【教学设计】unit 7 lesson 19(北师大)

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1、Unit 7 JourneysLesson 19 The Silk Roadv 教材分析本课是一篇游记。作者本次旅游源于爸爸对历史的兴趣、对丝绸之路着迷,因此,带领全家游览了原丝绸之路上的一些城市。文章第一段对丝绸之路进行了简单的介绍,接下来用四段文章具体介绍游览的过程:从兰州出发,经过武威,到嘉峪关,再到玉门关,最后抵达敦煌。带领读者游览丝绸之路上的这些重要城市.讲述了它们在历史上的重要作用以及现在的情况。最后是作者对于这次旅游的感想:本次旅游不仅是一次风景之旅,更是一次“历史之旅。”本课阅读文章最大的特色是学科融合,在阅读的同时渗透了历史知识丝绸之路及沿途重要城市的历史作用,以及著名诗人王

2、之涣对于玉门关的描写。学生在学习英语的过程中加深对祖国历史、文化的理解并加深对中华民族传统文化的热爱。 教学目标【知识目标】分享自己通过历史学科或其它途径所掌握的有关丝绸之路的相关知识,并通过快速阅读文章检查并完善已有的知识。【能力目标】通过分析、归纳、填表格的方式对比作者所游览的城市在历史上的重要性及现在的变化。【情感目标】了解丝绸之路的长度、起点、重点、途径的重要城市以及它的重要历史作用。 教学重难点【教学重点】通过快速阅读了解丝绸之路的长度、起点、重点、途径的重要城市。【教学难点】 课前准备对比分析作者所游览的城市的共同点。1.课前准备:调试光盘与课件、给学生分组、为学生布置预习作业等;

3、 2.教具学具:光盘、大卡片等。 教学过程Step1. Warm-up1. Look at the scenery on the Silk Road and let students make a discussion on the Silk Road.2. Let students introduce the cities alongside on the Silk Road.Step2. Reading1. Skim the text. Answer the questions about the basic structures of the passage.2. Brainstorm

4、the elements required in the passage and find out the functions of each paragraph.3. Summarize main idea for each paragraph.4. Skim the text and find the answers to the questions.5. Teach some items traded along the Silk Road.6. Look at the map and talk about the cities along the Silk Road.7. Introd

5、uce the history of these Silk Road cities.8. Fill in the blanks to complete the entire text.9. Get students to say what they have learned about the Silk Road.Step3. Language points1. fascinate vt. 使着迷; 使神魂颠倒; 蛊惑Politics fascinated Franklins father.fascinating adj. 迷人的,有极大吸引力的; 使人神魂颠倒的2. go on 发生; 进行

6、; 过去; 向前走 He goes on to Holland tomorrow.I dont know whats going on.3. get a sense of 大概了解You can stroll along Qin - tai Road to get a sense of the old city.make sense 讲得通; 有意义; 是明智的; 理解4. on the edge of 濒于,几乎,在边缘The standard of living today is on the edge of subsistence. 5. make it +补语 及时到达; 成功I be

7、lieve I have the talent to make it.Step4. Background knowledgeTeach students the One Belt One Road project.One belt one road” means the“silk road economic belt”and “the Maritime silk road in the 21st century”. “一带一路”是指“丝绸之路经济带”和“21世纪海上丝绸之路”的简称。The Peoples Republic of China supreme leader xi in2013 p

8、ut forward economic cooperation concept and suggested it is the multinational belt.中华人民共和国最高领导人习近平于2013年提出的经济合作概念,属于跨国经济带。Step5. Listening 1. Listen and write down the essential information of the listening material.2. Think about a memorable trip that you went on.Step6. Homework1. Copy and remember the new phrases.2. Read the passage aloud and understand it. 3. Finish Ex A and Ex B on workbooks. 教学反思略



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