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1、英语复习资料一、英译汉1、 In other words, without knowledge of A-Ma, nobody can claim an understanding of Macao.换句话说,一个人对妈祖一无所知,那么他也就谈不上了解澳门。2、 On that location, the fishermen who had journeyed on one of the junks built a temple, in honor of the divinity.在那个地方,同行渔船上的渔民们修建了以圣女命名的庙宇。3、 By 2020, this silent dawn c

2、ould be occurring almost anywhere in the world.到 2020年,世界各地的森林在黎明时分几乎都会出现这种寂静。4、There is some hopeful news, however, as a few organizations, and governments are taking action.然而,鉴于一些机构和政府正在对环境采取保护措施,人们感到还有希望。5、My breathing is beginning to falter and I concentrate completely on my rhythm.我的呼吸开始急促,我全神

3、贯注地按着自己的节奏爬行。6、Just before sunrise next morning we climb the last few meters to the summit.第二天日出前,我们爬行到达山顶的最后几十米的路程。二、汉译英1、 保卫国家是每个公民的神圣职责。The protection of the country is the sacred duty of every citizen.2、 我想和你分住这个房间。Id like to share the room with you.3、 如果我们认为那样不公平,我们就会大胆地说出来。If we thought that w

4、as unfair, we would speak up.4、 政府正在采取行动来保护野生动物。The government is taking action to protect wildlife.5、平等互利是我们合作的基本原则。Equality and mutual benefit is the underlying principle for your cooperation.6、她马上认识到他在向她隐瞒着什么。She knew at once that he was concealing something from her.7、峨眉山有着童话般的美丽。Emei Shan took

5、on a fairytale beauty.三、ClozeSinger Celine Dion has eight years worth of hits to commemorate, 1) including the hugely 2) popular ”My Heart Will Go On” from the movie Titanic.Dion was born 3) on the outskirts of Montreal, Canada, the youngest in a 4) financially poor, musically rich family of 14 chil

6、dren. 5) At ten, she was singing in the piano bar owned by her parents.Now, at age 31, Dion is planning to take a long break 6) after completing a concert tour in 2000. “I want to have a 7) normal life,” she says.Dion is 8) grateful for her success but 9) longs for lifes more pedestrian pleasures. H

7、aving children is her foremost thought. 10) And she wants to cook, picnic, shop and swim.The market is a concept. If you are growing tomatoes in your backyard for sale, you are producing for market. You might sell some to your neighbors and some to the manager of the local supermarket. But in either

8、 case, you are producing for the market. Your efforts are directed by the market. If people stop buying tomatoes, you will stop producing.If you take care of a sick person to earn money, you are producing for the market, If your father is a steelworker or a truck driver or a doctor or a grocer, he i

9、s producing goods or service for the markets.When you spend your income, you are buying things from the market. You may spend money in stores, supermarkets, gas stations, and restaurants. Still you are buying from the market. When the local grocers hire you to drive the delivery truck, he is buying

10、your labor in the market.The market may seem to be something, its very real. If nobody buys your tomatoes, it wont be long before you get the message. The market is telling you something. Its telling you that you are using energies and resources in doing something the market doesnt want you to do.Ji

11、m, from New York, was attending a conference in Lyons. This was not his first trip to France, and he was pleased some of the French colleagues hed met previously remembered him. One evening they invited him along for dinner and began joking about the quality of the food. That surprised him. He thoug

12、ht the food was really rather good and said so, expecting the discussion to continue. But to his great discomfort, they then made some joke about food and Americans; and changed the subject. He felt somewhat excluded and didnt know what hed done wrong.四、填空1、 The old lady keeps her money at home beca

13、use she has a great distrust of banks.2、 He always feels uncomfortable with strangers and he prefers staying alone.3、 I like the direct and open style of communication instead of the ambiguous one,4、 We like incompletely cooked meat, not the well-done meat.5、 Dozens of flats were completely destroye

14、d during that storm.6、 Finally after ten hours of negotiations, the gunman gave himself up.7、 He gave Albert a dazzling smile.8、 It is an exquisitely crafted dolls house.9、 Population in developing countries has been growing rapidly in the past few decades.10. She sprained her ankle and walked slowl

15、y.五、单选1、 Its none of your business; you have no right to interfere.2、 I wish I could give you the answer to your problems.3、 To ensure greater accuracy, all invoices will be double-checked before leaving the office.4、 Peter showed her his draft of the report, and asked her suggestion.5、 Can you deny

16、 the truth of his statement?6、 We finally reached an agreement after a lot of hard bargaining,7、 It takes years to qualify as a doctor.8、 I dont really know how to tackle the problem.9、 He said he couldnt afford to retire from work and live only on his pension.10. It is considerate of you to turn down the TV while your sister is still ill in bed.11. It is important that you speak to the dean before leaving for your vacation.12. its about tim



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