英语影视听说Unit5n ot es

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1、英语电影视听说Unit 5Part 1 Movie ExplorationTask 3 (for reference)1. Becketts bosses claim he has been fired for incompetence and misplacing an important document for an important client, but Beckett is sure that its because he has AIDS. He considers that he is a victim of prejudice, and is determined to w

2、in his case even as his own life begins to fade.2. Because the law firm is so powerful and prestigious, and Beckett is a gay infected with AIDS, no other lawyers will take the case. After many rejections, with no one else to turn to, Andrew Beckett consults Joe Miller to help him pursue litigation.3

3、. Joe Miller represents the everyman who harbors homophobic tendencies. He doesnt like homosexuals, who make his skin crawl. He also has extreme fear of AIDS, and can hardly keep himself from wiping his hand on his pants after shaking Becketts hand.4. A chain of events has turned Millers emotions in

4、 line with Becketts case. His wife has a baby, from which he has learned what birth is all about, and then he has found out about death too. He comes across the ailing Beckett in the library. Seeing through the face of AIDS, he sees that theres a dying man there. Then he has a change of heart, recog

5、nizing a hint of familiar discrimination in the way Beckett is being treated. He is essentially homophobic but he is also against prejudice. After initial reluctance, he takes the case.5. Its a brilliant scene where Beckett tries to give a passionate translation of the aria La Momma Morta while Mill

6、er looks on in stunned silence. Miller isnt an opera fan, but as the music plays and Beckett talks over it, passionately explaining his acceptance of death in the midst of displaying his continuing passion for life, Miller undergoes a conversion of the soul. And finally, what Miller sees is a man wh

7、o loves life and does not want to leave it.Section C A Review on the MovieTask 4The movie Philadelphia is an excellent example of the severe prejudice and discrimination many people with AIDS are exposed to. And it shows how everyday life, work and mental health can be affected by this kind of situa

8、tion.In the movie, Andrew Becketts employers dismiss him from their company just because he (1) is a gay man infected with AIDS. Its really very frightening to realize, as Beckett does, that prejudice and discrimination can even come from those (2) who are supposed to help protect peoples rights, la

9、wyers! Beckett works for the law firm, and is an asset to their business, but they just dismiss him and try to make him look like a loser. They only think (3) having someone with AIDS working for them will affect them and their business. In their opinion it could ruin them. And when Beckett starts l

10、ooking for a lawyer to represent him, (4) many lawyers refuse him because of his illness. Most people are afraid of him. Even the man who finally represents him is initially afraid of him. And when he is in the library trying to learn more about AIDS, (5) he is asked by the librarian to go to a priv

11、ate room, which indicates how peoples ignorance can make them behave in a way they normally wouldnt.Although in the end, Beckett gets true justice, this is only a movie. In the real world, many people (6) suffer from this kind of prejudice and discrimination, sometimes to a much more serious degree,

12、 and they dont get the help Beckett has. Its really a terrible reality because it is probably happening every day. But what we can learn from the movie is that (7) people living with HIV/AIDS should also have equal rights in various fields to ensure they live positively in their communities. And the

13、 most significant thing this movie teaches us is that (8) we should not be too quick to pass judgment against people who, for whatever reason, are different from us. We should not judge people (9) from their health, financial status, color of their skin, the way they talk, their heritage or the cult

14、ure they grew up in. None of these things should matter. All people deserve (10) the same respect, compassion and right to live their lives in their own way.Part 2 Culture ReflectionHomophobia Homophobia is a term originally coined to refer to some womens strong dislike of men. It is now often used

15、to denote the fear of or discrimination against homosexuals. It can also mean irrational fear of or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals. Homophobic is the adjective form of this word. Homophobia manifests in different forms, such as internalized homophobia, social homophobia, and others. Internalized homophobia refers to homophobia as a prejudice carried by individuals against homosexual manifestations in themselves and others. Social homophobia is about an individuals fear of being identified as gay.


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