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1、/ (科普版)小学五年级上学期英语1-3课练习卷 一、选出你所听到的单词或短语。 ( ) 1. A .take B.make C.like( ) 2. A.mouth B. mouse C. horse( ) 3. A. England B. hand C. and( ) 4. A.a long ruler B.a short letter C. a red pen( ) 5. A. write a letter B. look like C. draw a girl 二、选出你所听到的句子。( ) 1. A. Do you have a pen? B. Can I use your rule

2、r?( ) 2. A .Whats one from two ? B. What are you doing? ( ) 3. A. Im drawing. B. He is swimming . ( ) 4. A. It looks like a TV. B. It looks like me. ( ) 5. A. Here it is. B.Here you are. 三、听录音,给下列句子排顺序。 ( ) Im reading a book. ( ) He cant write a letter. ( ) You are clever. ( )Let me show you . ( )A

3、computer has a keyboard.一、选择正确答案。 ( ) 1. _ a TV have a mouse? A. Do B .Is C. Does ( ) 2.He cant write ,_. A. either B. too C.to ( ) 3.Here_some cakes. A.is B.are C.has ( ) 4. What are you _ ? A.do B.drawing C.rideing ( ) 5 .Whats two _ ten? Its eight. A. or B.and C.from二、选择正确的答句。 ( ) 1.Where is the

4、mouse? A. Yes, it is. ( ) 2.What are you doing? B. Certainly. ( ) 3. Do you have a ballpen ? C. Im reading English.( ) 4. Can I use your ruler? D. Its near the computer. ( ) 5. Is your eraser new ? E. Yes, I do.三、用所给单词完成下面对话。thankaredo drawingwelcome yes youacansure A: What_you doing? B:Im _ a compu

5、ter.A: _ you have _ dictionary ? B: _,I do.A: _ I use it now ? B: _. Here _are . A: _ you . B:Youre _四、请用所给的单词组成句子,注意标点符号。 1. a has computer mouse a _. 2. your too is ruler long _. 3. he have friend does a _ ? 4. she new think a I has bag _.5、 are what drawing you _?五、阅读短文,判断正()误()。 Hi ! Im Peter. I

6、 have a new ruler. Its long. Im drawing a mouse now. I have a good friend.His name is Bob. My friend is very clever. He has a new ruler, too. But its short. Whats he doing? Look! He is reading a Chinese book under a big tree. ( ) 1. Bob and Peter are friends. ( ) 2. Bob has a long ruler. ( ) 3. Bob

7、is under a big tree now. ( ) 4. Peter and Bob are drawing a mouse ( ) 5. Peters ruler i s new and Bobs ruler is new ,too. ( ) 6. Bob is reading an Englishbook. ( ) 7. Peters friend is clever. 4-6课练习卷一、选出你所听到的单词或短语的中文意思。 ( ) 1. A .儿子 B.星期日 C.星期一 ( ) 2. A. 煮 B.书 C. 看( ) 3. A. 马 B. 房子 C .老鼠 ( ) 4. A. 在

8、外 B. 经常 C.胡萝卜( ) 5. A.打篮球 B. 玩游戏 C.踢足球二、听录音,选择正确的答语。( ) 1. A. Yes ,we are. B. Yes, I do. ( ) 2. A .She s swimming. B. Shes tall. ( ) 3. A.Five. B. Fine. ( ) 4. A.Hes reading. B.Hes at home. ( ) 5. A. Tom and John. B. No, they arent. 三、听录音,排顺序。 ( ) They often play basketball there. ( ) Hes cleaning h

9、is bike. ( ) I have no food. ( ) Im doing my homework. ( ) Shes in the classroom.一、选择正确的答句。 ( ) 1.Where are the boys? A. Yes, I am. ( ) 2.Whats Eve doing? B. Theyre in the playground. ( ) 3 Are you helping Dad? C. Youre welcome. ( ) 4.Where are you going? D.Shes cooking. ( ) 5.Thank you. E. Were goi

10、ng to the park.二、用所给单词完成下面对话。whatnot mecleaningthanks A: Hello! _ are you doing ? B: Im _ my bike. A: Let _help you. B: _ A: _ at all. 三、单词变换。1. right(同音词)_ 2 .too(同音词)_ 3.player(复数形式)_ 4. he (复数形式)_ 5.long(反义词)_ 6.have(第三人称单数)_7. can not (缩写形式)_ 8.write(现在分词)_ 9.sleep(现在分词)_ 10.run (现在分词)_四、阅读短文,判断

11、正()误()。 Hi! Im Mr White. Im from England. Im a farmer. I have a son .His name is John. I have nineteen pigs on my farm. I count my pigs every morning. Now my son and I are counting the pigs. But we cant count the pigs at all because(因为) some little pigs are running about too fast. ( ) 1. Mr White is a farmer from England. ( ) 2. Mr White is Johns father. ( ) 3. Mr White has 20 pigs. ( ) 4. One little pig is running about too fast, so we cant count the pigs. (


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