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1、 金龙机电股份有限公司 JINLONG MACHINERY No more than +50% of initial data. 2)额定电流/Rated current: 不低于初始值-30%;不高于初始值+50% No lower than -30% of initial data; No more than +50% of initial data. 3)端阻/Terminal resistance: 不大于初始值15% No more than +15% of initial data; No less than -15% of initial data. 4)起动电压/Startin

2、g voltage: 不大于 2.5V 直流电压 2.5V DC Max 5)绝缘电阻/Insulation resistance: 大于 10/ 10 Min 7-2 表 B Table B 1)额定转速/Rated speed: 不大于初始值20% No more than +20% of initial data; No less than -20% of initial data. 2)额定电流/Rated current: 不大于初始值20% No more than +20% of initial data; No less than -20% of initial data. 3

3、)起动电压/Starting voltage: 不大于 2.5V 直流电压 2.5V DC Max 4)端阻/Terminal resistance: 不大于初始值15% No more than +15% of initial data; No less than -15% of initial data. 2009.06.22 说明书/Specification 编号/No KOTL-S09237 5/8 8. 使用时注意事项使用时注意事项使用时注意事项使用时注意事项/ Cautions for Use 8-1 必须按照规格书标准使用, 否则性能和寿命都将受到相当地减少,必须注意电压的使用

4、范围。 Unless it is used in accordance with the specifications, the performance and life may be considerably reduced. Due attention should be paid to voltage and range for use. 8-2 建议马达在六个月内使用, 不要在以下环境中使用及保存: 1. 高温和高湿的场所; 2. 腐蚀性气体,如:H2S、SO2、NO2、Cl2; 3. 生锈场所。 Advice uses this motor within 6 months as av

5、oiding as possible. Avoid use or save the motor in the following environment. 1. High temperature and high humidity area 2. Corrosive gas such as H2S, SO2, NO2, Cl2. 3. Dusty area. 8-3 注意处理马达的工作环境,避免含铁质等物体被马达吸住,否则马达将会产生噪声,性能会 降低,从而减少产品可靠性。 Due attention must be paid to the handling and working envir

6、onments because such objects as iron powder if attracted by the motor magnet, will cause noise, characteristic deterioration thus reducing the reliability. 8-4 应确信本产品不会与相关标准、法律、政令相背。 Please confirm enough no problems of standards and laws and ordinances on your cellular phone. 8-5 拿马达时,要轻拿轻放。 To han

7、dle the motor, hold the motor case softly. 8-6 钢板面或边缘有少许锈斑是允许的。 Rust of plate (steel) and similar edge should be OK. 8-7 我司遵循持续发展的策略,在不预先通知的情况下,有对产品(部品)进行修改和改进的权 利,当然这些都不会影响马达的特性及使用功能。 Our company follows the sustainable developing strategy, and have the right to make changes and improvements to our

8、 product without giving notice in advance. Of course, these changes and improvements will not affect the characterisitics and function of the motor. 2009.06.22 说明书/Specification 编号/No KOTL-S09237 6/8 9. 包装包装包装包装/PACKING 10. 外形图外形图外形图外形图/ OUTLINE DRAWINGS 2009.06.22 说明书/Specification 编号/No KOTL-S09237 7/8 2009.06.22 说明书/Specification 编号/No KOTL-S09237 8/8 11. 更更更更改记录改记录改记录改记录/ Records of Revision 修改号 Rev. No. 日期 Rev. Date 页码 Page No. 修改项目 Revised Item 更改原因 Reason 0 2009.06.22 / 产品颁布/ Release for Production


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