实用阶梯英语 综合教程 商务篇 ppt 课件6

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1、Try Your Ears,Back,After attending a job-enrichment seminar, a supervisor decided that some of the suggested techniques could help combat _. He _ and told him that he now would _, _and _. The wanted “satisfiers” would be introduced into the mans job. The worker asked if he would get more money. The

2、supervisor replied, “No. Money is not a motivator and you will not be satisfied _.” Once again, the employee asked. “Well, if I do what you want, will I get more pay?” The supervisor answered, “No. You need to understand _. Take this book home and read it. Tomorrow _ and Ill explain once again what

3、will really motivate you.” As the man was leaving, he turned back and asked, “Well, if I read this book, will I get more money?”,1. Listen to the text twice and fill in the blanks with the missing contents you have heard.,his companys productivity problem,invited an employee to his office,be allowed

4、,to plan, carry out,control his own job,if I give you more pay,the motivation theory,well get together,Try Your Ears,Back,2. Please read the following statements and decide if they are true or false.,(1) A job-enrichment seminar gave some opinions to the supervisor. T F (2) The supervisor think that

5、 techniques can solve his companys problem. T F (3) The supervisor invited an employer to his office. T F ,Try Your Ears,Back,3. Answer the following questions based on the story.,(1) What really motivated the employee?,(2) From your observation, do you think the supervisor is good at observing?,(3)

6、 What is the moral of the story?,The wanted “satisfiers”,no, because he didnt know what employees really wanted,the meaning of motivation is not just to let workers to get more money. And the manager should know what their workers really want,Open Your Mouth,Back,Text 1,Back,Pre-reading Discussions:

7、,1. Have you heard of Douglas McGregor and his theory? Can you give some introduction about them?,2. If you are a member of a company, do you like to be made to do what is necessary for the success of the organization? Why?,Yes. He put forward some famous theories, for example, theory X and theory Y

8、 which is about workers attitudes and behavior affect managers behavior. He proposed that two contrasting sets of assumptions about work attitudes and behaviors, which are named these Theory X and Theory Y, dominate the way managers think and affect how they behave in organizations.,Yes. If the comp

9、any can be successful, it will get more profits which is obvious beneficial to ourselves. Otherwise if the company bankrupts, we will lose a job. Thats really terrible,Text 1,Back,Theory X and Theory Y Several studies after the Second World War revealed how assumptions about workers attitudes and be

10、havior affect managers behavior. Perhaps the most influential approach was developed by Douglas McGregor. He proposed that two contrasting sets of assumptions about work attitudes and behaviors, which are named these Theory X and Theory Y, dominate the way managers think and affect how they behave i

11、n organizations.,Notes,Back,1. Several studies after the Second World War revealed how assumptions about workers attitudes and behavior affect managers behavior. 参考译文:第二次世界大战之后若干项研究显示了关于工人的态度和行为的假设是如何影响到管理人员的行为。reveal 意为“揭示”。how 引导了一个宾语从句,作reveal的宾语。 2. He proposed that two contrasting sets of assum

12、ptions about work attitudes and behaviors, which are named these Theory X and Theory Y, dominate the way managers think and affect how they behave in organizations. 参考译文:他认为,有两种关于工作态度和行为的相对立的假设,这两个假设被命名为X 理论和Y 理论,主导着管理人员的思维方式并影响到他们在组织里如何行事。主句谓语动词propose(提议,建议)要求从句用虚拟语气,即should 加动词原形dominate,should 可

13、省略。which 引导非限制性定语从句修饰two contrasting sets of assumptions。,Back,Scripts:,X理论和Y理论 惠普电子公司(http:)的管理人员始终将来自X理论和Y理论的原则付诸实 践。公司创始人威廉.休利特和戴维.帕卡德整个组织无人不哓的“比尔和戴夫”成立了一套称为“惠普方式”的管理理念,即以人为本,强调充分考虑个人,尊重每个人,并提供对个人成就的认可。,Text 1,Back,THEORY X According to the assumptions of Theory X, the average worker is lazy, dis

14、likes work, and will try to do as little as possible. Moreover, workers have little ambition and wish to avoid responsibility. Thus, the managers task is to counteract workers natural tendencies to avoid work. To keep workers performance at a high level, the manager must supervise them closely and c

15、ontrol their behavior by means of rewards and punishments. Managers who accept the assumptions of Theory X design and shape the work setting to maximize their control over workers behaviors and minimize the workers control over the pace of work. These managers believe that workers must be made to do what is necessary for the success of the organization. They see little point in giving workers autonomy to solve their own problems because they think that the workforce neither expects nor desires cooperation. Theory X managers see their role as to closely monitor workers to ensure



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