新编外贸单证实务第二版课件余心之 徐美荣编著 9787 81134 895 8 答案201页品质检验证书

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新编外贸单证实务第二版课件余心之 徐美荣编著 9787 81134 895 8 答案201页品质检验证书_第1页
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《新编外贸单证实务第二版课件余心之 徐美荣编著 9787 81134 895 8 答案201页品质检验证书》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新编外贸单证实务第二版课件余心之 徐美荣编著 9787 81134 895 8 答案201页品质检验证书(1页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、中华人民共和国出入境检验检疫ENTRYEXIT INSPECTION AND QUARANTINEOF THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA 共1页 第1页Pagel of 1 编号No.: 210100201013788CERTIFICATE OF QUALTY发货人Consignor XINHUA TRADING CO., LTD.(676 LIAOHE EAST ROAD, DALIAN, CHINA) 收货人标记及号码Mark &No.N/MConsignee OVERSEAS. CO., LTD. (ADDRESS) 品名Description of Goods

2、 CHINESE RED KIDNEY BEANS 2010 CROP 报检数量/重量Quantity/Weight Declared -134,220MTS 包装种类及数量Number and Type of packages -2700-GUNNY BAGS 运输工具Means of Conveyance VICTORIA V.008A This is to certify that we, did, at the request of consignor, attend at the warehouse of commodity on 27 Oct., 2010 The represen

3、tative sample was drawn at random for inspection according to the stipulation of the L/C, the results were as follow:Moisture 15 PCTForeign Matter 0.1 PCTDamaged 2PCTStained 4PCTConclusion: The quality of the above commodity conforms with the stipulations of the L/C No. 334499SE12* * * * * * * * * *

4、 * * * * * * * * * * *印章 签证地点Place of Issue DALIAN, CHINA 签证日期Date of Issue Oct. 30, 2010 Official Stamp授权签字人 Authorized Officer Hou Xiaofei 签 名 Signature 我们已尽所知和最大能力实施上述检验,不能因为我们签发本证书而免除卖方或其他方面根据合同和法律所承担的产品质量和其他责任。All inspections are carried out conscientiously to the best of our knowledge and ability. This certificate does not in any respect absolve the seller and other related parties from his contractual and legal obligations especially when products quality is concerned.



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