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1、Questions,Do you often make decisions by yourself? Do your parents interfere with your affairs because of different ideas? Do you sometimes feel difficult to communicate with elderly people, e.g. your parents, uncles, etc.?,Generation Gap in Communication Dont limit your child to your own circle, be

2、cause they are living in different times.,What?,Different interests? Different idols? Different notions of some words? Different lifestyles? Different ways of communication? Different dreams? Different attitudes? ,Different interests:,Different idols:,Different lifestyles:,Why?,Social background? Ec

3、onomic status? Living environment? National policy? ,Various Generations,GI Generation - high achievers fearless but not reckless patriotic idealistic morally conscientious doers & believers,Kennedy & Bush,Various Generations,Silent Generation - cautious unadventurous unimaginative withdrawn silent

4、conformity,Various Generations,Babyboom Generation - hard-working anti-tradition no self-sacrifice high self-esteem high self-indulgence questioning everything,Sandwich Generation,Various Generations,Lost Generation - pessimistic mental blankness creative in literature,Heimingway,Various Generations

5、,Generation X - irresponsible reckless uneducated violent children without a childhood lonely,13 ERs Generation,Various Generations,Millennial Generation - precious away from drugs, alcohol quality education abstinence generation of hope,Me Generation,Various Generations,Generation E Generation Y (W

6、hy) Generation Nasdaq Beat Generation Wireless Generation ,Reasons,Different life goals (Chairman Mao) Different living environments (TV & Internet) Different understandings (independence, bf or gf, sex) Different concepts of equality,“80后、90后”,80后“我字当头” “80后”小夫妻“闪婚”“闪离” 成离婚高发人群 “80后”父亲与孩子争风吃醋患上产后抑郁

7、症 老公买错牛奶牌子 80后小夫妻闹离婚 “80后”年轻夫妻为逃避刷洗买16口锅备用 “80后”妈妈命令女儿喊“姐姐”,“80后、90后”,90后“非常61” 处在幻想中的一代 靠父母给钱的孩子 靠父母给钱却还拿出来炫耀 1成多的学生抽过烟或喝过酒 近2成的学生有两种以上化妆品 超过4成的学生有4-6个要好朋友近3成的学生能玩一种以上乐器 近5成的学生通过网络来了解新闻 近6成的学生最欣赏崇拜影视类明星 近7成学生认为自己的生活充实而开心,Comparison of “70后、80后、90后”,Attitude toward work Clothing Hobbies Drinking Hol

8、liday Making friends,Case Study,Young Chinese-American. Case 1 on P190.,camaraderie,Closeness: similar enjoyment in clothing, hairstyles, activities, expectations.,Shrinking gap,child-centered busy/less disciplining independence,neglecting values neglecting teaching opportunities neglecting the rela

9、tionship,Downside: diminishing respect less power over-indulgence,Shrinking gap,Conclusion,Communication between people born and brought up at different times is very much the same kind of problem as communication between people born and brought up in different places. It is actually a form of inter

10、cultural communication.,Conclusion,Every generation is a “melting pot” of different kinds of people. Many generations have been labeled with a name reflecting their attitudes and actions.,Brainstorming,While travelling on a train in China, Jane meets a young American couple who seem to be in their e

11、arly thirties. As they chat, Jane asks how long they have been married. They reply they are not married, but have been living together for a little over 2 years. Jane pursues the issue by asking if they are planning to get married, but they say they havent decided whether or not to get married and are in no hurry. Why is the couple living together instead of getting married?,Cultural info.,Living together Views of marriage Asking about sensitive topics,



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