【5A文】高中英语unit2 Word study

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1、Healthy eating,word study,diet v._ 节食_ 2. protect n._ adj._ 3. balance v._ n._ adj._ 保持平衡_ 失去平衡_ 平衡的膳食_,diet,be/go on a diet,protection,protective,balance,balance,balanced,keep ones balance,lose ones balance,balanced diet,4. fry adj._ _ 炸鸡块_ 煎锅_ 5. sugar adj._ 6. 减肥_ 增肥_ 7. curious n._,fried,frying,

2、fried chicken,frying pan,sugary,lose weight,gain / put on weight,curiosity,8. host n. (person)_ (female)_ 9. raw = _ 10. lie pt._ pp._ (ing)_ 说谎 _ 说实话_,host,hostess,uncooked,lied,lied,lying,tell lies,tell the truth,11. discount v._ 打九折_ 12. weak n._ ant._ 13. strong n._ adv._ v._ 14. digest n._ adj.

3、_ 15. poison adj._,at a discount 10% off,discount,weakness,strong,strength,strongly,strengthen,digestion,digestive,poisonous,16. glare at 区别: stare at / glance at / look at 17. spy v._ 暗中监视,侦查_ 看见,发现_ 18. limit n._ adj._ 19. benefit adj._=_ 从中获益_,spy,spy on,spy sb doing sth,limit,limited,beneficial,

4、be of benefit,benefit from,20. combine n._ 把与结合 _ 把理论与实践相结合 combine theory with practice,combination,combine A with B,study together,Phrases,1. 节食,2. 保持平衡,3. 减肥,4. 增加体重,6. 令人好奇的,7、被放过,免于处罚,8、撒谎,be/go on a diet,keep ones balance,lose weight,put on weight,to ones curiosity,get away with,tell a lie/ te

5、ll lies,5. 平衡的膳食,a balanced diet,9、应该 9、赢回 10、谋生 11、欠债 12 还清债务,12、怒视 13、从中受益 14. 删节 15.不久以后 很久以前,ought to,glare at,win back,benefit from,earn ones living,be in debt,be out of debt,cut down,before long,long before,get away with sth 1.=not be punished for sth 做成(错事)(未受惩罚),I dont know how they managed

6、to get away with paying such low taxes. I wont have you getting away with cheating in the exam.,2.=steal sth and escape with it 偷携某物潜逃,The robbers robbed the bank and got away with a lot of money.,ought not to do sth ought sb/sth to do sth ? ought to have done sth 本应该;应该已经,You _ cook fresh vegetables and meat without too much fat if you want to stay slim. You _eat the same kind of food at every meal. He _ (arrive) home by now.,ought to,ought not to,ought to have arrived,


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