【教学设计】unit 1 lesson 5(冀教版)

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1、Unit 1 School and friends Lesson 5 May I have a book? 教材分析第5课通过借东西,练习如何有礼貌地借东西,以及表达感谢和再见的日常用语。 教学目标【知识与能力目标】1. Sentential form: May I have / borrow.?2. Learn classroom objects.3. Understand the meaning of the text.【过程与方法目标】Remember the master words about classroom objects.【情感态度价值观目标】 Understand the

2、text. Use the important Phrase. 教学重难点【教学重点】Practice the dialogue.【教学难点】Practice the dialogue for using the sentences pattern May I have/borrow. 课前准备图片,PPT 教学过程Step 1. Warming upReview the last lesson about classroom objects and the using expressions.Step 2. Lead in.(引入)In our class, classmate usuall

3、y need help each other. So we can do what when others need help. Example in Chinese first, then explain the text.Step 3. New lesson(新课)No. 1 Text: Explain the meaning of the text.Danny: Excuse me, May I have / borrow.? Jenny: OK! Here you are.Danny: Thanks.Jenny: Youre welcome. .No. 2 Practice in pa

4、irs. Encourage the Ss to ask for real things like books, pens, marker, erasers etc.No. 3 Learning Tip.After someone says thanks or thank you, you can say youre welcome. What else can you say? You can say: no problem, no worries, not at all, my pleasure, dont mention it, forget it or its nothing.Step

5、 4. Lets do it1. Listen and circle.2. Complete the mind-map;3. Play the chain game.4. Listen and do the actions.Step 5. Summary(小结)Sum up the text briefly. Sum up the phrase: Excuse me, May I have / borrow.? Here you are. Youre welcome. See you later.Step 6. Homework(作业)Remember the phrase.Step 7. Blackboard-writing(板书)Sentential form. 教学反思略。


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