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1、11新高一英语入学测试卷考试时间:90分钟;考试分值:100分;难度系数:0.65 姓名:_一、阅读理解(15题,每题2分,共30分) Some people dont wish to waste even a second at work. Looking at a computer screen for a long time can cause stress on ones eyes. Sitting and looking at a television screen for hours can also make the eyes tired.Bookworms love readi

2、ng and they will make sure they read much more than their bodies can deal with. The strong wish to finish a book may result in fast reading,without taking breaks, which can lead to tired eyes. Reading for a long time in weak light can also cause tired eyes.More salt-based junk food like burgers,pizz

3、as, etc. and less water also play a role in causing tired eyes. The junk food is a reason for tired eyes for it hasnt enough vitamins(维生素).Less sleep causes the eyes to become heavy. Dark circles also develop if one doesnt get enough sleep over a period of time.If not treated in time,the condition c

4、an become worse. Here are some ways to relieve(减轻)a tired eye condition.Every hour during your day at work, spend a minute relaxing your eyes. Look away from your computer screen and roll your eyes in all directions. Try and blink(眨眼)more often. Look around the room or close your eyes for a minute i

5、f you want and then work again. Following these every hour will help relieve the stress on your eyes,and you wont feel so tired after work.Tea helps relieve tired eyes. Make a cup of hot black tea and pour it into a glass. Hold the glass close to your eyes,so that the vapors from the tea reach your

6、eyes. This will also make you feel fresh.If your eyes feel very tired at work, go to the washroom and wash your face with cool tap water. The cold water will help relieve the tired feeling. Do this every hour during work and your eyes will feel good.1How many factors will cause the tiredness of ones

7、 eyes according to the passage?A6B4C8D102In the last paragraph, what method does the author suggest to relieve your eyes?AA physical approach.BA medicine treatment.CAn operation.DAn exercise method.3Whats the purpose of the passage?ATo show the importance of our eyes.BTo explain the ways of eyes pro

8、tection.CTo help us keep fit.DTo tell us how to get rid of eyes tiredness.4Where can you possibly see the passage?AA poster.BA travel guide.CA health magazine.DAn introduction to an eye hospital. Growing up,high school athlete Angelo Whittis never had a stable(稳定的)home-he stayed with various relativ

9、es and often slept in friends cars. Now,thanks to his football coach,the formerly homeless Detroit-area teen has a family both on and off the field.Anybody that can go through what this kid has gone through in one lifetime,and still find a way to get up again and get knocked down.I think theyre amaz

10、ing,said the River Rouge High School football coach Cory Parker.Whittiss father and his mother were in prison(监狱),so his grandmother and uncle took him in. But both relatives had drinking problems. Whittis moved around from one relative to another and,at times,ended up on the streets.Whittis is amon

11、g the over 1.5 million youths nationally who are homeless. The issue is particularly serious in Detroit,a city which has been hard hit by the recession(衰退).To distract(分散)himself from these challenges,Whittis took up football as an after-school activity. Coach Parker would drop Whittis off at differ

12、ent locations after practice,and soon realized that the boy didnt have a regular place to sleep. Parker opened up his home to Whittis,where the teen still lives with Parkers wife and infant son,who is now a little brother to him.It meant a lot to me, said Whittis. I felt like I was special, and at t

13、hat time in my life, I finally felt like I was somebody.Now as a senior on the honor roll at River Rouge High School, he performed well in his studies and as an inside linebacker of the schools football team, Whittis is setting his sights on the future and likely a college football career.5The reaso

14、ns why Angelo Whittis was homeless dont include _.Ahis parents had been in prisonBhis relatives had drinking problemsCthe economy of Detroit was worseDno relatives would like to take him in6To distract himself from the difficulties, what did Angelo Whittis do?ALooked for a kind coach.BPlayed footbal

15、l after school.CWorked hard in class.DTurned to his friends for help.7How did the coach find Angelo Whittis was homeless?AThe boy told him about it.BHe found the boy always went to different places to sleep.CThe coach knew it from his relatives.DThe coach guessed it from his performance at school.8The underlined phrase the honor roll probably refers to _.Aa list of top studentsBa team of good playersCa group of poor teensDa class of football stars Which college are you



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