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1、英语句子成分和英语句子结构讲解,句子成分,主语,谓语,表语,宾语,定语,状语,宾语补足语,主语补足语,给下列句子的主语画线并判断哪些词性可充当主语,(1) The sun rises in the east. ( ) (2) He likes dancing. ( ) (3) Twenty is enough. ( ) (4) Seeing is believing. ( ) (5) To see is to believe ( ) (6) What he needs is a book. ( ) (7) It is very clear that the elephant is round

2、and tall like a tree. ( ),名词,代词,数词,动词ing形式,动词不定式,主语从句,主语从句,主语:,是执行句子的行为或动作的主体。,给下列句子的谓语画线并注意其时态和语态。,1. He is a boy. 2. He finished his homework. 3. Im working hard. 4. We were playing basketball at that time yesterday. 5. I will let you know the result tomorrow. 6. He has already finished his homewo

3、rk. 7. I had finished my work before I got home. 8. We will have finished the Book 1 by the end of next month. 9. He was taken good care of.,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,谓语:,说明主语的动作,状态和特征。,给下列句子的宾语画线并判断哪些词可以充当宾语 (1) I like China. ( ) (2) He hates you ( ) (3) How many do you need? We need two. ( ) (4) We should

4、 help the old and the poor. ( ) (5) I enjoy working with you. ( ) (6) I hope to see you again. ( ) (7) Did you write down what he said? ( ),名词,代词,数词,the +形容词,动词不定式,宾语从句,3.宾语,1)动作的承受者与动词构成 动宾关系。,2)介词后的名词,代词和动名词 与介词构成介宾关系,动词ing,划出下列句子的表语,并判断哪些词可以充当表语。 1. He is a teacher. ( ) 2. Five and five is ten. (

5、 ) 3. He is asleep. ( ) 4. His father is in. ( ) 5. The picture is on the wall. ( ) 6. My watch is gone / missing/ lost. ( ) 7. To wear a flower is to say “ Im poor, I cant buy a ring.” ( ) 8. The question is whether they will come. ( ) 9. Her voice sounds sweet. ( ) 10. The door remains open. ( ),_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,名词,数词,副词,介词短语,分词,动词不定式,表语从句,形容词,形容词,表语,系动词之后的成分,表示主语的性质,状态 和特征。,形容词,总结:常见的系动词有:be ; 表感观的_, _, _, _,_; 表保 持的_,_, _; 表变化的有 _, _,_,feel,sound,look,smell,taste,keep,remain,stay,get,turn,become,


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