【师说】2015-2016学年高中英语新课标人教版必修3课时作业 3.1《Warming Up & Reading》

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【师说】2015-2016学年高中英语新课标人教版必修3课时作业 3.1《Warming Up & Reading》_第1页
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【师说】2015-2016学年高中英语新课标人教版必修3课时作业 3.1《Warming Up & Reading》_第3页
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《【师说】2015-2016学年高中英语新课标人教版必修3课时作业 3.1《Warming Up & Reading》》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【师说】2015-2016学年高中英语新课标人教版必修3课时作业 3.1《Warming Up & Reading》(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家 版权所有高考资源网- 1 -新提升课时作业.用所给单词的正确形式填空1Be more _ (patience). You will do it well if you keep on.2A successful _ (business) must be aggressive.3You were wrong to take the car without _ (permit)4He listens and waits for the _ (narrate) to explain more.5The cakes are _ (paid); you shouldnt

2、 eat them right now.6This area is _ (wealth) in fruits and flowers.7We should not judge a person by his _ (appear)8As long as you drive _ (careful), you will be very safe.9There were many _ (service) in his house when he was rich.10Their answers are _ (exact) the same.答案与解析:1解析:此处是做表语,应该 用形容词,意 为“耐心

3、点儿 ”。答案:patient2解析:句意为“一个成功的商人必须有进取心” ,businessman 意为“商人” 。答案:businessman3解析:句意为“你未得许可就把汽车开走是不应该的” ,在介词 without 后面用名词permission,意为“许可;准许;同意 ”。permit 也可用作名 词,特指 “通行证” 。答案:permission4解析:句意为“他听着,等待 讲的人进一步解释” ,narrate 是动词,加 or 变为名词“讲述者” 。答案:narrator5解析:根据后面“你不应该现在吃”可推知“蛋糕还没付钱” ,用 unpaid。答案:unpaid6解析:句意“

4、这个地区盛产水果和鲜花” ,be wealthy in 表示“盛产” 。答案:wealthy7解析:句意为“我们不应该以貌取人” ,appearance 是名词,意为“外表,出 现” 。答案:appearance8解析:修饰动词 drive 应该用副词 carefully。答案:carefully9解析:句意为“他富有的时候,家里有 许多佣人” 。service 意为“服务” ;servant 意为“仆人” 。答案:servants10解析:句意为“他们的回答完全一样” ,应该用副词 exactly。答案:exactly.用适当的介词或副词填空1I visited several famous

5、 cities such _ New York, Chicago and Boston.2Her parents died when she was a baby and she was brought _ by her aunt.3Jackie Chan is well known _ an actor.4The novel is set _ prewar London.5Tony was born _ December 24, the Christmas Eve.6He could not account _ his absence from school.7The little girl

6、 stared _ the little cats tumbling over each other in their basket.8The river flows _ the city from east to west.9I dont care _ the price, so long as the car is in good condition.10I dropped my camera _ the pavement and bust (摔坏) it.答案:1.as2.up3.as4.in5.on6.for7.at 8.through9.about10.on.同义句转换高考资源网()

7、 您身边的高考专家 版权所有高考资源网- 2 -1When she was reading a newspaper, she heard that her son was crying._ _ a newspaper, she heard her son _.2In fact, the air quality of Beijing is still worrying._ _ _ _ _, the air quality of Beijing is still worrying.3Just as I was surfing the Internet, the storm hit the city

8、 suddenly.I was surfing the Internet _ the storm hit the city.4To tell the truth, he will never lie to any of us._ _ _, he will never lie to any of us.5You are too silly. You shouldnt believe what the beggar said.It is silly _ you _ _ the beggar.答案:1.When/While reading; crying2.As a matter of fact3.

9、when4.To be honest5.of; to believe.根据提示翻译句子1时间不允许我久留。(permit)_2由于缺乏耐心,这位护士陷入了困境。(lack; patience; get into trouble)_3你能不能(介意)与我换一换位置?这样我可以离炉火近一点。 (mind)_4我们打赌看谁先背下这篇文章。(make a bet)_5粗心大意地驾驶是许多事故发生的原因。(account for)_答案:1Time doesnt permit my staying longer./Time doesnt permit me to stay longer.2Because

10、 the nurse lacked patience, she got into trouble.3Would you mind changing places with me so that I can be nearer the fire?4We are making a bet on whos going to recite this text first.5Careless driving accounts for many accidents.完形填空A Tale of Two Cities is a novel _1_ by the English author Charles D

11、ickens. It tells us _2_ a tale of adventure (冒险) that _3_ in London and Paris at the time of French Revolution. So the cities in the title _4_ London and Paris.The story dealt with the fate of small groups of _5_ who were drawn into the events of the Revolution. One of the main characters _6_ Dr Man

12、ette, _7_ was a French doctor. After having _8_ prison for eighteen years, he was _9_ . Then he settled in London with his beautiful daughter Lucie. She fell in love with Charles Darnay,a _10_ heir (后裔) of the Evrmonde family of French. Then she _11_ him. Several years _12_, when Darnay returned to

13、Paris, he was _13_ by the revolutionaries. At this time there was _14_ young man named Sydnay Carton, _15_ English lawyer who loved Lucie _16_ that he _17_ be sentenced to death instead of Darnay, who was very much like Darnay. Only _18_ could Darnay escape death _19_ his execution. _20_ this centre was the exciting life of revolutionary Paris.1A.found Bwritten Cdiscovere



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