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1、4B语法知识点复习 1. 量词的用法 There is a glass of watermelon juice. There are three glasses of strawberry juice. 2. 选择疑问句和一般疑问句的区别 (1) 一般疑问句Is the kite red and blue?(这风筝是蓝红色的吗?) 一般疑问句的回答 必须Yes或No开头 Yes, it is./No, it isnt. (2) 选择疑问句Is the kite red or blue?(这风筝是蓝色还是红色?) 选择疑问句的回答 必须是二选一: Its red.或Its blue. 3. 关于

2、like后面接不同的名词和动词 like apples / like green ones (可数名词复数) like the apple / like the green one (可数名词单数) like jelly (不可数名词) like dancing=like to dance (动词) would like to dance (would like to do=want to do) be like me/her/his father (解释为像,作介词) 4. 感叹句 What nice grapes! (复数) What a nice girl! (单数) 5. whose对

3、所有格提问 Whose bag is this?-Its peters. (this/that回答用its) Whose knives are those?-They are his knives. (these/those回答用theyre) 6.so和too解释为如此、太时后面跟形容词 Its so thick. /He is so puzzled. Its too noisy. 7. How+助动词+主语+动词 The pineapple is rough. (划线提问) How does the pineapple feel? This cherry is sweet. (划线提问)

4、How does this cherry taste? 8.祈使句和can句型永远用动词原形,即使有now,也不能是进行时 祈使句 Lets make a card now. Kitty, dont put your book on the floor.(否定句在动词前加dont) can句型 Can Lucy read the book now? (容易犯的错误:看见Lucy一个人就用三单reads,或看见now用进行时) 9. There be就近原则,后面所接词必须看清是否是可数名词从而确定be动词 There is a cat and two dogs. (离得近的是单数) There

5、 are two dogs and a cat. (离得近的是复数) There is some paper. (不可数) There are some paper rabbits. (前面有修饰的名词复数) There are some sheep. (单复数相同) There is some string. (不可数) There is a lot of apple juice. (前面有修饰的不可数) 10. both和all 放在be动词之后,do动词之前 We are both tall. (be动词之后) They are all blind. (be动词之后) We both r

6、un fast. (do动词之前) The brothers all touch the elephant. (do动词之前) 11. one of the 复数, 谓语三单 One of the boys is Tom. says one of the brothers 12. 一般时和进行时的区别 进行时:当句子里有标志性的词如now,look,listen,its几点(祈使句和can句型除外),或是某个有上下情景的句子表示这个动作现在正在发生,结构be+doing Listen, birds are singing. Wheres Sam? He is playing football

7、outside. 一般时:当句子里有标志性的词如every morning, on Moday, at weedends, always, usually, often, sometimes,never, at几点等,表示陈述某个事实。当主语是I,you,复数时谓语动词原形,当主语是第三人称单数时动词三单。 Our classmate watches TV at weedends. (不能受our影响,主语是classmate单数,动词watch三单加es) His friends always stay at home. 对比: Its two oclock. Kitty is readin

8、g a book. Kitty reads a book at two oclock. 13. 球类运动前不加the: play basketball 三餐前不加the: have dinner 乐器类前必须有the: play the drum 14. 将来时态,标志性词tomorrow,next Sunday等 will+do /be going to do She will go to the park. 15. 过去式,标志性词last night His clock stopped at ten thirty last night. 16.时间的表达(一) (1)整点: six oc

9、lock (2)1-29分(15分除外)用past: ten past seven (7:10) (3)15分:a quarter past two (2:15) (4)30分:half past five (5:30) (5)45分:a quarter to two (1:45) (6)30-59分 (45分除外,用减法)用to:ten to seven (6:50) 时间的表达(二):直接读数字 7:10 seven ten 2:15 two fifteen 5:30 five thirty 17. 某些词后需要加ing: go shopping /fishing /swimming fi

10、nish doing learn painting 18. 作为学科需要首字母大写 Music class Chinese class English class Math class 解释为音乐不需要大写 music room、I am the music man. 19.乐器以及声音 Ding-ding-piano Ting-ting-triangle Zing-zing-violin Boom-boom-drum 20.关于节日 节日一般具体到某一天用on: on Childrens Day 但是在中国传统节日前介词用at,而且所有中国传统节日有the: at the Spring Festival 除了表达其他含义,介词可以变化: before the Spring Festival 春节前 after the Spring Festival 春节后 What do you need for the Spring Festival? 为春节准备 21. 介词+宾格,动词+宾格 eat all of them I want them. walk behind him


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