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1、popular innovation, the much anticipated entrepreneurial atmosphere. Six is to highlight the strong comprehensive and strict guarantees, constantly consolidate the basis of the party building. As the biggest achievement in grasping party building, fully strictly administering the party achieved rema

2、rkable results. Cast soul guben caught idea. Adhere to the important mission of inspiring, gather the people with common ideals, with development achievements inspired people, conscientiously study the partys latest theoretical achievements, further carry out various types of mass selecting mode sel

3、ection, multiple trees and carrying forward the righteousness of fresh air, and constantly promote the development of positive energy together. Strict management of cadres. Developed has new promoted section cadres evaluation and debriefing approach, and township section cadres attendance report inf

4、ormed system and leaders talk talk approach, perfect has Township morning will system, specification has Township cadres management; according to good cadres standard selection cadres, set has heavy conduct, and heavy performance, and heavy grass-roots, and heavy public of oriented; research develop

5、ed party work supervision and grass-roots party assessment evaluation approach, formed has three level Secretary linkage caught party of pattern. Wind Su JI caught style. Carry out three-three special education and strictly investigate and called upon to inform the name violates the Central eight ru

6、les of people and things, concentration and control of frivolity and not as style, as issues such as cadres style continuous improvement. Responsibility to catch the independent Commission against corruption. Strictly implement the 3883 responsibility, and fully cooperate with inspections of municip

7、al party Committee, listen to the peoples congresses, Governments, CPPCC Committee, the County party Committee Standing Committee, Township departments mainly responsible for the implementation of responsibility briefing, step by step to carry out interviews, layers of conductive pressure, clean sys

8、tem continuously. 2015 work go hand in hand, with remarkable results, marked Twelve-Five collector of development success. In five years, the County in accordance with the effective strengthening four support and further development of the five industries, accelerate the construction of three major

9、patterns strategy, focused, hard work, and promoting the rapid, sustained and healthy development of economy and society, becoming the fastest-accelerating the adjustment of the economic structure, enhance comprehensive strength, significant infrastructure improvements, urban and rural . For five ye

10、ars, wrote on the event in the history of jingchuan brilliant chapter. The practice shows that in five years, must adhere to the development the first priority is not shaken, must adhere to the project driven strategy up, must adhere to the deep development does not stop, must adhere to a comprehens

11、ive reform does not retreat, must adhere to the strengthening work style building do not slack off,一、单项选择题 1.安全生产是关系到生产经营单位的大事。 A.全员、全面、全系统B.全员、全层次、全过程 C.全面、全层次、全过程D.全员、全层次、全系统 2.安全生产责任制是生产经营单位最基本的安全制度。建立的安全生产责任制必须符合国家安全生产法律法规和的要求,并应适时修订。 A.生产经营单位管理体制B.生产经营单位实际情况 C.政策、方针D.目标、措施 3.安全生产责任制是按照职业安全健康工作方

12、针“安全第一,预防为主”和“”的原则,将各级负责人员、各职能部门及其工作人员和各岗位生产工人在职业安全健康方面应做的事情和应负的责任加以明确规定的一种制度。 A.安全生产、人人有责B.三同时 C.管生产的同时必须管安全D.五同时 4.安全生产责任制是生产经营单位各项安全生产规章制度的核心,是生产经营单位行政岗位责任制和经济责任制度的重要组成部分,也是最基本的职业健康安全管理制度。它是从上落实“安全生产,人人有责”,从而增强各级管理人员的责任心,使安全管理纵向到底、横向到边,责任明确、协调配合,把安全工作落到实处。 A.方法B.制度C.内容D.程序 5.生产经营单位安全生产责任制的范围,到各级人

13、员的安全生产责任制,到各职能部门的安全生产责任制。 A.横向,纵向B.纵向,横向C.生产,管理D.直接,间接 6.生产经营单位的主要负责人是本单位安全生产的第一负责人,对安全生产工作负责。 A.主要B.直接C.全面D.完全 7.没有直接出现在生产经营单位主要负责人6项安全生产职责中的是。 A.组织开展本单位安全生产宣传教育工作 B.保证本单位安全生产投人的有效实施 C.组织制定并实施本单位安全生产事故应急预案 D.督促、检查本单位的安全生产工作 8.在建立安全生产责任制的同时建立安全生产责任制的监督、检查等制度,特别要注意发挥_的监督作用,以保证安全生产责任制得到真正落实。 A.职能部门B.工

14、会C.监管机构D.职工群众 9.职能管理机构负责人按照本机构的职责,组织有关人员安全生产责任制,职能机构工作人员在范围内做好安全生产工作。 A.制定,工作任务B.制定,本人职责 C.落实,本机构职责D.落实,本人职责 10.是安全生产法律法规和规章制度的直接执行者,职责是贯彻执行本单位对安全生产的规定和要求,督促工人遵守有关安全生产的规章制度和安全操作规程,切实做到不违章指挥,不违章作业。对本岗位的安全生产负直接责任。 A.车间主任,班组长B.班组长,岗位工人 C.车间主任,工人D.安管人员,岗位工人 11.制定安全生产责任制要根据本单位、部门、班组、岗位的实际情况,明确、具体,具有_,防止形

15、式主义。 A.可操作性B.预见性C.防范性D.可发挥性 12.生产经营单位应按照的规定要求设置安全生产管理机构和配备安全生产管理人员。 A.(安全生产法B.劳动法C.安全生产方针D.安全生产原则 13.生产经营单位的安全生产管理机构是专门负责的内设机构,其工作人员是_安全生产管理人员。 A.安全生产教育培训,专职B.安全生产,专业 C.安全生产监督管理,专职D.安全生产,专职或兼职 14.从业人员在人以上的非高危行业的生产经营单位,可以只设置专业安全生产管理人员。从业人员在人以下的非高危行业的生产经营单位,可以不设置安全生产管理机构,但至少应配备兼职的安全生产管理人员。 A.1000B.800C.500D.300 15.生产经营单位依据法律规定和本单位实际情况,委托具有专业技术资格的工程技术人员提供安全生产时,保证安全生产的责任由负责。 A.管理服务,工程技术人员B.管理服务,本单位 C.监督管理,本单位D.监督管理,工程技术人员 16.安全投人资金具体由谁来保证,依据该单位的性质而定。一般说来,


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