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1、2.十种翻译技巧了解完四种翻译方法后,我们再来了解一下十种常用翻译技巧,即重复法(repetition),增词法(amplification),省略法(omission),词类转换法(conversion),词序调整法(inversion),拆译法(division),正说反译和反说正译法(negation),语态变换法(voice changes),引申法和句子成分转译法。2.2.1重复法(repetition)重复法(repetition)是在翻译中,为了使译文忠实于原文并且产生意义明确,文字通顺、流畅,符合目的语习惯的文字,而将某一部分文字反复使用的翻译技巧。例子:1. You must

2、 ask the mother at home, the children in the street, the ordinary man in the market and look at their mouth, how they speak, and translate that way; then theyll understand and see that youre speaking to them in German. (重复谓语动词)你一定要问一问家庭主妇们,问一问街头玩耍的孩子,问一问集市上做买卖的百姓,听听他们说些什么,他们如何说,你就如何译;这样他们就会理解,就会明白:你

3、是在用德语和他们讲话。2. We have to analyze and solve problems. (重复宾语)我们必须分析问题,解决问题。3. Ignorance is the mother of fear as well as of admiration. (重复省略的部分)无知是畏惧之源,羡慕之根。4. But we still have defects, and very big ones. (指代内容的重复)但我们仍有不足,而且是很大的不足。5. The dog is chasing the cat which is chasing a rat which is having

4、a piece of cheese in its mouth.(指代内容的重复)那条狗在追着那只猫,而猫又在追着一只老鼠,老鼠的嘴里衔着一块奶酪。6. 判断我们各方面工作的是非得失,归根到底,要以是否有利于发展社会主义的生产力,是否有利于增强我国的综合国力,是否有利于提高人民的生活水平为标准。In the final analysis, the criterion for judging the success or failure of our work in various fields is whether it helps to develop the productive force

5、s of socialist society, to strengthen the overall capacity of the country and to improve the peoples living standards.7.And I did not translate them as an interpreter, but as an orator, keeping the same ideas and forms, or as one might say, the figures of thoughts, but in language which conforms to

6、our usage.(重复主语)我翻译这些演说词,不是作为译者而是作为演说家。我保留了原作同样的意思和形式(或者像有人所说的思想的形象),而使用的语言与我们的语言习惯一致。8.Woman is the gate of the devil, the path of wickedness, the sting of the serpent, in a word a perilous object.” (重复谓语)女人是罪恶之门、邪恶之径、毒蛇之牙,总之,女人是件危险的东西。9.And it is imagined by many that the operations of the common

7、mind can be by no means compared with these processes, and that they have to be acquired by a sort of special training.许多人认为,普通人的思维活动根本无法与科学家的思维过程相比,认为这些思维过程必须经过某种专门训练才能掌握。(重复谓语动词)10.I had experienced oxygen and /or engine trouble.我曾碰到过,不是氧气设备了故障,就是引擎出故障,或两者都出故障(重复名词)11.The three most important effe

8、cts of an electric current are heating, magnetic and chemical effects.电流的三种最重要的效应是热效应、磁效应和化学效应。12.Alternating stress not only varies in magnitude but also in direction.角变应力不仅大小不同,而且方向不同。13.This is “good” ozone because it protects us from the suns UV rays.这是良性臭氧,因为这部分臭氧保护我们免遭太阳紫外线的伤害。14. This is “goo

9、d” ozone because it protects us from the suns UV rays. (UV: ultraviolet)这是良性臭氧,因为这部分臭氧保护我们免遭太阳紫外线的伤害。2.2增词法(amplification)在翻译中为了使译文通顺易懂,或是为了行文生动,更符合目的与的语言习惯而采取的增加部分解释性词语、连接词、类属词、概括性词语和代词的做法叫增词法(amplification)。1. The boxes, being museum quality, would have increased in worth over the years, and made

10、people remember me “with growing appreciation.”参考译文:九只盒子,都足以当作文物收藏在博物馆里,随着岁月流逝,它们的价值还会越来越高,人们也会因而记住我,“越来越欣赏”我。2. The subsequent generations of this family grew impoverished by a combination of drought, extortion, and too many gifts to opera girls, all of which led to their losing face and their prop

11、erty.参考译文:在接下来的几代中,因为遭遇旱灾,被人勒索,再加上给优伶的封赏太多,这个家族便最终资财耗尽,风光不再了。3.The men squatted in their dark-colored logyis, the ever-present cheroots clenched between their teeth.参考译文:男人们穿着深色的袍裙,蹲坐在那里,嘴里总是叼着烟。4.His consideration of the Bible with the language of ordinary people and his consideration of translatio

12、n in terms of focusing on the TL and the TT reader were crucial in his translation.他注重使用民众的语言来翻译圣经,注重为目的语和目的语文本的读者考虑,这两点在他的翻译中很关键。5.Formal education for girls historically has been secondary to that for boys.历史上,先有男孩子接受正规教育,之后才有女孩子接受正规教育。6.When she began her career as a nightclub singer, she took th

13、e professional name Maya Angelou, combining her childhood nickname with a form of her husbands name.她的职业生涯是从夜总会的女歌手开始的,那时她给自己起了个艺名玛雅 安琪露,这个名字融合了她孩提时代的绰号以及丈夫的名字。7.This plan with all its disadvantages is considered to be one of the best.尽管有种种不周全之处,这个计划仍被认为是最佳计划之一。8.Flowers bloom all over the yard.朵朵鲜花

14、满院盛开。10. Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; writing an exact man.读书使人充实,讨论使人机智,写作使人严谨。11. 不要重复叶公好龙那个故事,讲了多少年的社会主义,临到社会主义跑来找他,她又害怕起来了。(毛泽东选集,第五卷)The story of Lord Ye who professed to love dragons should not be repeated. One must not just talk about socialism for years and then suddenly

15、 turn pale when socialism comes knocking at the door.12. 只是晚上躺在床上的时候,她才感到神志清醒。It is only during the night when she lies in bed that she feels she has a clear mind.14.Day after day he came to his worksweeping, scrubbing, cleaning.他每天来干活扫地,擦桌椅,清理房间。15.一个篱笆三个桩,一个好汉三人帮。A bamboo fence needs the support o

16、f three stakes, and an able man needs the help of three other persons.Stakes make a bamboo fence stand, and supporters help an able man succeed.2.3省略法(omission)省略法(omission)是为了行文的简洁和更符合目的与习惯,将一些重复的词语或一些已被涵盖的意义省去的翻译方法,而原文的意义并未因此受到任何损失。1. When she could no longer decide, she became depressed. Whenever Dwigh



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