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1、,Socrates,Socrates,A brief introduction of Socrates Socratic method Socratic wisdom Socratic virtue Socratic quotes,Born: 469 B.C. Birthplace: Athens, Greece Died: 399 B.C. Best Known As: The great Greek philosopher and famous educator.,Socrates was born in Athens, Greece a ordinary citizens family.

2、 His father was engraver, and his mother was midwife. Socrates had flat nose, thick lips, protruding eyes, clumsy and small body. He looks ordinary, but had sacred ideals.,苏格拉底出生于希腊雅典一个普通公民的家庭。其父是雕刻匠,母亲是助产妇。 苏格拉底有扁平的鼻子,肥厚的嘴唇,凸出的眼睛,笨拙而矮小的身体。他容貌平凡,却具有神圣的思想。,Socrates led a hard life. No matter cold win

3、ter or hot summer, he wore a common singlelayer, often didnt wear shoes, didnt pay attention to eat. But he did not seem to notice these, just to concentrate on scholar.His life examples and achievement thought,were recorded by his disciples.,苏格拉底一生过着艰苦的生活。无论严寒酷暑,他都穿着一件普通的单衣,经常不穿鞋,对吃饭也不讲究。但他似乎没有注意到这

4、些,只是专心致志地做学问。他的生平事例,成就思想,均由其弟子记录。,The death 古希腊著名哲学家苏格拉底 Socrates 曾经自幼随父学艺,后 来,当过兵,曾经三次参战。大约在40岁左右苏格拉底出了名,并进人五百人会议。大约公元前399年,苏格拉底因“不敬国家所奉的神,并且宣传其他的新神,败坏青年”的罪名被判有死罪。在收监期间,他的朋友买通了狱卒,劝他逃走,但他决心服从国家的法律,拒不逃走。后来在狱中服毒受死终年7O岁 Socrates friends wanted to help him escape. But Socrates felt that obeying the cour

5、ts decision was the right thing to do. Socrates spent his last day with his friends. Then, he calmly drank poison made from a hemlock(从芹叶钩吻制取的毒药) plant and died.,when Socrates was in prison, he heard a new prisoner singsing a song which he never heard before. Socrates asked the prisoner to teach him

6、 the new song. The prisoner knew that Socrates was on death row, the execution was coming. Listening to his request, the prisoner was very surprised:“ you dont know what is going to be executed?“ “ Of course I know.“ Socrates easily answered. “Why are you going to learn a new song?“Socrates replied:

7、“ i can sing one more song before I die .“,Socrates learn a new song,苏格拉底坐牢时,听见隔壁牢房里有个新来的犯人在哼歌,那是一首新歌,他以前从未听过。苏格拉底急忙请求唱歌的狱友教他那首新歌。 监牢里的人都知道苏格拉底是死囚,行刑日期迫近。听了他的请求,唱歌的囚犯很吃惊:“您不知道自己马上就要被处决了吗?” “我当然知道。”苏格拉底轻松地回答。 “那您为什么还要学新歌呢?”狱友不解地问。 这位伟人回答说:“这样我死的时候就多会一首歌。”,Socratic method,The method of teaching in whi

8、ch the master imparts no information, but asks a sequence of questions, through answering which the pupil eventually comes to the desired knowledge. It can also be called elenchus(讥讽),maieutic method (产婆术).,Generally speaking, it is a form of inquiry and debate between individuals with opposing view

9、points based on asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and to illuminate ideas. So in some sense, Socratic method equals to Stimulating Mode which is the essence of teaching philosophy of Kongfuzi.,Socrates believed that his wisdom sprung from an awareness of his own ignorance

10、. He knew that he knew nothing, and that all error came out of ignorance. Socrates believed that the best way for people to live was to focus not on accumulating possessions, but on self-development. Socrates believed that deals belong in a world that only the wise man can understand,making the phil

11、osopher the only type of person suitable to govern others.,Socratic wisdom,One of the best known sayings of Socrates is “I only know that I know nothing“. The conventional interpretation of this remark is that Socrates wisdom was limited to an awareness of his own ignorance. Socrates believed wrong

12、doing was a consequence of ignorance and those who did wrong knew no better. .,Socratic virtue,Socrates believed the best way for people to live was to focus on self-development rather than the pursuit of material wealth. The idea that humans possessed certain virtues formed a common thread in Socra

13、tes teachings. These virtues represented the most important qualities for a person to have, foremost of which were the philosophical or intellectual virtues. Socrates stressed that “virtue was the most valuable of all possessions; the ideal life was spent in search of the Good. Truth lies beneath th

14、e shadows of existence, and it is the job of the philosopher to show the rest how little they really know.“,One summer he built himself a house. The house is very small, the neighbors wondered, how could the house make him satisfied? “You so a big shot, but their house into such a small box, what is

15、 the reason?“ “There is really no reason reason.“ He said, “but this place is small, but if I can make it withtrue friends, I will think you are happy.“,一个夏天,他为自己建造了一所房子。房子非常小,他的邻居都很纳闷,这房子怎么会使他满意呢? “您这么一个大人物,却把自己的房子盖成这么一个小盒子,有什么道理吗?” “确实没有什么道理。”他说,“不过这个地方虽小,但是如果我能使它容下真正的朋友,我将会认为自己是快乐的。”,The way Socr

16、ates tells people is very vivid, sopeople never feel bored.,Socrates and his house,那些总是赞美你的言行的人必定不是忠诚的朋友,忠诚意味着温和的指出你的过失。,1.Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.,2.He who is not contented with what he has, would not be contented with what he would like to have.,对现在拥有的不满足,那么对他所期待的也不会满意。,3.Employ your time in improving yourself by other mens writings so that you shall gain easily what others have labored hard for.,将你的时间用于阅读他人的作品,别人费力学到的东西


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