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1、Period 1 Warming up & Reading,Unit 1 Great Scientists,Archimedes,Charles Darwin,Thomas Newcomen,Gregor Mendel,Marie Curie Thomas Edison Leonardo da Vinci Sir Humphrey Davy Zhang Heng Stephen Hawking,Do you know John Snow ?,What happened in 1854?,A cholera outbreak hit London .,A deadly disease,Neith

2、ernor Many thousands of . More than 500 ,(A problem),How to prove a new idea in scientific research?,Find a problem make a question think of a method collect results analyse the results find supporting evidence draw a conclusion,Gather ,mark( a map),Find(tell),show,(two other deaths),(announce_),Rea

3、ding,Collect information,Broad Street,Cambridge Street,pump,16,37,40,38,20,21,8,9,Why ?,How to prevent the disease ?,Examine Not to expose people to,Deal with part 1 on p3,John Snow was a _ doctor in London in the _ century. He wanted to find the _ of cholera in order to _ it. In 1854 when a cholera

4、 _ out, he began to gather information. He _ on a map where all the dead people had lived and he found that many people who had drunk the dirty water from the _ died. So he decided that the polluted water carried cholera. He suggested that the _ of all water supply _ . Finally, “King Cholera” was _.

5、,well-known,19th,cause,defeat,broke,marked,pump,source,be examined,defeated,Consolidation,Post reading,1. To avoid infectious disases, We should (not) _ . 2. John Snow is _ .,Discussion :,As a student, what should we learn from him?,TIPS,“Boil it, cook it, peel it, or forget it.“,Language points,提出

6、得出结论 患霍乱的 使显露;暴露 每次 面对挑战 着手准备做某事 传遍 收集信息 决定做某事 做调查,Language points,11.该受到责备 12.调查;向内看,窥视 13.有力的证据 14.将和联系或连接起来 15.让人送水 16.指示/命令/指导某人 (不要)做某事,从这次失败中你总结出什么? 2.结论是被污染的水携带病毒。 3.他总结出没有规矩不成方圆。,What did you _ _ the failure ?,_ _ _ that polluted water carried virus .,He _ that no fragmentation radius of the

7、 rules.,1._ to the sunshine for a long time, your skin will be s_ hurt . 2.Do you know the person _ to SARS . 3._ to sunlight for too much time will do harm to ones skin . A. Exposed B. Having exposed C. Being exposed D. After being exposed,Exposed,everely,exposed,1.The mother is severe _ her son .

8、2.There was no cure _ the dealy disease called cholera . So he was not able to cure himself _ the disease. 3.Hawking is an expert _physics . Thus, he is expert _ physics .,with / on,attend _ announce _ defeat _ beat _,for,of,最美不过杯中酒,at/in/on,at/ in,Have a rest !,What is Cholera?,Cholera is the illness caused by a bacterium called Vibria cholerae. It infects peoples intestines(肠), causing diarrhea(腹泻), vomiting and leg cramps.,


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