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1、小学四年级英语下册单元知识点梳理及检测4B Unit 4 Buying fruit一、 重点词汇讲解1 buy fruit 购买水果2 a strawberry 一只草莓(复:strawberries)3 a peach 一只桃子(复:peaches)4 a mango 一只芒果(复:mangoes)5sweet 甜的 6 very thin 很瘦7a pear 一只梨 8 some 一些9this(这个)these( 这些)10 many 许多11that(那个)those( 那些)12 kilo 公斤,千克13 good 好的 14 great 好极了15how many 多少 16 so

2、me apples 一些苹果17the red one 红色的那个 18these or those 这些还是那些? 二、重点句型讲解 1.What are these ? 这些是什么? 2.They are pears.它们是梨。 3.Id like=I would like我想要4. How many kilos?多少公斤?5.Id like some grapes,too.我还想要一些葡萄。6.Here you are.给你。7.Can I help you?我能帮助你吗?8.These or those?这些还是那些?9.The red ones,please.请给我这些红的。10.E

3、ight yuan,please.请付8元钱。11.I like fruit.我喜欢水果。12.I like to eat.我想去吃。13.Eat them tomorrow.明天再吃它们。4B 第四单元检测听力部分(30分)一、 听录音,选出所听到的单词。(8分) A B C( )1 peach pear bear( )2 mango monkey mangoes( )3 apples pineapples grapes( )4 lemons watermelons peaches( )5 think thank thin( )6 their there three( )7 some roo

4、m same( )8 peach grape tea二、 听录音,排序。(12分)( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( )三、 听录音,按正确的顺序找答语。(10分)( )Its an apple.( )Yes, they are.( )Yes,I can.( )Id like some oranges.( )Five kilos.笔试部分(共70分)一、 英汉互译。(10分)1 一些橘子 2 五个芒果 3 能为你效劳吗 4 一杯 5 多少 6 the yellow ones 7 twenty yuan 8 very thin 9 five kilos 10 over there 二、 将

5、下列单词按颜色归类。(10分)apple , oranges , bananas, peaches , grapes, pineapples, lemons, mangoes,watermelons,pearsyellow: red:green: purple: 三、 连词成句。(10分)1 those, are, what(?) 2 like, some, Id, grapes(.) 3 I, you, help,can(?) 4 too, are, waiters, they(?) 5 job, your, whats(?) 四、 选择填空。(8分)( )1 Welcome our sch

6、ool. A too B to C two( )2 Excuse me, your father a doctor? A am B is C are( )3 Whos the boy big eyes? A in B on C with( )4 The drivers dress is the tree. A in B on C at( )5 What are ?- apples. A this;Theyre B these;Its C those;Theyre( )6 We are late the party. A four Bfor C of( )7Whats job? Ayou B h

7、e C your( )8The pears are the tree. A in Bon C at五、 匹配题 (8分)1. ( )Whos that boy with big eyes? A. She is eighteen years old. 2. ( )Is that boy your brother? B. He is my good friend, Mike. 3. ( )What are their jobs? C. Id like two kilos.4. ( )What are those over there? D. He is an English teacher.5.

8、( )Whats his job? E. They are waiters. 6. ( )How old is your sister? F. They are watermelons. 7. ( )How many kilos? G. Yes, he is my brother.8. ( )What colour is your bag? H Its green.六、根据句子写出划线单词的对应词(8分)1 His coat is black,but my coat is .2 Mr Read is at school,but Read is at home.3 I am a boy.Im n

9、ot a .4 My pen is here.Your pen is .5 Come here,please.Dont to the playground.6 This is a new skirt,that is an one.7 I have a sister.I have no .8 Liu Taos father is tall. But his uncle is .七、改写下列句子,意思不变。(8分)1 I want a cup of tea. I a cup of tea.2 This watermelon is not small. This watermelon is .3 Heres a fan for you. This fan is .4 Wheres my umbrella,mum? I cant umbrella,mum.5 Id like this toy cat.How about you?Do you toy cat?八、阅读理解(8分)This is my friend Jim. He is an American(美国的)boy. He is eleven. He is in Class Three, Grade One(一年级三班). His number is Two.He is in Row six. My n



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