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1、Module 5 DecisionsUnit 1 Its big and light.教案韩园交通希望小学 许晓琳一、学习目标:1 )语言知识目标: 学会heavy,light,broken, pocket等单词,并会使用。学会用英语描述事物的特征。让学生学会比较事物之间的不同,能够根据描述指出说的是哪一个东西。 2)语言技能目标; 能用 Its big and light. Itll be easy for you.进行对话交流 3) 情感态度目标; 有兴趣听说英语,做游戏,乐于开口,敢于模仿 二、重难点分析: 1.新授单词:light broken heavy pocket 2.新授句型:

2、Its big and light. Its got two pockets. 3 难点:学会用英语描述事物的特征。 三、教具准备: 图片,学习用品,录音机,单词卡,多媒体四、教学过程:Step 1:Greetings and warming up.Good morning ,boys and girls.How are you today?Im fine ,too,thank you,In this class,were going to learn Module 5 Unit 1Its big and light.Before our new lesson,lets have our or

3、al practise.Look,whats this?Yes,its an elephant,its big.(设计意图:教师提前准备好课件,在课件中出示不同的动物或事物,让学生说出他们的特征,进而复习以前所学的形容词,同时通过这个简单的活动,让学生们都张开嘴说英语,通过看图调动起他们的兴趣,时间2分钟)You did a good job,Im very happy.But yesterday,I felt sad,because my bag is broken.(设计意图:通过向学生讲述我昨天不开心,因为书包破了,进而引出broken这个单词,同时通过选书包,复习颜色单词和一些简单的形

4、容词)So I went shopping,and there are so many bags ,but I dont know to choose which one,can you help me?Lets see them together.What colour is it?I like red,and look at the bag,its got two pockets.(引出重点句型)(设计意图:通过这个环节复习以前所学颜色,同时引出重点Its got句型和单词pocket,通过师生对话,情感交流,进而解决了我的难题,Ill take the 同时教师借着这个话题引出本课课文)

5、Step 2:New lesson Thank you for your help.And I know our friend Lingling has the same problem as me,she will buy a new bag ,too.Why does Ms Smart want to buy a new bag for her?lets listen to the tape(1听,找出为什么玲玲需要买新书包)How many bags did the text mention? What colour are they?Whats the black bag like?w

6、hats the green bag like? Whats the blue bag like?(设计意图:在听的环节上,我分为听三次,第一次听,整体听,第二次,分段听,这两次都是带着问题的,第三次听,听音,模仿,注意学生的语音语调问题)Its time for reading,please read the text in your groups ,then show.(设计意图:在读的环节上,我先是让学生在小组内由组长带领,自主读课文,然后班内齐读,小组读,最后分角色读,南排读Lingling,北排读Ms Smart,教师读售货员,层层递进,检查学生读课文)Step 3:Practise

7、1、Talking time Talk about the things you take in your groups,then show,lets see who can describe more. (设计意图:组内介绍自己的事物,小组长起到帮助后进生的作用,同时采取加分方式,让学生多说,多想,激发他们的创新与合作意识,一个句子0.5分,充分调动学生的积极性)2、Role playWe ofen go shopping in our daily life,this class I prepared some things for you.look,you can choose anyon

8、e you like,please make a dialogue in your group,one is a sales assistant,the others are customers,lets see who is the best actor.(设计意图:通过进行角色扮演,让学生感受用英语购物,学以致用,同时,也激发了学生的创造能力,交流能力,以及口语表的能力和表演能力,很有趣的活动)Step 4:Summary and homework 1、 Read the text. 2. Try to describe some things.3. Do the exercises in Activity Book.五、板书设计Module 5 DecisionsUnit 1 Its big and light.The black bag is nice. Its big.This blue one is big and light. Itll be easy for her.


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