背景:浙江宜佳服装有限公司向美国森泰服装公司订购了一批绣花衬衫,订单号为668,美国森泰公司对该货物的包装提出了建议,但宜佳公司还想了解包装的详细情况。请以宜佳公司的名义致函森泰公司询问货物具体的包装信息。 信函要点: (1)提出对对方的包装建议很满意; (2)希望了解包装详细情况:包装方式,防潮防雨措施,包装材料,内包装。 (3)希望回复。,The Practice of Business Correspondences,Useful Expressions,美观实用 looks attractive and helpful 防止货物受潮

13、或雨淋 prevent the goods from dampness or rain 经受粗鲁的搬运 withstand rough handling 内包装 inner packing,The Practice of Business Correspondences,Notes to Letter 3,1. proposal 建议,提案 The proposal is weighted towards smaller businesses. 这项提议对小型企业有利。 The President is to put forward new proposals for resolving th

14、e countrys constitutional crisis. 总统将提出解决国家宪法危机的新议案。,The Practice of Business Correspondences,2. particulars 特殊情况,详细情况 For further particulars I refer you to my secretary. 详情请问我的秘书。 I had better give a few particulars about myself. 我最好还是详细讲一下我自己的情况.,The Practice of Business Correspondences,Task 4 Pr

15、oposal for Packing,业务背景:杭州富丽家纺公司向美国安琪纺织品进出口公司订购了一批床上用品,床单已收到,对于即将收到的一千打枕套,杭州富丽家纺就包装提出了一些建议。请以杭州富丽家纺公司的名义给美国安琪纺织品出口公司写一封提出包装建议的信函 。 信函要点:(1)告知对方收到床单,且状况完好; (2)建议枕套包装; (3)希望对方对包装予以重视,并请求回复。,The Practice of Business Correspondences,Useful Expressions,完好无损 in perfect condition 每个装入一个塑料袋 packed each in a

16、 poly-bag, 半打装一盒 half dozen to a box 海关规定 Customs regulations 办理海关手续 go through the customs formalities,The Practice of Business Correspondences,Notes to Letter 4,1. in transit 在运输途中 His luggage was lost in transit. 他的行李在运送中丢失. These goods were damaged in transit. 这些货物在运输过程中损坏了.,The Practice of Business Correspondences,2. pay special attention to 特别关注 We pay special attention to trade leads, are updated often. 我们重点关注行业发展, 并及时更新. Pay special attention to the following po


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