仁爱9上unit 3 topic 1 section a 导学案

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《仁爱9上unit 3 topic 1 section a 导学案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《仁爱9上unit 3 topic 1 section a 导学案(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 3 Topic 1 Section A导学案一.Preview( A ) 在SectionA中找到本课生词在文中圈出来并标注汉语意思。 cartoon, character, widely, throughout foreigner, film-maker, garage( B ) 从SectionA中划出下列短语标注汉语意思并大声朗读。1有能力做. 2为 做准备 3.有做某事的好机会 4.数以百万的 5.被当做主要语言 6.粘贴在墙上 7.迫不及待要做某事 8.从今往后 9.遍及全世界 10.练习做 11.对.感到满意Group Exploration1.在文中找到下列句子并翻译总

2、结。1.I will be able to see more cartoon characters. 点拨:将要能干某事will be able to do sth表能干某事,可以用can do, 但情态动词can 只有一般现在时,和一般过去式could do, 表将有能力干某事只能用will be able to do. 2. Youll have good chance to practice English there.译:_3. I hope I can go there one day.译:_对比:one day“有一天”可用于将来和过去。some day“有一天”只用于将来填空:I

3、 went fishing with my father_.I hope Ill be a singer_.4. I cant wait to fly there!译:_试一试:我迫不及待地想回家。译:_5. You can stick it on the wall . 译:_点拨:stick v.粘住拓展:stick to sth坚持;坚守 stick to doing sth坚持做某事试一试:我每天坚持走路去学校。译:_他把林丹的照片贴在了他卧室的墙上。 He _ a photo of Lin Dan _ the wall of his bedroom.6.Disneyland is en

4、joyed by millions of people from all over the world.译 7.English is spoken as the main language in America.译 8.It is also widely used throughout the world now. 译 点拨:被动语态的用法:强调动作的承受者;没有必要指出动作的执行者。被动语态的条件:谓语必须是及物动词或词组。被动语态的构成:be过去分词,“be”随时态和主语人称和数的变化而变化。一般现在时被动语态结构:主+is/am/are+及物动词过去分词试一试:京剧被很多外国人喜欢。_英语被许多人讲。_第 2 页


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