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1、Unit 5 International Charities,本单元目标与重难点: 1、让学生了解本单元介绍的五个国际慈善机构,认识各个图标以及该机构的目的与功能。其中重点掌握ORBIS和 UNICEF。 2、熟悉并掌握名词后缀ment, -ness, -ion,能正确运用恰当的形式。 3、学会转变直接引语为间接引语。 4、掌握使用be used to do, used to do, be used to doing 5、能够运用本单元所学的知识谈论某个慈善机构,了解慈善机构的重要性,并能发表自己的观点,完成作文。,World Wide Fund for Nature It can prote

2、ct the wildlife, nature and environment.,UNICEF It works to provide children with food, house, medicine and education.,World Vision It can help poor families and children.,ORBIS It works to help people who are unable to see.,Oxfam It can make our world become fair.,An interview with an ORBIS doctor,

3、something about blindness:,Blindness affects about _ around the world, mostly in _ countries.,45 million people,poor,The good news is that _ _,80 per cent of the cases of blindness can be cured or prevented.,The bad news is that_ _,many people do not have the money for medical treatment.,the work of

4、 ORBIS:,ORBIS uses a flying eye hospital to visit poor countries. On the plane, volunteer doctors _. They also use the plane as a _.,perform operations,teaching center,Local doctors and nurses can come to our plane to _. We teach them _.,learn about eye operations,new skills and knowledge,Dr Mas wor

5、k and his feeling:,During his last visit, he _ _.,operated on 150 patients,When he worked in a hospital, he _ _.,used to do only 2 or 3 operations a day,he can help so many people,Dr Ma is proud that _ _ and many people _ him.,are grateful to,Dr Mas hope:,All they need is _ _.,enough money to carry

6、on with their work,We should _.,try our best to help other people,We hope people will_ _.,support our work by sending donations to ORBIS,Can you answer the following questions ?,What did Dr Ma say about blindness? What did Dr Ma say about ORBIS? 3.What did Dr Ma say about patients in poor countries?

7、 4.What did Dr Ma say about his work? 5.What did Dr Ma say about his hope?,Words and Phrases,重点单词(四会) pocket pocket money health care blindness case treatment operation patient video illness prevention affect cure prevent operate treat repair improve Train mostly indeed international medical gratefu

8、l proud gentle meaningful fund-raising serious,重点单词:(三会) international interviewer educate especially,重点单词:(二会) volunteer voluntary,Useful expressions ( Unit 5),1. 影响全球约四千五百万人 affect about 45 million people around the world 2. 百分之八十的失明病案 80 per cent of the cases of blindness 3. 无钱医治 have no money fo

9、r treatment 4. 一架飞行的眼科医院 a flying eye hospital 5. 在飞机上 on the plane 6. 志愿者医生 volunteer doctors,Useful expressions ( Unit 5),7. 演示(实施/ 做)手术 perform (do) operations 8. 把它当作教学中心 use it as a teaching center 9. 学习有关眼科手术 learn about eye operations 10. 观看手术录象 watch the operations on video 11. 通过训练当地的医护人员 b

10、y training local doctors and nurses 12. 给150位病人做手术 operate on 150 patients,Useful expressions ( Unit 5),13. 过去常常一天只做两三例手术 used to do only 2 or 3 operations a day 14. 现在习惯它了 am/ is/ are used to it now 15. 对真得很感激 be really grateful to 16. 为此感到骄傲 feel/ be proud that / of/ to 17. 尽力去帮助别人 try ones best t

11、o help other people,Useful expressions ( Unit 5),18. 继续他们的工作 carry on with their work 19. 全世界的人们 people all over the world 20. 提高儿童们的生活 improve the lives of children 21. 把世界变成予孩子们更好的地方 make the world a better place for children 22. 接受教育 get education 23. 与众不同的生活方式 an / the unusual lifestyle,Useful e

12、xpressions ( Unit 5),24. 捐赠和做义工 make a donation and do some voluntary work 关心, 在意 care about 26. 由于战争 because of the war 27. 组织其他的基金募捐的活动 organize other fund-raising activities 代替工作去供养他们的家庭 instead of working to support their families 29. 存/ 节省钱 save some money,Useful expressions ( Unit 5),30. 是世界很多

13、地方的一个严重问题 be a very serious problem in many parts of the world 31. 成立 set up 32. 以至,以便 so that 33. 作为一个护士受训 train as a nurse 34. 把零钱花在 spend pocket money on sth. ,Useful expressions ( Unit 5),35. 对于 你是怎么想的? What do you think about ? 36. 不能读也不能写 cant read or write 37. 在某方面取得好成绩 get good grades on 害怕做

14、某事 be afraid of doing sth. 39. 毕业 finish school,用所给词的正确形式填空: 1. Most cases of SARS were _(cure) in 2003. 2. My father told me that life is boring _ (with) studying. 3. You can help the elderly by doing some _ (volunteer) work for them. 4. Who made the _(donate) to Project Hope? 5. This _(ill) is too hard to cure. 6. Helping people is very _


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