二年级英语下册 module 3 things around us unit 9《my clothes》(第1课时)教案(新版)沪教牛津版

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1、My clothes课 题上课班级主备教师副备教师上课时间教学目标知识与能力Learn the words:trousers,sweater,shirt,coat etc。 过程与方法Games,imitation,listening, sing a song情感态度与价值观Cultivate the confidence in learning English教学重点The words in Look and learn教学难点How to apply these words in the real situation教具准备Ppt,video,mp3教法运用Task-based appro

2、ach学法指导Self-study,group work基本环节教师授课过程(教师活动)学生学习过程(学生活动)教学意图导入新课(检查预习)The teacher shows some dolls wearing different clothes to introduce the new words.T:(refer a doll)Hello,I am 学生根据老师给的娃娃,说出娃娃穿的衣服,并学习心得单词。To arouse the students interest,and learn the new words.初学新课(初步探究)Show the flashcards of all

3、the clothing items that students have learnt.Flash the cards and have them respond quickly.T:(show the flashcard for dress)Whats this?S:It is dress.学生根据老师给的单词卡片,说出每个单词,并拼写出来。通过全班参与既可以调动气氛又使得学生对以前的单词进行复习巩固。引导释疑(合作学习)3 presentation:learn the new wordsThe teacher sticks the flashcards on the blackboard

4、. And the teacher plays the mp3 to let the students listen carefully. Then ask one student to read it. T: listen carefully. (play the tape)who can?S1: Trousers.T: can you spell it?S1:yes. T-R-O-U-S-E-R-S,trousers.T: well done。Finally, the teacher teaches the words together.The students listen to the

5、 tape, then imitate the tape. The students read the words and spell the words with their hands write in the air.To learn the new words,including the pronunciation and the writing.。基本环节教师授课过程(教师活动)学生学习过程(学生活动)教学意图拓展学习(深入探究)Have the students draw some clothing items and cut them out.Then ask them to h

6、old their clothing items in front of the doll and talk about what the doll is “wearing”.S1:(hold up the doll and a white coat)Hi,I am judy.Look!I have a white coat.S2:学生自己画一些衣服,并给他们涂上颜色,然后把他们剪下来,放在一起,并说一说玩偶穿的什么。通过当场练习,考验应变能力和口语能力,让其大胆创新当堂检测(学习诊断)Match and say.讲图片和对应的单词连接起来,然后组成对话检查掌握情况。课堂小结(梳理归纳)1.A

7、sk the pupils to look at the pictures and listen to theWorkbook Cassette.2.Ask the pupils to fill in the blanks according to whatthey hear on the tape.学生根据听到的内容填空在课堂结束之前给学生在脑海里再把所学的单词和短语通过练习的形式过一遍并检查,有助于学生更牢记住知识点。作业布置(检查反馈)板书设计(突出重点)在2号本上抄写单词:Trousers,sweater Unit 9 My clothesTrousers,sweater,shirt,coatI have教学反思4


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