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1、Unit 15,A Survey of Modern Medicine,Word Formation,aden/o- 腺 ( adenine; adenoma ) thym/o- 胸腺 ( thymine; thymocyte ) -form 具有形状的 ( coliform ) chlor/o- 氯 ( chloramphenicol / chloromycetin; chloroform ) -phil(e) 嗜;亲 ( eosinophil; haemophilus ),Understanding the text,Para. 1 1. divine castigation 2. sym

2、bol of medicine,Asklepios, carrying his staff, a symbol of medicine.,The staff as a Medical symbol: From the early 16th century onwards, the rod and serpent (the Asclepian staff) emerged as an independent symbol of medicine.,Symbol of Medicine,国家医学考试中心NMEC标志 国家医学考试中心徽标释义: 1“蛇笔”图案引用国际上广泛 表示医疗卫生“蛇杖” 图

3、案, 代表医疗卫生考试 2“1985”为中心成立时间 3“NMEC”为“National Medical Examination Center”的英文缩写 4“橄榄枝“象征生命、健康与和平 5图案采用深蓝色,Background Knowledge,The symbol of medicine A staff or rod with a snake curled around it is the staff (the rod) of Aesculapius (also called Asklepios), the ancient mythical god of medicine. His Gr

4、eek name was Asklepios and his Roman name was Aesculapius. In reality, Asklepios may have once lived and been renowned for his gentle, humane remedies and his humane treatment of the mentally ill.,According to mythology, Asculapius had a number of children including Hygeia, the goddess of health (fr

5、om whose name comes the word “hygiene“) and Panaceia, the goddess of healing (from whose name comes the word “panacea“ for a universal remedy). Today, the staff of Aesculapius is a commonly used symbol of medicine. It is the symbol of the American Medical Association (AMA) and many other medical soc

6、ieties.,Patients wishing to be cured by the god visited his temple site, called an Asklepion. It was believed that Asklepios cured patients by visiting them in their sleep at the Asklepion. Sometimes the patient was cured by Asklepioss daughters, Panacea and Hygeia, who were often helped by snakes.

7、Alternatively, patients would describe their dreams to a priest of Asklepios, who would interpret the dreams and suggest a treatment. The cult of Asklepios continued to flourish in Roman times, although he was known to the Romans as Aesculapius.,The asclepius wand, or asclepius rod is an ancient Gre

8、ek symbol associated with astrology and with healing the sick through medicine. The rod of Asclepius symbolizes the healing arts by combining the serpent, which in shedding its skin is a symbol of rebirth and fertility, with the staff, a symbol of authority befitting the god of Medicine.,蛇绕拐杖医学的标志和徽

9、记,人们称之蛇 徽。 蛇徽由来已久,且有特定的意义。希腊伟大诗 人荷马,在史诗中赞颂民间医生阿斯扣雷波为伟大的十 全的医生。传说,他是公元前400年被奉为医神的阿波 罗的儿子。阿斯扣雷波是一个庄严、文雅、慈祥的医 生,他手持一根盘绕著灵蛇的神杖,云游四方,治病救 人。因为医术高明,为人善良,特别受人拥戴。后世出 於对神医和灵蛇的崇敬,也为了纪念阿斯扣雷波,便以 蛇绕拐杖作为医学标记,这就是蛇徽的来历。据 说,神杖表示云游四方,为人治病之意,灵蛇则是健康 长寿的象徵。,希腊是蛇徽的发源地,从古到今,蛇徽遍布希腊各地。 到了近代,美国、英国、加拿大、德国以及联合国世界 卫生组织都用蛇徽作为自己的医

10、学标志。直到今天,蛇 在西方仍是医务工作者的标记。一些医科学校的校徽上 有蛇的形象,便是缘於此。在欧洲城市街头建筑物上, 常可见到这样一个奇特的标记:一条蛇缠绕在一只高脚 杯上。这就是欧洲药店的标志。这种标志与蛇绕舞蹈 杖有异曲同工之妙。,欧洲各国的药店为什麼要以蛇为标志呢?原来,几千 年之前,人类就知道了毒蛇的药用价值,并有目的地收 集毒蛇,提炼成药,用於治病救人。古罗马画家、艺术 家的作品中,几乎都有描绘健康之神手拿杯子餵蛇的场 面。无论在实际生活中,还是在艺术创作中,蛇与医药 结下了不解之缘。所以,从中世纪开始,欧洲各国的药 店就开始出现这种标志。蛇象徵著具有救护人类的能 力,高脚杯则代

