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1、一年级下册英语单词总汇Module 1he(hes=he is)他他是 doctor医生 she(shes=she is)她她是 me 我nurse护士 drive司机 policeman警察 pupil 学生 小学生Module2Where(wheres=where is)哪里(在哪里) in在.里面 on在.上面 hat帽子 under在.下 toy玩具 bed床 look at看 bear熊 Module3eleven 十一 twelve十二 dont=do not不 know知道 other 其他的 fish鱼 tree树 lets 让我们Module4head头 touch触摸 no

2、se鼻子 face脸 ear耳朵 mouth嘴 eye眼睛 body身体 these这些 leg腿 hand手 feet脚(foot的复数形式 ) baby婴儿Module5They他(她/它)们 theys=they are他(她/它)们是 cow牛 pig猪 farm农场 duck鸭子 chicken鸡 egg鸡蛋 thin瘦 very很 fat胖 big大 little小 Module6Snake蛇 short矮的 短的 small小的 elephant大象 go去 zoo动物园 long长 giraffe长颈鹿 tall高的 tiger老虎 cute可爱的,乖巧的 strone强壮的

3、horse马 aret=are not不,不是Module7there is有,存在 animal动物 can可以,能 see看见 there are有,存在 help帮助 over there在那边 table桌子 we 我们 some一些 at 在Module8a pair of一双.,一对. shorts短裤 shirt衬衫 shoe鞋子 swim游泳 ok行,好 sock短袜 put on穿上戴上 clothes衣服 here这里 football足球(运动) basketball篮球(运动)Module9like喜欢 lion狮子 them她(他/它)们 all全部所有 play参加

4、(体育运动或比赛) with用. together一起 favourite最喜欢的,最喜爱的 sport运动 guess猜 meatball肉丸子 what about.?.怎么样 swimming游泳(运动) Module10Idear主意,想法 hot热 go swimming去游泳 sing唱,唱歌 dance跳舞 tired累的,疲惫的 一年级下册英语单词总汇Module 1he(hes=he is) doctor she(shes=she is) me nurse drive policeman pupil Module2Where(wheres=where is) in on ha

5、t under toy bed look at bear Module3eleven twelve dont=do not know other fish tree lets Module4head touch nose face ear mouth eye body these leg hand feet(foot的复数形式 ) babyModule5they theys=they are cow pig farm duck chicken egg thin very fat big little Module6Snake short small elephant go zoo long g

6、iraffe tall tiger cute strone horse aret=are notModule7there is animal can see there are help over there table we some at Module8a pair of shorts shirt shoe swim ok sock put on clothes here football basketballModule9Like lion them all play with together favourite sport guess meatball what about.? sw

7、imming Module10idear hot go swimming sing dance tired 一年级下册英语 句子This is Hua Mulan.She is a girl. This is Ma Liang. Hes a boy.Look,this is my mother. And shes my teacher.This is my father. Hes a doctor.This is my grandpa.This is ma grandma.And is this your sister Amy? No,it isnt. Thats me!Thats my br

8、other Tom.Look! This is my father .Hes a driver.This is my mother. Shes a nurse.This is my father. Hes a policeman. And this is me. Im a pupil.This is Jack. Hes a policeman.This is Anna.Shes a nurse. This is Chris.Hes a doctor. Hes ? Chris isnt a boy! Sorry.Shes a doctor.花木兰的故事据说花木兰是北魏人,北方人喜欢练武。花木兰的





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