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1、毕 业 论 文 开 题题目:Influence of China and American Cultural Difference on Business Etiquette 学号: 200904100101 姓名: 陈容 学科专业: 商务英语 指导教师: 向玲玲 浙江旅游职业学院教务处制2011年10月15日浙江旅游职业学院专科生毕业论文(设计)手册系院 外 语 系 专业 商务英语 班级 09商英(1)班 学生 陈 容 指导教师 向玲玲 序号名称数量备注1毕业论文 (设计)任务书12毕业论文 (设计)开题报告13毕业论文(设计)文献综述14外文资料译文及原文15毕业论文(设计)答辩资格审查表

2、16毕业论文(设计)答辩记录17毕业论文 (设计)评分参考标准18计算机毕业设计评分参考标准19毕业论文 (设计)成绩评定表及评语110毕业论文 (设计)封面111毕业论文 (设计)正文格式图11.毕业论文 (设计)任务书专业 商务英语 班级 09商务英语(1)班 学生姓名陈容 一、论文选题方向: 商务英语方向 二、主要参考资料1. 单爱民. 实用礼仪英语M.北京:旅游教育出版社,19972. 艾天姿.张宇.国际商务礼仪英文教程M.北京:北京大学出版社,20103. 朱立立.吴芳.商务交际M.北京:外语教学与研究出版社,20074. 马玉蕾.苗瑞琴.英语文化与交际M.上海:上海交通大学出版社,

3、20095. 吴熹,陈悖.跨文化交际语言得体性分析J.江西教育学院学报,20066. 卞浩宇,高永晨.论中西饮食文化的差异J.京林业大学学报:人文社会科学版,20047. 汪清囡.中西文化差异对国际商务活动的影响及对策J.企业经济,20068. http:/ http:/ http:/ http:/ The article introduces the definition of business etiquette to draw out the difference between China and American culture. It analyzes from three asp

4、ects, including first meeting, table manners, wine culture, personal value and time cncept.The purpose of article is to help businessmen know differences of bussiness etiquette and make them have good behaviour to gain success. 四、毕业论文进度安排:分三段写: 第一阶段:选题开题阶段:2011年10月5 日至 2011 年 10 月 20 日;第二阶段:搜集材料、编写提

5、纲、写出初稿: 2011年10月 21 日 至2011年12 月 31 日;第三阶段:定稿与答辩阶段:2012年 3月 10 日至2012年5 月 24 日;五、毕业论文工作期限:任 务 书 发 给 日 期 2011 年10月5 日论 文 工 作 自2011 年10月 5日 至2012年5月24 日 学 生 陈容 指导教师 向玲玲 系 主 任 黄慧 注:1指导教师填写,任务下达人为指导教师,指导教师和接受任务的学生均应签字。 2此任务书最迟必须在学生毕业论文开始前下达给学生。2.专科生毕业论文(设计)开题报告题 目 名 称: Influence of American and China Cu

6、ltural differences onBusiness Etiqutte开 题 日 期: 2011年10月5日导师意见:选题成立,同意开题。写作之前,注意尽可能多地收集有关资料和阅读相关书刊,分析文章中所涉及或影响自己写作的问题和不足。写作时注意在论证过程的一致性,突出自己的观点和对该问题的理解,要有新意和突破。注意英语词汇的选用、词汇的用法、特定的表达方式和语法等,总之在表述时要符合英语的表达习惯.指导教师签名:向玲玲 2011年 10月 5日2. Opening Speech of Associate College Students EssayEssay Topic: Influen

7、ce of American and China Cultural Differences on Business EtiqutteDate: 2011/07/20The intention of this study is to explore the difference between China and American of business etiquette. A great number of people think it is not necessary to know it,but they do not know it will influence the result

8、 of a business negotiation. My plan to this research paper is to be divided into three periods. My first step is to collect some information which is related to business etiqutte of China and American. Then, I should have an outline of my paper. After my preparation, I will start to write my researc

9、h paper followed by the outline. The third step is to read and revise my work. My paper is also including three parts. The first part in an introduction. In this part, I will define the business etiqutte and give a brief introduction of China and American culture differences and root. The second par

10、t is the literature view.The third part is the main part. In this part, firstly, I will introduce the first meeting. Secondly, I will tell you the table manner. Thirdly, I will show you the thinking mode of Chinese and American. At last,I will tell you the personal value and time concept. The last p

11、art is the conclusion. 3Analysis of Influence of American and China Cultural differences on Business EtiqutteClass:Class 1,Grade 09 Eng. Name:Chenrong Candidate No.:200904100101I.Researching History & current state: The rapid development of science and technology is making the world smaller. Therefo

12、re, the relationship among countries is becoming closer and closer, especially between China and America. During the economic development of the globalization, the most obvious phenomenon is that the business activities between the two countries are becoming more and more frequent. However, because

13、of the different economic backgrounds, values, and religious beliefs due to cultural differences, the business etiquette differs from each other, which leads to conflicts and frictions in doing business. II. Problems to be discussed: In order to reduce the conflicts, people should know the differences well in cultures and business etiquette between China and American


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