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1、湖南农业大学课程论文学 院:外国语学院 班 级:07级商务英语班姓 名:周 雯 学 号:200741327236课程论文题目:On Symbolism in Young Goodman Brown课程名称:学术论文写作评阅成绩:评阅意见:成绩评定教师签名:日期: 年 月 日On Symbolism in Young Goodman BrownAuthor: Zhou wenAbstract: Nathaniel Hawthornes short stories are mostly symbolic, and he has been regarded as The master of symb

2、olism.The creative thinking in all his works is diging the evil hidden in human soul and yearning for the the basis good which constitute the truth and beauty. Young Goodman Brown is one of typical Hawthornes symbolic short stories. The content is allegorical and symbolic, which means that the chara

3、cters and events are to be understood as representing other things and symbolically expressing a deeper spiritual and moral meaning. This aim of this paper is to get a clear picture of the symbolism and symbolic meaning in the story through deeply reading the story and finding related materials by a

4、nalysing the symbolism in theme, the symbolic meaning of all the characters, and the time and place the story happened. Key words: Symbolism; Symbolic meaning ; Good;Evil 小伙子古德曼布朗中的象征主义写作手法作 者:周 雯 摘 要:纳撒尼尔霍桑的短篇小说大多都是富有象征意义的,他还被誉为“象征主义大师”。贯穿于他全部作品中的创作思想在于对人类灵魂中隐匿的恶的挖掘和对构成真与美的基础的“善”的向往。短篇小说小伙子古德曼布朗是一篇

5、典型霍桑运用象征主义写作手法的佳作。小说大量运用了象征比喻手法,从主人公的刻画和事件的描写都揭示了深刻的精神道德主题。文章作者通过认真的阅读小说和搜索相关资料,从主题的象征、主人公的象征含义以及故事发生的时间和地点三个方面入手,意在清楚的揭示小伙子古德曼布朗里所用的象征主义写作手法以及它们的象征意义。关键字:象征主义;象征含义;善;恶IntroductionNathaniel Hawthorne is a great romantic novelist in American in the19th century,and is a central figure in the American

6、Renaissance. His novels are penetrating exploration of moral and spiritual conflicts. He is outstanding in literary skills,especially in his use of symbolism. With the publication of The Scarlet Letter, his masterpiece, Nathaniel Hawthorne was named The master of symbolism.In the story Young Goodman

7、 Brown, Hawthorne uses symbolism to describe a young man who reluctantly leaves his world of innocence. This young man soon realizes that evil is indeed very widespread and existent in his world. On April 1834, Young Goodman Brown was first published in the New England Journal, then collected in Mos

8、s on the Old House, Herman Melville commended that Even though a child can easily know the story, but I think what Hawthorne wants to tell us is as deep as Dante.1 Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown is allegorical, which means that the characters and events are to be understood as representing other thi

9、ngs and symbolically expressing a deeper spiritual, moral, or political meaning. In Browns world, evil is symbolically represented throughout the story.There is quite a lot of experts who have researched Hawthornes works. Sun li-ang points out in his Metaphor of Titie and ColorAn Exposition of Symbo

10、l in Young Goodman Brown that the title,the protagonists name and color of pink, black and red have abundant symbolic implication, and the writers idea can be embodied which is excavation of evil embed in humans soul and hope ofGoodnessand is the foundation of the truth and beauty2Also, Jiao lidong

11、claims in his The Symbolism Behind Young Goodman Brown that the symbolism throughout Young Goodman Brown is mainly spiritual in nature, and the best indication of this is shown as Brown loses his faith and follows the devil on the evil path3. This aim of this thesis is to get a clear picture of the

12、symbolism and symbolic meaning in the story by deeply analysing the symbolism in theme, the symbolic meaning of all the characters, and the time and place the story happened. So, the thesis consists of two parts. Chapter1 gives a brief introduction to Nathaniel Hawthorne and Young Goodman Brown. Cha

13、pter 2 gives clear analysis of the symbolism and symbolic meaning in the story through three partssymbolism in theme, symbolic meaning in all characters and the time and place the story happened . 1 A brief introduction of Nathaniel Hawthorne and Young Goodman Brown Nathaniel Hawthornes short storie

14、s are mostly symbolic, and he has been regarded as The master of symbolism.Young Goodman Brown is one of typical Hawthornes symbolic short stories. 1.1 Nathaniel HawthorneThe master of symbolismWith the publication of The Scarlet Letter in 1850, Nathaniel Hawthorne became famous as the greatest writ

15、er living then in the United States and his reputation as a major American author has been on the increase ever since. Hawthorne is a great romantic novelist in American in the19th century,and is a central figure in the American Renaissance. All his life, Hawthorne seems to be haunted by his sense of sin and evil in life due to his awareness of the misdeed of his Puritan ancestors. Reading his tales and romances, one cannot but be overwhelmed by the black vision which these works reveal. Evil exists in the human heart as is evident, for instance, in the short stories,Earths Holocaust , whic


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