可 阅读与表达20篇

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《可 阅读与表达20篇》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《可 阅读与表达20篇(23页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、阅读与表达1阅读短文,根据内容回答问题。Bullies(欺负)are a big problem in schools. Every week, many children are afraid to go to school. They are afraid they will be picked on(找茬)by a bully. One study found that 52% of children reported being bullied at least once a week. Sixty percent say that they know someone who coul

2、d harm them. One student was always being teased because he was short. He didnt like to go to school because he had to face the bullies. Some children choose not to go to school at all so they can avoid the bullies. When they miss school, students fall behind their classmates. A new program is helpi

3、ng put an end to this problem. The program is teaching kids how to deal with bullies. This is helping more children feel safe in school. One school principal is working to end this negative(消极的)behavior. Last year, he decided to let students know bullying is not allowed there. Students are now encou

4、raged to report bullies and stand up for themselves. Those found to be bullies face harsh penalties(严厉的惩罚).Students at his school participate in a program called “Be Bold.” In this program, students work together to prevent violence(暴力). They do skits(小喜剧)and go into classrooms to talk about the pro

5、blem. They give other students strategies on how to deal with bullies. The principal says that the school has changed since he has addressed (重点提出) the bullying problem. But there are other steps parents can take to help their children with this problem. First, students and their parents should know

6、 the schools rules about bullying and what they should do if it happens. Second, children should be taught to stand up for themselves. They should try to resolve issues(解决问题) by talking them out. If the problem continues, parents and children should record each incident. Children should tell someone

7、 if they are being picked on. Many children keep bullying a secret. Third, parents should look for warning signs of bullying. These can include cuts and bruises, worrying, wanting to stay home from school, or a sudden drop in grades.(343words)65. Are many children afraid to go to school every week?6

8、6. Is the new program teaching children how to deal with bullies or avoid the bullies?67. What do the students do in the “Be Bold” program?68. How many other steps can the parents take to help their children with the problem?69. What is the purpose of the passage?阅读与表达2阅读短文,根据短文内容回答下面的问题,将答案写在答题卡相应题

9、号后的横线上。You may think that only children go to school but there are special schools for guide dogs! At school, of course, guide dogs do not learn mathematics and science like you. They learn how to help blind people. The dogs live at the school for six months and they learn about twenty words- words

10、like “sit” and “no”. These dogs wear a special coat with a big handle on it for the blind person to hold. Dogs can also go to school to learn how to help people who cannot hear. If a person cannot hear, we say he or she is deaf. Dogs who help deaf people must learn many different sounds. Then they m

11、ust be able to show the deaf person what is making the sound. When they hear a visitor at the door, the dog learns to walk to the deaf person and then walk to the door. And if a telephone rings, they walk to the deaf man or woman and then walk to the telephone. These dogs can also help deaf mothers.

12、 If a baby is crying in another room, the dog walks to the mother and then to the baby. These dogs wear a yellow coat to show that they are special dogs that are helping a deaf person. There have been many times when these dogs have saved a life. You may see in a newspaper that a dog heard a fire al

13、arm and lay down near the deaf persons feet. That is the sign for danger. The person knows that something is wrong and can go away from the fire. Special dogs can also help people who are disabled in various ways. For example, dogs can pull off their gloves or socks! Think how difficult your life wo

14、uld be if you were blind, deaf or disabled! But if you had a special dog like this to help you, your life would be much easier. 65. Can dogs learn science in special schools? 66. What do guide dogs wear when they help the blind, a special coat or special shoes? 67. What should dogs learn if we want

15、them to help the deaf? 68. How do dogs help a deaf man if there is a fire? 69. What do you think dogs should learn if we want them to help us more? Write at least two. 阅读与表达3阅读短文回答问题。(共10分,每小题2分)Everyone enjoys music but did you know it could improve the lives of sick kids? A famous musician once sa

16、id music could change the world! In fact in Australia, a scientist, Catherine, has made a music program thats been putting smiles on the faces of kids in hospitals across the country. It can make you happy, it can make you sad, it can make you want to get up and dance, and it can make you feel good and take away any stress(压力), said Catherine. For thousands of years people have believed that mus


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