11、表人类收集蛇毒的工具蛇绕拐杖 医学的标志和徽记,人们称之为蛇徽。,Meditrine, Hygeia and Panacea: 阿斯克勒庇俄斯的后代包括他的女儿 Meditrine, Hygeia 和Panacea分别象征着医学、卫生和康复 (字面上指的是“全部康复”)。阿斯克勒庇俄斯的 两个儿子曾经在荷马史诗伊里亚特中以希腊军医 的身份出现(Machaon and Podalirius)。,Para. 2 1. in matters of 2. the idea of balances and opposites 3. Pythagoras 毕达哥拉斯-古希腊著名的哲学家、数学家、 天文学家

12、,Para. 3 1. Hippocrates-medical practitioner who is regarded as the father of medicine; author of the Hippocratic Oath (circa 460-377 BC) 希波克拉底(约公元前460-约公元前370, 古希腊医师, 称医药之父) 2. the idea of the Four Humors 3. holistic medicine,古罗马医生盖伦(Galen)提出的四种气质类型就 属于最早的类型理论。他根据希腊医生希波克拉底 (Hippocrates)的“体液说”提出了四种气

13、质类型,即多 血质(具有过多的血液,充满活力和动力)、胆汁质(具 有过多的黄胆汁,容易激怒)、抑郁质(具有过多的黑胆 汁,通常表现为忧郁和悲哀)、黏液质(具有过多的黏 液,使人迟缓或者懒惰)。,Para. 4 1.Aristotle-Ancient Greek philosopher 亚里士多德 (公元前384前322) 古希腊哲学家、科学家。 2. temperaments-choleric, phlegmatic, sanguine, melancholic 3. subject,Para. 5 1. millennium 2. Galen-盖伦是古罗马时期最著名最有影响的医学大 师,他被

14、认为是仅次于希波克拉底(Hippocrates)的第 二个医学权威。盖伦是最著名的医生和解剖学家。他 一生专心致力于医疗实践解剖研究,写作和各类学术 活动。,Para. 6 1. Vesalines (1514-1364) 2. Flowering of humanism 3. The Renaissance 4. embraced the advent of,Para. 7 1. elucidation 2. anatomical treatise 3. cardiac catheterization,Para. 8 Antony van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723) 荷兰

15、科学家列文虎克 1674年,列文虎克发明了世界上第一台光学显微镜, 并利用这台显微镜首次观察到了血红细胞,从而开 始了人类使用仪器来研究微观世界的纪元.,2. Robert Hooke (1635-1702)罗伯特胡克 -英国物理学家、天文学家, 细胞的发现者。 胡克是一位技术精湛的实验员,除了改进空气泵和钟 表结构外,他还制造了显微镜和改进了望远镜,人们 称胡克是17世纪最伟大的科学仪器发明家和设计者。 3. Matthias Schleiden (18041881)-马蒂亚斯许莱登 (姓氏也译为施莱登)是一位德国植物学家,细胞学说 的建立者之一。许莱登出生于德国汉堡,大学时原本 研读法律,

16、但后来转向其兴趣植物学。,4.Theodor Schwann (1810-1882)施旺- 德国生理学家,细胞学说的创立者之一,普遍被认 为是现代组织学(研究动植物组织结构)的创始人。 5. Ernst Ruska(1906-1988)鲁斯卡 -Physicist,Germany德国物理学家 6. fractionate- 7. subcellular elements- 8. scanning electron microscope-,9. freeze-fracturing /freeze cleaving/freeze cracking -冷冻断裂/冷冻撕裂 (通过超低温速冻和撞击出断裂面制备电镜观察标 本的方法。在观察之前采用物理法暴露出的断裂 面,进而制成复型膜并在透射电镜下观察,或直 接喷金在扫描电镜下观察。),Para. 9 1. analgesic properties- 2. Sir Hu



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