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1、X西南科技大学本科生毕业论文四川省简阳市石钟镇总体规划设计总说明:石钟镇地处简阳市东北部,距简城河东新区 9公里。东邻平武镇、青龙镇、东溪镇,南与石桥镇隔河相望,西靠平窝乡,北连三星镇。属于亚热带湿润季风气候,雨量充沛,风景秀美,气候宜人,年平均温度为17。生态环境良好,土地资源丰富,主要生产水稻、玉米、小麦等。本设计项目是受简阳市石钟镇人民政府委托,以简阳市城镇体系规划(20002020)为指导,规划镇域范围45.68平方公里,16个村,176个村民小组,总耕地面积33065亩,镇区范围约25.58公顷,常住人口2500人。本设计规划原则为(1)统筹城乡一体推行,打破城乡二元结构,综合考虑镇





6、2005)、简阳市城市总体规划(19992020)、简阳市土地利用总体规划(20062020)、简阳市城镇体系规划(20002020)等国家及地方法规、规范、技术标准。关键词:石钟镇; 总体规划; 小城镇;近郊城镇Master plan of Shizhong town in Jianyang, SichuanSummary: Shizhong town located northeast of Jianyang City,9 km away from Hedong District. The east is Pingwu town, Qinglong town, Dongxi town, t

7、he south across the river is Qinglong town, the west is Pingwu town, the north is Sanxing town. Belongs to the subtropical moist monsoon climate, rainfall is abundant, beautiful scenery, pleasant climate, the annual average temperature of 17 . A good ecological environment, rich land resources, main

8、ly the production of rice, corn, wheat etc.The design project is entrusted by the peoples Government of Shizhong Town of Jianyang City. The urban system planning in Jianyang (2000 - 2020) as a guide. Town gamut 45.68 square kilometers, 16 villages, 176 village groups, with a total land area of 33,06

9、5 acres, the township area of approximately 25.58 hectares, the resident population of 2,500 people.The design and planning principles is (1) co-ordinating the implementation of urban and rural integration, breaking the urban-rural dual structure, considering the town land resource utilization, opti

10、mize resource allocation urban and rural areas, and promote the coordinated development of rural towns. (2) coordination of economic and social environment, from the perspective of sustainable development, to solve the conflict in the development and protection, to reduce the ecological damage and c

11、onsumption, emphasizing the ecological construction and sustainable development of the new town, highlighting the people-oriented philosophy, scientific use of land resources, that is conducive to the current economic conditions to achieve rapid take-off, but also conducive to the future development

12、 of the reserve sufficient space for development. (3) reasonable adjustments to land use structure, a clear functional division, creating their locational characteristics to adapt to urban structure and urban morphology.The design and planning guiding ideology is comprehensively implement the scient

13、ific concept of development, in accordance with the facts, based on the current, taking into account the long-term requirements, give full consideration to the actual development status and Shizhong Town resources and environment carrying capacity, reasonably determine the township development goals

14、 and strategies, conservation and intensive use resources to the people living in the town, leisure and tourism town as township development goals, and actively develop agriculture, and effectively improve the living conditions of the township to build a coordinated urban and rural development, a vi

15、brant small town. To strengthen the new rural construction, urban and rural integration objectives, improve public services,after analysis the Shizhong Town public buildings were reconfigured. As Shizhong town low level of urbanization, the urbanization level predicted in 2030 reached 30% to 40%, an

16、d so the plan in 2030 township population size of 12,000 people. Shizhong town will be divided into built-up areas, control the construction area and prohibiting the construction area, through the development of appropriate strategies, rational use of space and land resources, to achieve sustained and coordinated economic and social development.Shizhong town current road is relatively simple, two main streets is the north-s


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