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1、中南大学高等教育自学考试毕业论文(设计) 论文中文题目:简爱的迷人性格浅析 论文英文题目:The Analysis of Jane Eyres charming personality Character学生姓名 陈琪考 籍 号 指导教师 报考所在地 专业名称 外贸英语班 级 级 班联系电话 2011年10月7日声明及论文使用的授权本人郑重声明所呈交的论文是我个人在导师的指导下独立完成的。除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写的研究成果。论文作者签名: 年 月 日本人同意中南大学有关保留使用学位论文的规定,即:学校有权保留送交论文的复印件,允许论文被查阅和借阅;学

2、校可以上网公布全部内容,可以采用影印、缩印或其他复制手段保存论文。论文作者签名: 年 月 日简爱的迷人性格浅析摘要:在追求理想、幸福的道路上简爱遇到了很多困难和挫折她做出了不屈不挠的斗争。本文从介绍这本小说及作者开始,接着着重探讨了她在这些斗争行为中所体现出来的迷人的性格特点:叛逆和有正义感。作者试图创作一个勇敢而智慧的女人形象。关键词:独立;自尊;叛逆;平等;妇女解放The Analysis of Jane Eyres Charming Personality CharacterAbstract: This paper explores the issue on the character

3、of Charlotte Brontes well-known novel-Jane Eyre, who, on the way to seek ideal life of happiness, encounters many hardships and frustrations and takes a series of unyielding fightsThis paper stars with the brief introduction to the author and the novel,then take more attention to the personality of

4、Jane. The article,through the analysis of these fighting activities, reveals her charming personality characters:independent, self-respect, fighting for liberty, rebelliousness and righteousness. Anyway the author want to creat a brave and intelligent image of woman.Key words: independent;self-respe

5、ct;rebel;equality;women liberation Contents1 Introduction31.1 Brief description of the novel31.2 Brief description of the story32 Rebel for equality53 The Independent Spirit74 A Beautiful Soul:self-respect95 Conclusion10Bibliography11Acknowledgment12111 Introduction 1.1 Brief description of the nove

6、lIn English novelist of 19 century Charlotte Brontes representative work Jane Eyre, the author successfully traces the emotional and spiritual development of the heroine Jane EyreIt describes her search for an identity as a woman supported by equal status and independent human dignityJane Eyre has a

7、 great influence upon the society at that timeFor a long time,the image of Jane Eyre is favored by numerous readers very much And Charlotte Bronte is famous for Jane Eyre At the time of Charlotte Brontes writing of Jane Eyre, in order to put down the workers movement British bourgeois government too

8、k some reform measures on surface,such as adopting the act of ten hours work for female laborBat the womans status in society at that time had not been improved rather than gaining the equal right Though going through the Charter movementwhich had three climaxes and attracted millions of workers and

9、 labors to take part in to fight for equal right。it still wasnt able to solve the equality problem between men and women In Jane Eyre Charlotte describes the experience of an orphan gir1 Through this orphan girls experienceit reflects the miserable condition of British women at that time Also throug

10、h this orphan girls seeking happy love life which finally become true,it reflects the demand of women of shaking off mens oppress discrimination and striking for freedom and equality In Britain where women has a extreme low status at that timewe cannot say it without a unique meaning Through the ana

11、lysis of these fighting activities of seeking equalitythis article reveals her characteristic:rebellious and righteousness At the same time reflects voice of ”women liberation”1.2 Brief description of the storyThrough the whole story,we can divide Jane Eyre s experience into five segments: Gates hea

12、d,Logwood, Thorn field, Moor house and Fern deanThe plot is not complicated and fantastic in this storyAlso the character of this kind is very common in the writers generationBut Charlotte composes Jane Eyres character,which is not of ordinary from universalJust as what she said to her two sisters a

13、t the time of composing Jane Eyre”Ill write a female protagonistshe is as plain and small as me,but she will give rise to readers interest as same as any female protagonist which you write”Jane Eyre has a common appearance and owns for nothingWhy is she glorious? The reason for it is her outstanding

14、 and rebel personalityThe author writing is mainly about the depiction of Janes characterthe exquisite description of her rich inner worldThis kind of writing presents her lively personality to the readersJan Eyre first appears an orphan lodging with her aunt,who resents her and shamelessly favors h

15、er own children Later,Jane is sent away to a charity school run by M rbrocklehursr, where through the harsh regime,she learns how to survive and eventually succeeds in becoming a teacher there herselfShe advertises for a post as governessand is appointed to care for Adele,the ward of the sardonic Edward Rochester at Thorn field Hal1What attracts Rochester to Jane is not her Looks,as she is small and plain, but the honesty with which she speaks her mind,and her practical common sense,whi


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